Title: Your Norfolk, They Said
1Your Norfolk, They Said!
2Your Norfolk, Your Say
- Consultation Campaign
- From February end of May still getting
responses through! - To ask local people about the 3 cross-cutting
issues - Raise awareness of Norfolk Ambition and the
County Strategic Partnership - Low budget under 15,000
3Our consultation.
- Aimed to
- Get qualitative information find out what
people think, not just statistics - Raise awareness of the CSP and Norfolk Ambition
- Work hard to include excluded groups
- Build on evidence from elsewhere
- Involve all our partners
- 21,000 requested
- Distributed through partners outlets
- Easy to fill in
- Free to send back
- Available in other formats
5Pack and posters
- 1,500 requested
- Distributed to schools, parish councils
- Encouraged groups to have a debate
- Norfolk Ambition
- Clickable postcards
- Also direct from EDP 24 website
7Video conferencing
- 5 schools involved
- Rural / urban interplay
- BBC Talking teenagers campaign
8Learning difficulties event
- Event for 40 people with learning difficulties
- Created collages please see display at the back
of the hall
9Media strategy
- EDP stories
- News releases
- Radio Norfolk Helpdesk
- Partners publications
10Young peoples video project
- We wanted young peoples honest opinions
- We thought the best way to do this was to get
young people to ask the questions - A crew of young people from Sheringham, supported
by freelance filmmaker, Michelle Savage, went out
in the streets of Norfolk - This is what they found out
11Your Norfolk, They Said!
- We set out 3 key themes these are the cross
cutting issues - - Making connections
- - Raising ambition
- - Rural Urban interplay
- Some of the cards were open to give people the
chance to feed back their concerns, so other
themes emerged
12Making connections public transport
- Public transport generated the most comments
overall - People wanted better / cheaper / more frequent
buses - Young people wanted later night buses and reduced
fares whilst in education - Improved rail links were also on the agenda
13Making connections public transport
- In Norfolk cars are by far the most common means
of transport only the local Post Office, corner
shop, bus stops, parks and open spaces tend to be
reached on foot rather than by car - Even for these amenities, significant numbers
still use their cars
14Making connections public transport
The overriding problem for Norfolk is the lack
of public transport. This months Lets Talk
magazine listed 100 things to do in February I
could not get to any of them.
15Making connections roads and cars
- - Dual the A140
- - Dual the A11
- - Dual the A47
- - Build the Northern distributor route
- - Some people even wanted a motorway!
16Making connections - infrastructure
- Expand Norwich Airport
- New Harbour for Great Yarmouth / ferries to
Holland - Regenerate Kings Lynn
17Making connections - infrastructure
Think big and bold! Not for the next couple of
years, but next 100 years. Norfolk can be the
leader in 21st Century transport, we have the
land now to develop an infrastructure.
18Making connections IT / communications
- Better access to Broadband / subsidised Broadband
was the biggest issue here - Better radio / TV and mobile phone signals were
also mentioned - Not just IT someone wanted just a better postal
19Making connections IT / communications
Until the whole county is able to use broadband
we will still be living in the dark ages,
technologically speaking.
20Making connections solutions
- More parking at stations so people can use the
trains - Have a real-time info system at bus stops using
satellite technology - Be able to buy a book of tickets at the newsagent
and click one as we board the bus - Retrain teachers in modern technologies
21Making connections tensions
More roads vs. no more roads Expand Norwich
Airport vs. no more airport expansion Better road
signs vs. fewer road signs
22Raising aspirations
- The majority of comments surrounded the need to
improve young peoples skills and encourage them
to stay in the county - Our special county to be preserved and promoted
- We need prosperity which doesnt damage our
23Raising aspirations
I am a young person studying in Birmingham. I
dont know many from my secondary school who went
on to higher education.
24Raising aspirations young people and training
- Research from the Learning and Skills Council
shows young peoples aspirations to further
education in Norfolk are based on their family
experience - Parental approval was motivating factor
- Low parental aspirations rub off
- Family influence greater in rural areas
- (Source Raising Aspirations to Learn 2004)
25Raising aspirations young people and training
- Lack of opportunities or grants - for older
people or single parents to train or re-train
were highlighted - Lack of transport to reach suitable training was
also mentioned - Low wages and lack of housing in the county were
given as a reason for young people not wanting to
26Raising aspirations leisure and culture
- Melton Constable
- Takes you casually by the hand and
- through golden streetlight mist bewitches.
