Title: CS2393 Topics in Software Verification
1CS239-3 Topics in Software Verification
- Instructor Rupak Majumdar
- Lectures Mon Wed 2-330, 6201 MS
- Office Hours Monday 6pm
- or by appointment
- Office 4531E Boelter Hall
- URL http//www.cs.ucla.edu/rupak/Courses/fall04
- Topics and Goals
- Prerequisites
- Course Structure
- State of the art
- More detailed course information
4(No Transcript)
5This Course is about
- Technology for analyzing software
- To make it more reliable
- Testing/Dynamic analysis
- Provide input, run the program, observe output
- Static Analysis
- Examine the source code
6This course is not about
- Software Process
- Software Project Management
- What programming language to use?
- Todd Millsteins CS294
- How to use the J2EE APIs
- Understand the current state of the art
- In industry
- In research
- Identify research topics
- Where are tools most required?
- Where do current tools fall short?
- How can we integrate static/dynamic analysis?
- Start working on these topics
- Course Projects
- Programming Experience
- Target languages C, C, or Java
- Tools Ocaml
- Programming Languages/Compilers
- Undergraduate level compilers class should be
enough - Mathematical Maturity
- The algorithms/techniques will often involve
- This is an advanced graduate class
- No text, but assigned readings from papers
- You are expected to read the papers before you
come to class - And participate in discussions
- Major project component
- 2 Person groups
- Identify a large and interesting piece of
software - Identify interesting specifications
- Verify that the software meets the specs
- Use available tools
- Most likely, the available tools will fall short
of your expectations - Heres where research comes in!
- Figure out new techniques
- I will have a list of possibilities
- You are welcome to suggest your own
- Can use the infrastructure from
- The Blast Model Checker
- Cqual
- Most projects will require both new ideas and
12State of the World
- Standard software development is simple
- Someone writes a program
- Someone runs it and checks that it behaves as
expected - Someone decides that it is ok to release
13Software Development Today
Decision Maker
14Software Development Today
Decision Maker
15Software Development Today
Decision Maker
Ok, everybody calm down, well slip the schedule.
Try again
It doesnt _at_! Compile!
Im done
16Software Development Today
Decision Maker
Now remember, were in this together. Try Again.
It doesnt install!
Im done
17Software Development Today
Decision Maker
Ok, lets have a meeting to straighten out the
It does the wrong thing on half the tests!
Im done
Thats coz half your tests are wrong
18Software Development Today
Decision Maker
Well try again, but please hurry up!
It still fails some tests we agreed on!
Im done
19Software Development Today
Decision Maker
Whoops the world has changed. Heres the new spec
Yes its done!
Im done
20Software Development Today
Decision Maker
21Key Assumptions
- Development and testing must be independent
- Specifications must be explicit
- Specifications evolve
- All resources (programmers, testers, time, money)
are finite - Human organizations need decision makers
- Examine each of these aspects
22Independent Development and Testing
- Testing is basic to any engineering discipline
- Design a drug, a bridge, a car,
- Why?
- Our ability to predict how our creations will
behave are imperfect - Well make misteaks, so it is good to chek our
23Software Engineering
- In what way is software different?
- Folklore
- Programmers are optimists
- Implying that programmers make poor testers
- Economics Programming costs more than testing
- Implying that programming is a higher skill
area - How valid are these assumptions, and how much is
due to the current state of the art in testing?
24Explicit Specifications
- Software involves multiple people
- At the very least, a programmer and a user
- But usually teams of programmers, testers, users
- Any team effort requires mutual understanding of
the goals - A specification
- Otherwise team members inevitably have different
goals in mind
25Specifications Change
- Why?
- Many software systems are truly new
- So initial spec changes as problems are
discovered and fixed, expectations change - The world changes
- What people want
- The infrastructure, OS,
26Software Specifications
- Software specifications today are
- In prose
- Imprecise
- Out of date
- Current specifications are not conducive to
automation - Not consumable by tools
- Without specs, there is nothing to check
27Software Specifications
- Without specs, there is nothing to check
- Well, there are specs at the low level
- Types
- Language sanity requirements
- Array bounds, memory dereferences
- Race conditions
- This is where we see automated tools
28Finite Resources
- Organizations must make trade-offs
- All goals cannot be fulfilled
- Because resources are finite
- s determine the relative costs among goals
- Goals that are hard to quantify pose problems
e.g., correctness, completeness - We have 2 months, 5 programmers, and 2 testers.
