Title: TEMS Gradebook Initial Login
1TEMS Gradebook Initial Login
2Add User Specific Settings
3Upon logging in, look under User Settings and
click Add User Specific Settings.
4Set the Default Year after Login to 0910.
5Set the Default School After Login to your school
name. (It should be the only one listed.)
6Password Preaching Your password is to be
guarded with your life. Your password should be a
combination of letters and numbers. Do not ever
share your username and password with anyone. If
you need assistance with your gradebook, the
Technology Department can access your gradebook
without you giving this info out.
7Electronic Trail
8Same as Novell Password
Enter your current password, 123. Enter your new
password. We suggest that you use your Novell
password or your subweb password. (First initial,
last initial, last four digits of social.)
9Click Submit
Note If you forget your TEMS password, please
contact the Technology Office, and it will be
10You can return to the home page at any time by
clicking on the red house. Our user settings
will not be applied until we log in again. So,
please check the year and school on your screen.
12Special Scores
- Physically type in any special scores needed in
the grade spreadsheet. - INC
- X use when exempt from an assignment
- Excused
- Exempt use this special score only for EXAMS.
13Add Student Grades
14(No Transcript)
15The My Classes tab lists all periods taught by a
16To open a class, click on the blue class name.
Now all other tabs are accessible.
17Gossip Time!
18Before we begin setting up the gradebook, we need
to change a few preferences. Click on the
Preferences tab across the top of your screen.
19Scroll down to the Warnings section of the page.
(about half-way down)
Check the box for Prompt user, if assigning
score greater than Possible Points.
20Under Auto Save, check both boxes and enter 5 in
the minutes box.
21In the Comment Configuration section, you have
twelve district comments available.
22You will be able to write in your own comments
and associate them with grades also. But for
now, we will copy the district comments into your
23Select all district comments by clicking on the
first comment, holding down the shift key on your
keyboard, and clicking the last comment.
Then click Add Selected Items.
24The comments should copy to the My District
Comments side on the right.
25Under Parent Portal, check the box that says
Default setting for the Is Assignment allowed
to publish to Parent Portal checkbox when
creating new assignments.
26Click Submit at the top of the page when these
changes are complete. You should see a
confirmation that these have been updated.
27Now, click on the My Classes tab to return to
your class list.
28Click on your first academic class. (not an
advisory class)
29The default gradebook view shows all options. If
you would like to hide options, click on the
minus sign next to the label.
30Make sure that you leave the Assignment name and
Comments options open.
Also leave open the Final Grades column. (This
was on the far-right in Integrade.)
31When your gradebook appears the way you like,
click on Actions and Save Settings.
32Our next step will be to create categories. Click
on the Category and Assignment tab and the
Actions button. Choose Add/Edit categories.
33A few words about categories In the past, your
categories have included a Final/EOCT score. That
is no longer the case. This score will be entered
or populated in a separate place. (Grade
Reporting) The Final/EOCT will still be
calculated as 15 as usual. The following slide
gives one example of how this math works.
34Sample from CA Gray
The Final Grade for the class is figured as
follows CW (above) 85 Final/EOCT 15 100
35The grading period should be displayed.
36Choose the 1st 9 weeks grading period. Then,
click the drop-down for Select Courses and check
37 Enter the first category name on this screen.
These categories and weights should have been
determined by your department.
38Enter the weight for the first category.
39Set the possible points to 100. Click Submit.
40The new category should appear in the table below.
41The screen we are in now is ready for a new
category. Enter in your second category.
42Select all courses.
43Enter the weight for the second category.
44Set the possible points to 100. Click Submit.
45Third times a charm Enter the category name for
your third category.
46Select all courses.
47Enter the weight for the third category.
48Set the possible points to 100. Click Submit.
49You should now see all three categories listed at
the bottom of your screen.
50Pat yourself on the back. Youre halfway
done. We will now create the same three
categories for second semester.
51Click back on the My Classes tab. Choose a second
semester class.
52On the Actions tab, choose Add/Edit Categories.
53All teachers Please walk back through the
category process with me.
54Creating Assignments
55Click on the Category Assignment tab to create
a new assignment. (called a task in Integrade)
Note that you will be creating the assignment
for the class which you chose. You can see this
near the top of the page.
56First, choose the current grading period. Then,
select a category.
57For the Long Name box, you may be very specific
about the task. For example, Quiz on Verbs
Chapter 5. This name appears in the Parent
Portal. The Short Name box is more limited in
characters. Choose a quick reference name like
Verbs Quiz. This name appears in your gradebook.
58Choose an Assign date and Due Date.
(If you were to choose a date outside the chosen
grading period, TEMS will give you an error
59The Possible Points and Assignment Weight will
auto-populate based on the category that you
60Now we will choose the classes that this
assignment will apply to in addition to the class
you are in. To choose more than one class, hold
down the control (Ctrl) key on your keyboard.
Hold down Ctrl for multiple classes.
61Finally, click Submit. Your screen will change to
the gradebook spreadsheet and your new assignment
should appear.
62What If Teachable Moment If you should assign
the assignment to the wrong classes, you will
need to delete the entire task from the Category
Assignments tab. Click on the red circle to do
so and recreate the assignment.
63To enter grades for an assignment, click in the
first cell of the column. You may enter the
students individual grades.
64To enter students grades quickly, click on the
first grade spot, enter the grade, and move down
the column by using the Tab key or down arrow on
your keyboard. (not Enter)
65When you are finished entering grades, click on
the Submit button.
66In the event that you need to assign the same
grade for every student in a course, click in the
top box and enter the grade. When you click in
the first students cell, the grade will
auto-populate the column. Submit changes.
67For an overview of the student, click on the
students name.
68FYI To enter one students grades only, click
on the pencil beside his or her name.
69FYI To view the contact information on a
student, click the people icon.
To exit the resulting screen, click Cancel.
70FYI When that parent comes in for a conference,
you can show her only her childs grades by
clicking on the black arrow. This will grey out
the other students grades. Click it again to
show all grades.
71FYI In Preferences, we set grades to
auto-publish to the Parent Portal. If you ever
need to unpublish a grade, click on the icon
72FYI - If you would like to drop the lowest score
in a category, click the icon below.