Title: Valuing Closely Held Businesses
1Chapter 16
- Valuing Closely Held Businesses
2Revenue Ruling 59-60
- Original guidelines for estate and gift tax
valuation the classic definition of fair market
value - Price at which a property would change hands
between a willing buyer and a willing seller when
neither is under any compulsion to buy or sell
and both have reasonable knowledge of the facts
3Rev Rule 59-60 Valuation Factors
- Nature and history of business
- Company and industry economic outlook
- Financial condition of the business including
book value of stock - Earning capacity
- Dividend payment capacity
4Rev Ruling 59-60 Valuation Factors
- Value of goodwill or other intangible assets
- Prior sales of stock in the company and size of
the block to be offered - Market prices of stocks of corporations engaged
in the same or similar businesses that have
stocks actively traded in free and open markets
5Capitalization of Income Valuation
- Value of company determined as present value of
expected future income stream - Discount rate adjusted according to riskiness of
company higher risk higher discount rate
6Discount Rate Guidelines
- Low Risk Treasury Bill rate plus 5 to 10
percent - Medium Risk Treasury Bill rate plus 11 to 20
percent - High Risk treasury Bill rate plus 21 to 30
7Case Study
- Chapter 16 case study, Home Medical Care,Inc.,
illustrates application of valuation principles