Title: Socrates The EU Education Programme
1SocratesThe EU Education Programme
2 British Council
- Judith Hemery
- Director Schools and Teachers Division
- Sue Ling
- Director Socrates
3Different Players Socrates
- European Commission
- - Policy review and development
- - Evaluation
- - Liaison with National Agencies
- - Centralised actions
4Different Players Socrates
Technical Assistance Office Administration
relating to centralised projects excluding
5Different Players Socrates
National Agencies - promotion -
guidance - dissemination - management of
decentralised actions
- Encourage co-operation in education across Europe
- Raise standards in education through the European
dimension - Support promote innovation the exchange of
good practice - Support foreign language learning
7An overview
- All levels and sectors of education
- 2000-2006
8An overview
- 31 countries
- 15 EU Member States and 3 EEA Countries
- 12 Accession countries
- Turkey preparatory measures 2003
- Transnational projects
- Teaching training materials, methodologies and
courses - Training and mobility for educational staff
- Pupil/student mobility
- Awareness-raising activities
10Eight Actions
- Comenius - schools
- Erasmus - higher education
- Grundtvig - adult education and lifelong learning
- Lingua - foreign languages
- Minerva - ICT/ODL
- Observation Innovation (Arion)
- Accompanying Measures
- Joint Actions - with Leonardo and Youth
11Decentralised Actions
- Collaborative projects with the active
involvement of learners - Professional development opportunities
- short courses
- study visits
- work placements
12Decentralised Actions
- Managed by National Agencies
- advice
- selection
- contracts
- grants
- monitoring evaluation
13Centralised Actions
- Large scale collaborative projects
- Transferable outcomes
- Multiplier potential
- Managed by European Commission
- - selection
- - contracts
- - grants
- Comenius 1 - School Partnerships
- Comenius 2 - Training of teachers
- Comenius 3 - Networks
15School Projects
- Minimum 3 eligible countries
- Collaborative work on joint projects with
cross-curricular focus - Nursery schools to further education (ages 3-20)
16School Projects
- Up to 3 years
- Several class groups
- Active involvement of pupils in planning,
organisation evaluation of the project
17Case Study - School and its natural environment
- UK, Spain, Finland, Flemish-speaking Belgium and
Greece - Exchange of information on their local
environments by primary school pupils - Whole-school approach
- 5-7 yr. old pupils - water in the home
- 8-10 yr. old pupils - seasonal changes, local
animals plants, weather local geography.
18Language Projects
- 2 schools in partnership
- Joint project using target language(s)
- Pupils/students 14-25 years
- 2-week exchanges for face-to-face project work
19Language Projects
- 1 year
- Bilingual end product - e.g.magazine, drama
production - Priority to least widely used least taught
languages (LWULT)
20Case Study - Trainee Journalists
- France and UK
- Students from socially disadvantaged backgrounds
involved in international exchange for the first
time - Two-week exchange focussing on the production of
a bilingual newspaper - Dramatic improvement in language skills
21School Development Projects
- Aim - improve school management through sharing
practice - Minimum of 3 eligible countries
- All types of school covering the full age range
22School Development Projects
- School managers teaching staff
- Up to 3 years
- Topics - school management issues
23 School Development Projects
- Examples
- Anti-bullying strategies
- Equal opportunities boys/girls
- Health education
- Pupils with special educational needs
24Case Study- Developing Modules for Citizenship
- UK, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Austria
- Schools with pupils aged 11-16
- Different cultural traditions, citizenship and
ways of combating xenophobia explored - Development of resource materials on video and
CD-ROM to support the teaching of citizenship
25Benefits of Comenius Projects
- Communication Skills
- competence in literacy ICT
- language skills
- Confidence self esteem
- Motivation
26Benefits of Comenius Projects
- Awareness of citizenship issues and the wider
Europe - Enhancing the curriculum
- Cultural awareness
- Staff development
- Preparatory visits
- Project development
- Project meetings
- Teacher exchange
- Headteacher study visits
- Pupil exchange - Language Projects
28Elements of Good Project Application
- Realistic objectives (not too ambitious!)
- Detailed workplan budget clearly related to
workplan - Integrated into curriculum
- Active involvement of pupils
- Support of school management
29Elements of Good Project Application
- Age-appropriate tasks for pupils
- Evidence of collaborative approach to partnership
activity - Effective co-ordination
- Clear monitoring, evaluation and dissemination
30Starting out..
Partner finding
- PartBase - http//partbase.eupro.se
- Windows on the World - http//www.wotw.org.uk
- Contact seminars
31Starting out..