- The smog of coal fires lurks
- down puddled back-alleys
- as parting words echo the streets length,
- lives interlink, doors open and shut,
- on a history unfolding,
- from railways long gone
- to allotments of new life.
27Raising aspirations culture and leisure
- There were calls to
- Establish a music festival like Glastonbury
- Erect an Angel of the East
- Support local theatre, cinema, and universities
- Build a major art gallery or concert hall
- Become a centre for eco tourism
- Stop underselling ourselves
28Raising aspirations business and investment
- Calls for more business opportunities
- Encouragement needed for entrepreneurs
- Seed corn start-up money for the poorer areas of
the county - Less multi nationals and more small businesses
- However.
29Raising aspirations business and investment
I do wonder just how many branches of JJB Sports
etc are needed in one county on the other hand,
why no IKEA?
30Raising aspirations
- Some aspirations were very humbling
- A house
- A job in a pub
- Getting married
- Disabled access to shops
- For Norfolk to remain a safe place for my baby to
grow up in
31Raising aspirations
In the next 20 years I would like to see Norfolk
perceived as a much more vibrant, forward
thinking place.
32Raising aspirations solutions
- Provide practical life advice and skills in
schools - Encourage enterprise which emphasises the
uniqueness of the area - Re-deploy redundant industry workers into new
green technologies - Out of school education easily available to all
- Access to more arts and culture locally
33Raising aspirations tensions
Economic growth vs. quality of life Greater
opportunities vs. a break from the rat
race Aiming higher vs. low wage economy
34Rural Urban
- Housing, planning and loss of local services were
the most common themes - Second homes generated huge amounts of comments
- Strong feeling of not throwing the baby out with
the bath water and destroying Norfolks quality
of life through raising our aspirations
35Rural Urban housing
Communities are impoverished when houses are
bought up by people who rarely use them.
36Rural Urban housing
- There were calls to
- Increase council tax further on second homes.
- Impose a quota in villages on second/holiday
homes - Develop local housing co-operatives for low cost
starter homes - Use local materials and ban large developers
- But also plea for more tolerance and acceptance
of incomers and the benefits they bring
37Rural Urban - environment, heritage
- An environment clean and fit for the future
- An environment for people and wildlife
- Saving our environment from over development and
coastal erosion - our heritage can be damaged by a modern look
38Rural Urban - environment, heritage
- People wanted
- Norfolk to become a centre for eco tourism
- Protect the Broads
- Spend more on coastal protection
- Support local theatre, cinema, and universities
- Build a major art gallery or concert hall
- Stop underselling ourselves
39Rural Urban - environment, heritage
Let Norfolk be. I love it because of its unique
character which has been lost in most of the rest
of the country.
40Rural Urban delivery of local services
- More things for people to do in rural areas
- Better access to essential services
- More community projects helping people to help
themselves - More integrated public transport at the times
people need it - Fight the demise of post offices, local pubs,
shops and schools
41Rural Urban - delivery of local services
- And from urban areas there were calls for
- Supported living for teenagers
- Improved safety
- Affordable leisure facilities
- Take away food shops
- Information about local activities
- Child friendly shops and restaurants (that dont
just serve pizza!)
42Rural Urban delivery of local services
Stop building big stores. Go back to local
trade, fruit and veg shops. Lets live as a
community society rather than consumer driven.
43Rural Urban- solutions
- More affordable housing
- Controlled development
- Re-direct agricultural resources to the rural
poor - More facilities in small villages and suburbs
- Diversity of shops and amenities
- Improved transport
44Rural Urban tensions
Affordable housing vs. no large developers More
small business vs. rural charm More to do vs.
lack of transport to reach it
45Your Norfolk, Your Say
- Most of the comments fell within the themes and
there was a great deal of consensus - People took it seriously and made great effort to
get their message across - We will look at our response to these findings
later - Before we go, here are a few of the comments and
suggestions that we found it hard to categorize!
46Your Norfolk Your SayGood ideas
- A Norfolk ale or wine in every pub
- Litter bins which sort recyclables
- Series of EDP features on good local food
producers - Become a centre for growing organic fruit
- More gyms for under 16s
47Your Norfolk, Your SayHard to categorise!
- Keep our Royal Family please!
- My recipe? Chargrilled sea bass with wild field
mushrooms, new potatoes samphire - I think Norwich is good but we need more girls
- Build a separate network for tractors