Title: City of Arlington Health Plan Benefit
1City of ArlingtonHealth Plan Benefit
- Introduction
- GASB Impacts
- Health Plan Benefit Alternatives
3Health Benefit Change Drivers
- Escalating health care costs
- Citys current plan design
- Workforce demographics
- Accounting and funding for post employment
- City hired the Hay Group to review the current
health benefit and to consider - How do our current benefits compare?
- Where is the market going in the future?
- Hay presented recommendations to achieve three
goals - Maintain Market Competitiveness
- Reduce Upcoming GASB Liability
- Moderate the Projected Increases in Health
Benefit Costs to Address the Continuing
Structural Deficit
- Impacts vary based on class of employee
- Almost 1,000 active employees will see a net pay
increase as their premiums drop - Remaining active employees and retirees will see
an increase in their premiums
6Difficult Balance
- Employee Impact
- Benefit Competitiveness
- Fiduciary Responsibility
8Governmental Accounting Standards Board - GASB
- Under Financial Accounting Foundation which
controls GASB and FASB - Set standards for financial reporting for state
and local governments - Recognized as authoritative by American Institute
of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) - State law requires that the City have an annual
audit and issue financial statements - External auditors follow GASB
9Failure to Adhere to GASB
- Auditors issue a qualified or adverse opinion
(vs. unqualified) - Bond underwriters are regulated by SEC and
require accurate financial information - City is subject to SEC anti-fraud provisions
- City must disclose all material financial
10Failure to Fund Retiree Health Benefit
- Lack of funding must be disclosed to financial
markets and rating agencies - Lowered city bond rating
- Higher borrowing cost
- As unfunded obligations grow question as to
going concern - Unable to issue bonds
11Health Benefit Alternatives
12Consideration of Alternatives
- Total Annual FY FY
- GASB GASB 05 05 Current
- 196M 20M 10 1.3M
- All alternatives increase GASB liability
- and FY 05 cost
- 121M 11M 3 300k Proposed
13Savings Estimates
- Annual savings estimates presented in the June 15
presentation are calculated - In Calendar Year terms
- Across all funds
- Representing best case scenario
- Annual savings estimates represented in todays
discussion are calculated - In Fiscal 05 terms
- On General Fund impact only
- Representing a conservative projection of outcome
14Savings Estimates
- Critical Contributing Factors
- Migration analysis (movement from or off
respective plans) - Further evaluation of current year claim activity
- Final Council decision on recommendations
15Plan Design Changes
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
16Prescription Drug Changes
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
17Rate Structure Changes
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
18Eligibility For Retiree Benefit Subsidy
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
19Contribution Philosophy - Employee
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
20Contribution Philosophy - Retiree
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.
21Contribution Philosophy Retiree Dependents
- Compared to the Hay recommendations, maintaining
the current benefit and/or adopting alternatives
has the following impact
A blank space indicates neutral or no impact.