Title: http:www'ed'govnclb
- Title II Part A
- Recruitment, Induction, and Retention of High
Quality Teachers and Principals
Georgia Professional Standards Commission
2Title II-A Focus
- Overall Focus Highly qualified teachers
- and principals
- Recruit
- Train, and Retain
- High Quality Professional Development
Professional Standards Commission
3Teacher Quality GoalGeorgia Implementation
Guidelines Section 13.0
- NCLB places a major emphasis upon teacher quality
as a factor in improving student achievement.
(Title I Section 1119) - 2002-2003 - All teachers hired after the first
day of the 2002-03 school year and teaching in a
program supported by Title I funds must be
highly qualified. - 2005-2006 All other teachers teaching core
academic subjects must be highly qualified by
the end of the 2005-06 academic year.
Professional Standards Commission
4Highly Qualified Teachers
- Applies to all public K-12 teachers who teach
core subjects - English, Reading or Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Broad Field Science (such as Physics, Biology, or
Chemistry) - Broad Field Social Studies (such as Civics and
Government, Economics, History,or Geography) - Foreign Languages
- Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Band, and Chorus)
5Highly Qualified Teachers
Major/ Concentration in Subject/ Content Area(s)
(Praxis II or Other State Certification Test)
HOUSSE (Veterans Only) To Establish Content Exper
Teacher Must Be Assigned to Teach Appropriate
Subject/Content Area(s)
6Highly Qualified Veteran Teachers
Title II, Part A
- Bachelors Degree
- Professional Teaching Certificate
- Major/Concentration in Subject/Content Area(s) and
- Passing Test Score in Subject/Content Area(s),
HOUSSE (100 points)
Teacher Must Be Assigned to Teach Appropriate
Subject/Content Area(s)
Professional Standards Commission
7Highly Qualified New Teachers
Title II, Part A
- PSC Teaching Certificate
- Major/Concentration in Subject/Content Area(s) and
- Passing Praxis II Test Score
Teacher Must Be Assigned to Teach Appropriate
Subject/Content Area(s)
Professional Standards Commission
8HOUSSE(High Objective Uniform State Standard of
Title II, Part A
- HOUSSE is designed to assess and document
competency of veteran teachers only
(Veteran teachers have completed a total of 3 or
more full years of successful teaching.)
9Paraprofessional Requirements
Title II, Part A
- Requirements apply to
- Paraprofessionals hired after January 8, 2002 and
employed in a Title I School to work with
instruction, - Paraprofessionals hired prior to January 8, 2002
in the above-defined schools have four years
(until 1/8/06) to meet the new federal
requirements - Requirements do not apply to Paraprofessionals
whose - major duties are to serve as a translator
- duties consist solely of conducting parental
involvement activities - _ provide assistance to children with special
education needs
10NCLB Accountability
- Adequate Yearly Progress
- Reports on Title I Goals (including teacher
quality) - All student subgroups must be proficient within
12 years (2013-14) - All teachers in core academic subjects must be
highly qualified by the end of the 2005-06
school year
Professional Standards Commission
11Accountability - Priorities
- School system must target funds to schools that
- Have the lowest percent of highly qualified
teachers - Have the largest class sizes
- Are identified for school improvement under Sec.
1116(b) of Title I-A Sec. 2122 (b)(3)
Professional Standards Commission
12Accountability - Annual Goals
- LEAs must meet annual goals. Failure to meet
goals for two consecutive years will result in
the development of a comprehensive improvement
plan. - SEAs are required to provide LEAs with
technical assistance. - If after three consecutive years LEAs cannot
increase the percentage of highly qualified
teachers and meet Adequate Yearly Performance
(AYP), the State must enter into an agreement on
the use of Title II-A funds.
13Accountability to Parents
- Parent Notification (regarding highly qualified
teachers) - LEA notifies parents upon request of teachers
qualifications - Licensing for grade level and subject
- Emergency or provisional status
- College major and graduate degrees
- Paraprofessional qualifications
- LEA notifies parents if students are taught 4
consecutive weeks by a core teacher not highly
qualified in a Title program.
14Special Education TeachersHow the NCLB IDEA
Applyand When?