- Preparatory Visits
- Deadline - 1 March
- Further details http//europa.eu.int/comm/educat
32Comenius 2.1Teacher Training - Joint Projects
- Partnerships minimum 3 countries
- Outcomes - Training materials
- - Courses
- - Curricula
33Comenius 2.2Training Courses
- Multilateral groups
- 1 - 4 weeks
- Grants travel, subsistence fees
- Language Courses
- Language Skills
- Methodology
34Comenius 2.2Training Courses
- General courses
- Developing a European Dimension
- Cultural Heritage Identity
- Environmental Education
- Mentoring as a learning tool
- Strategies for inclusion
35Comenius 2.2Training Courses
- Comenius Course Database
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/education/
- socrates/comenius/activities/comenius2.html
36Comenius 2.2Comenius Assistants
- Prospective language teachers
- Support for European dimension across curriculum
- Authentic presence from another European Country
- culture, language, perspectives - 3 - 8 Months
- Resource available free to schools
- Promotes co-operation between adult learners and
their tutors - Supports a range of co-operation projects and
professional development opportunities - Aims to improve availability, accessibility and
quality of adult learning and teaching
38Adult Education
- Anyone over the age of 25
- Anyone between 16-24 not in initial education
- Any type of organisation working with these
target groups
39Grundtvig 1
- Joint projects e.g.
- teaching and learning materials
- assessment tools
- awareness-raising activities
- Direct involvement of adult learners in project
40Case Study -Parent Education Programme
- 8 countries
- Improvement of parenting skills
- Learning materials - 10 modules in 5 languages
- Tested by 100 parents in each partner country
41Grundtvig 2
- Smaller-scale, grass roots projects
- Non-formal, community-based adult education
sectors - Centred on adult learners and trainers, enabling
joint work on topics of shared interest - Practical outcomes e.g. websites, newsletters,
exhibitions, displays
42Case Study - Overcoming Social Exclusion through
- UK, Italy, Austria and Sweden
- Comparing and exchanging good practice in
teaching and working with marginalised groups - Targeting learners at risk of developing mental
health difficulties
43Grundtvig 3
- Professional development opportunities for adult
education staff - Courses, placements, exchanges
- Themes include citizenship, foreign languages,
Traveller education, European dimension
44Grundtvig 3
- Course duration 1-4 weeks
- Funding
- travel
- subsistence
- course fees
45Grundtvig 4
- Networks relating to lifelong learning sharing
good practice, disseminating innovation and
encouraging new projects - At least 6 institutions in at least 6 countries
- No involvement of National Agencies
46Case Study - Collect and Share
- 12 partners across Europe
- Promotes good practice and innovation via museums
and galleries, stimulating informal and
autonomous learning - Uses networks of museums to disseminate outcomes,
runs conferences and is developing a website
- Lingua 1 - awareness-raising activities
promoting access to language-learning
opportunities - Lingua 2 - development of language teaching and
assessment tools
48 Case Study - Language Resource Centres
- Develop network of Language Resource centres
sharing expertise across 13 European countries - Expand access to new languages new services
e.g. ODL new media - Produce Good Practice Guide support an
electronic network of LRCs.
49 Case Study -Bulgarian for Foreigners
- CD ROM, videos, audio cassettes, a text book and
a web site as an integrated Bulgarian language
package - Aimed at speakers of English, German, French,
Flemish and Czech
- Surveys and analysis of the use of ICT in
education and ODL - Developing ICT/ODL-based learning tools,
materials curricula - Assessing the impact of ICT-based learning / ODL
51Case Study - Virtual Environments in Schools
- Potential of Virtual Environments in Schools to
enhance curricula in schools - Teacher training modules produced
- Web site developed to disseminate outcomes
- Transnational network of teachers, trainees and
researchers across Europe established
52Centralised Projects Application Cycle
- Partner finding
- Contact Seminar
- Arion Study Visit
- http//siu.no/socpart
- Preparatory Visits
- Pre-applications 1 November
- (except Comenius 2.1)
- Full application 1 March
- Project start 1 October
53Centralised ProjectsFeatures of a Good
- Detailed planning
- Project aim clear and relevant to target group
- Needs analysis taken place
- Target group clearly defined
54Centralised ProjectsFeatures of a Good
- Balanced partnerships
- geography
- expertise
- range of institutions
- allocation of tasks
- Budget consistent with work plan
- Costs appropriate to size of project
55Centralised ProjectsFeatures of a Good
- Project management well-planned and sustainable
- Effective dissemination strategy
- Outcomes transferable to other users
- Strategy for monitoring evaluation
- One week multinational study visits
- 22 set themes
- Exchange of knowledge, ideas, experience.
- Opportunity for contacts
- Target group - multipliers
- headteachers (principals)
- inspectors
- local and national decision makers
- teacher trainers
58ArionExamples of Study Visit Themes
- School leadership
- Information communication technology
- Special educational needs
- Language teaching
- Quality assurance
59Other Actions
- Accompanying Measures activities supporting
other Actions - Joint Actions with Leonardo da Vinci and Youth