Title: Health Inequalities: Progress and Next Steps a critical response
1Health Inequalities Progress and Next Steps a
critical response
- Alex Scott-Samuel
- EQUAL Equity in Health RD Unit
- University of Liverpool
2Health inequalitiesUnfair or unjust differences
in health determinants or outcomes within or
between defined populations
- Equity in health
- Distributional justice from each according to
their abilities, to each according to their needs
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7Fundamental causes of health inequalities
- Phelan JC, Link BG et al. Fundamental Causes of
social inequalities in mortality a test of the
theory. Journal of Health and Social Behavior
2004, 45, - 265285
8Link and Phelans fundamental causes of health
- Health inequalities are caused by inequalities
in - power
- money
- prestige
- knowledge
- beneficial social connections
9Useful concepts
- Causes of inequalities upstream and downstream
- Focus of inequalities policies - universal and
selective / targeted
10Refocusing upstream
11Why are current policies for tackling health
inequalities ineffective?
- upstream policy based evidence making which
disregards health equity - outcome focused, selective / targeted health
policy solutions - downstream focus sustains inequalities through
greater impact on poor of competing health
risks - differential diffusion of knowledge and of policy
uptake continues unchallenged
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13Health Inequalities Progress and Next Steps
promising signs
14Health Inequalities Progress and Next Steps
promising signs
15Health Inequalities Progress and Next Steps
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18Prescriptions for effective health inequalities
- Acknowledge impact of all upstream determinants
of health inequality - Make effective though targeted policies available
to all and introduce future policies universally - Augment individualistic inequalities policies
with structural ones starting with the NHS
19Structural policies in the NHS
- welfare rights advice in all primary and
secondary care settings - abolition of prescription, dental and optical
charges - cheap bedside telephones and free car parking in
hospitals - reductions in NHS income inequalities
20Dr Alex Scott-SamuelEQUAL - Equity in Health
RD UnitDivision of Public HealthUniversity of