15IDEA Reauthorization How the Changes Will
Affect You and Your School
16IDEA Reauthorization
Special Education Highly Qualified Requirements
Apply to
- Special education teacher working in a
consultative role with appropriate credentials
17IDEA Reauthorization
Special Education Highly Qualified Requirements
Apply to
- Special education teacher who is
- Teacher of Record for core academic subject(s)
18IDEA Reauthorization
Highly Qualified Special Education Teacher
- Hold special education license
- Obtain full state special education certification
- Can obtain through alternative routes
- Pass Special Education licensing exam
- Bachelors degree (or higher)
- Fulfill subject matter mastery requirements
19IDEA Reauthorization
Special Education License and Certification
- Cannot be waived on emergency, temporary, or
provisional basis - Exception for public charter school teachers
20IDEA Reauthorization
Subject Matter Mastery - New Teachers
- Rigorous state test
- Elementary Basic elementary curriculum
- Middle/High Each subject
- Coursework in academic subject
- Middle/High Only
21IDEA Reauthorization
Subject Matter Mastery - Veteran Teachers
- Rigorous state test
- Available for elementary/middle/high
- Coursework in academic subject
- Not available for elementary
- HOUSSE evaluation
- Additional flexibility
- Rural veterans if HQ in 1 subject, 3 years
- Science teachers broad or individual field
22Georgia Options
- Application of NCLB and IDEA for Special
Education Teachers
23Special Education in Georgia
- Service Delivery Models
- Service Delivery Programs
24Georgia Options (Proposed)
Special Education Certificate
- Consultative Special Education Teacher with
area(s) of exceptionality listed on the
certificate - plus
- Core academic content listed
- Current special education certificates will be
- re-issued
25Georgia Options (Proposed)
Future Preparation - Special Education Teachers
- Preparation in special education exceptionality
- Core academic content of at least 15 hours of
preparation - Courses for core academic subjects
26Future Preparation - Special Education
Teachers(15 semester hours content)
- General Curriculum
- Adapted Curriculum
- General Curriculum/
- Early Childhood
- Special Education/Preschool
- Deaf Education
- Physical Health Disabilities
- Visual Impairment
- Transition Specialist
- Communication
- Disorders
27Georgia Options (Proposed)
Currently Certified - Special Education Veteran
- Transcript analysis
- Praxis II tests on core academic subject(s)
- HOUSSE evaluation
- Courses for core academic subjects
28Praxis II Tests for P-12 Special Education
Teachers(15 semester hours content)For
children on the regular state assessment
- Middle Grades Praxis II Tests
- Science
- Math
- Social Studies
- Language Arts
- Reading
- Praxis II Secondary Tests for Academic Core
Content Area
29Praxis II Tests for P-12 Special Education
Teachers(15 semester hours content)For
children on the regular state assessment
- Special Education Fundamental Subjects Test
- Science
- Math
- Social Studies
- Language Arts
- For teachers who are assigned to teach multiple
subjects during the day
30Praxis II Tests for P-12 Special Education
Teachers(15 semester hours content)For
children on the alternate state assessment
- Early Childhood Education Praxis II Tests
- For teachers who are assigned to teach children
on the alternate state assessment
31Georgia Options
- Deadline for adding content to currently issued
special education certificates - June 30, 2007
- School systems must assess need and develop a
plan with each special education teachers to meet
the June 2007 deadline
32PSC Title II-A Team
Dr. Fran Watkins Director of Educator
Preparation fran.watkins_at_gapsc.com
Gerri Heard Title II-A Consultant gerri.heard_at_gaps
Linda Holloman Title II-A Consultant hollomag_at_bell
south.net Northeast GA RESA CSRA RESA Pioneer RESA
Angelia Davis Title II-A Consultant angiebdavis_at_ao
l.com Middle GA RESA Heart of GA RESA Oconee RESA
Dr. Jennie Rakestraw Title II-A
Consultant jrakestraw_at_gasou.edu Elizabeth
Zipperer Title II-A Consultant s.zipperer_at_worldnet
.att.net First District RESA
Skipper Stewart Title II-A Consultant fstewart_at_bel
lsouth.net Chattahoochee Flint RESA West GA RESA,
Griffin RESA, North GA RESA, Northwest GA RESA
Leslie Morrison Title II-A Consultant morrisondrl_at_
bellsouth.net Coastal Plains RESA Southwest GA
RESA Okefenokee RESA
33Title II-A Consultant Regional Assignments
34Administrators Tab
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