Title: Bexar Regional Watershed Management Partnership
1Bexar Regional Watershed Management Partnership
Pre-Proposal Meeting for Bexar County Program
Management of Flood Control Projects FY2007
FY2017 Monday, July 30, 2007, 130 pm
- BRWM Background
- BRWM Goals
- BRWM Benefits
- Bexar County
- Potential Capital Improvement Projects
- Review Funding of Projects
- Bexar County Program Management Flood Control RFQ
- Questions
3Bexar Regional Watershed Management (BRWM)
- Inter-governmental partnership comprised of Bexar
County, City of San Antonio, San Antonio River
Authority (SARA) and 19 suburban cities - Committee of Seven
- Two representatives per County, City and SARA and
one from suburban cities - Watershed Improvement Advisory Committee (WIAC)
- 15-member public committee appointed by County,
City and SARA representing each Bexar County
4BRWM Goals
- Improve the quality of life for citizens by
protecting life and property and providing for
safe transportation during heavy rain and flood
events by effectively allocating manpower and
resources. - Raise awareness of flood control and water
quality projects and programs. - Provide information and education about flooding,
water quality issues and flood insurance. - Utilize updated technology to improve flood
analysis and warning. - Address water quality issues collaboratively,
rather than individually.
5BRWM Coverage Area
6BRWM Benefits
- Planning Documents
- Address Regional Flooding
- Develop a Watershed Master Plan
- Create Annual Editions of the Five Year Capital
Improvement Plans - Update Annual Capital Improvement Plan
- Data
- Technical Computer Models
- Strategic Financial Models
- Network Databases
- BRWM web site
- Identify which watershed you reside in
- Floodplain maps
- Potential CIP information
- FAQs
- dFIRM information
- NFIP information
- Other flood related issues and links
- Web site will be regularly updated
8Capital Improvement Projects
Leon Creek Watershed IH-10 near Camp Bullis and
La Cantera Rd.
9Bexar CountyInfrastructure Services Flood
Proposed 2007 Flood Control Projects
10Capital Project Prioritization
- To support the regional approach, BRWM partners
used a common set of factors to evaluate and rank
capital improvement projects - Proposed regional projects are reviewed and
prioritized by watershed to develop annual and 10
year CIP lists - Local projects remain the responsibility of each
local entity - Projects are chosen from the CIP lists for
consideration for funding - County is reviewing list for a potential Capital
Improvement Program (CIP)
11Bexar County Countywide Flood Control Projects
- Projects recommended by the Countywide Citizens
Watershed Improvement Advisory Committee (WIAC) - 56 projects at an estimated 572 Million
- Reviewed funding options for Countywide Flood
Control Projects - Bexar County Executive Director/Budget Officer
David Smith
12Bexar County Funding
- Certificates of Obligation (C of O)
- New financing tool available C of O
- Bexar County was the first County in Texas to use
this financing tool - 10 year Capital Improvement Program with several
3 year rolling plans - Inflation in project costs of 6 per year
13Bexar County Funding
- Certificates of Obligation provides for
- Flexible project scope and schedule
- Allows Bexar County to respond to changing needs
and/or emergency needs - Approx. 40 - 50 Million/yr in capital
improvement projects - No increase to overall Bexar County tax rate
14Bexar County RFQ
1) Question Can the Program Manager or any of
its sub-consultants submit for design
projects? Answer No. The Program Manager or
any of its sub-consultants are not eligible for
design projects under the Flood Control Program.
2) Question Will the Program Manager be
contracted to do the geotechnical and
environmental work? Answer The responsibility
of the design consultant will require the firm to
be fully accountable for project design.
Therefore, the design consultant will be asked to
provide (sub)-consultants for geotechnical and
environmental services. At times, for planning
functions, as outlined in Section 1.4.4 of the
RFQ and as necessitated by the project, the
Program Manager will asked to assist with
contracting for preliminary geotechnical and
environmental services to establish a scope of
work, design, and construction plan.
3) Question When will we know what firm has been
selected for Program Manager? Answer Staff
review and recommendation - Late Aug. to Early
Sept. Short list and interviews - Mid to Late
Sept. Selection - Late Sept. to Early Oct.
4) Question When will the RFQs for design
services be posted? Answer The design services
RFQs will be posted subsequent to the selection
of the Program Manager. (Late Sept. to Early Oct.)
17Bexar CountyInfrastructure Services Flood
Proposed 2007 Flood Control Projects