Here is a priority list of features. A feature is
finished when it passes all the tests for that
feature a programmer does not move on to a new
feature until all higher priority features are
finished or allocated to other programmers. We
start now, and ship whatever we have after 60
29Summary of the State of the World
- Software development today depends overwhelmingly
on the coder/tester model - Typically over half the cost of developing an
application is in testing - And mostly this testing is low tech
30Well Study
- Technology for analyzing software to make it
better - Static analysis
- Examine the source code
- Dynamic analysis
- Examine execution traces
- Testing examine input/output
31Reliable Engineering
32Software Engineering
Physics (mechanics)
Load, stress, material properties
Building blocks
Kinematics Equations
Numerical finite element methods
33Topics in Static Analysis
- Abstract interpretation and Dataflow analysis
- Symbolic execution
- Decision procedures
- Software model checking
- Concentrate on classes of bugs
34Topics in Dynamic Analysis
- Code coverage
- Test generation
- Test prioritization
- Fault localization
- Invariant Guessing
- Abstractions from tests
35Operational Semantics
36Simple Imperative Language
- Lvalues L x L
- Expressions E L n E1 E2 E1 E2 E1
E2 E1 E2 - Commands C skip C1 C2 let x E in C L
E if E then C1 else C2 while E do C X
f(E1,,En) return E - Programs P sequences of f (x1, , xn) C
- with a special function called main
37Notes on SIL
- Simple integer and pointer variables
- Structured control flow
- No memory allocation/deallocation
- Call by value
- Assume returns are communicated through a special
38Operational Semantics
- Values Val n (integer literals) a
(addresses) - State consists of two parts
- An environment ? Var ! Val mapping program
variables to values - A store ? Addr ! Val mapping addresses to
Values - Commands change the program state
39State Manipulations
- ?(x) Value of x in environment ?
- ?(a) Content of store ? at address a
- Updates
- ?xv environment same as ? but with x mapped
to v - ?av store same as ? but with address a
containing v - Operational Semantics
- Expressions ?, ? ² E ? v
- Commands ?, ? ² C ? ?,?
40Evaluating Expressions
41Evaluating Commands
42Evaluating Commands
43Evaluating Commands
44Evaluating Commands
45Axiomatic Semantics
- Operational semantics is an adequate guide for
implementation - Homework 1
- For reasoning about programs, axiomatic semantics
serves better - Idea
- Program ! Theorem
- Theorem is valid iff Program is correct
46Axiomatic Semantics
- Consists of
- An assertion language
- Rules for establishing when the assertions hold
- Example assertions
- There is no null dereference
- At function return, returned value gt0
- We shall focus on safety properties that specify
nothing bad happens (partial correctness) - We shall ignore liveness properties (something
good eventually happens) like termination
47Partial Correctness Assertions
- Assertions will have the form
- AcB
- This means when we start executing the command c
from a state satisfying A, either the program
does not terminate, or it terminates in a state
that satisfies B - A precondition of c
- B postcondition of c
- Example y 0xzyx z
- AcB also called a Hoare triple
- Partially correct Does not imply termination
48Total Correctness
- A total correctness assertion AcB says that
an execution of c from A does terminate in a
state that satisfies B - What are A,B?
49Languages for Assertions
- Specification language to say what correctness
means - Should be easy to use, but also expressive
- Must provide syntax and semantics for assertions
- Usual spec languages
- Extensions of first order logic (e.g., in
traditional program verification) - Temporal logics (e.g., in hardware verification)
- More exotic (Linear logics, BI logic, )
50An Assertion Language based on First Order Logic
- Assertions will characterize the state of the
system - Fragment of 1st order logic
- Formulas ? T ? A ?Ç? ?Æ? ? 8x.?
A ) ? - Atoms A E f(A,,A) E E E E
- Boolean expressions are atoms
- We shall add suitable functions f as the need
arises - E.g., sel(p) for dereferencing p
- Reachable(p, q, next) for the predicate p can
reach q through next fields
51Semantics of Assertions
- Assertions are state-based
- Characterize the state of execution
- Hence the assertion language allows referring to
program variables, store - Semantics of an assertion is a set of program
states - Examples of assertions that are not state-based
- x is live,
- whenever x1, it is eventually set to 0
- Write ?,?² A to mean assertion A holds at state
?,? - Well-defined if ? and ? define all variables and
memory locations occurring in A - Define ² inductively
- Omit ? for clarity
53Definition of truth
- ? ² true for any ?
- ?² e1e2 if ?² e1? n1, ?² e2? n2, and n1 n2
- ?² e1 e2 if ?² e1? n1, ?² e2? n2, and n1 n2
- ?² A1Æ A2 if ?² A1 and ?² A2
- ?² A1Ç A2 if ?² A1 or ?² A2
- ?² A1) A2 if ?² A1 then ?² A2
- ?² 8 x A if for all n2 Z ?² An/x
- ?² 9 x A if there is an n2 Z ?² An/x
- We write A ? ? ² A
- A is a set of program states
54Partial Correctness
- Formally, AcB if
- 8 ?? 8 ??
- ?,?² A Æ ?,?² c ? ?,?
- implies
- ?,? ² B
- And total correctness says, in addition
- 9 ?,?. ?,?² c? ?,?
- This gives a formal mechanism to check AcB
- Why isnt this enough?
55Why arent we done?
- The formal mechanism says
- Start the program at every possible state
satisfying A - Run the program
- See that on termination, the state satisfies B
- This is exhaustive testing
- Not feasible
- To check 8 x. A we have to iterate over
infinitely many n2 Z - Instead, we develop symbolic techniques that
derive valid assertions from other valid
assertions - An assertion A is valid if for all ?,?, we have
?,?² A - Write ² A for valid A
- We write A if we can derive (prove) A
- Ideally, we want A iff ² A
56Lecture 2
- Want to prove properties of programs
- Defined an assertion language in which to write
state properties - Defined its semantics as sets of program states
- Defined partial correctness assertions
- That link assertions across program commands
58Example GCD
- xm, y n
- while (x? y) do
- if x y then y y x else x x y
- x gcd(m,n)
59Partial Correctness
- Formally, AcB if
- 8 ?? 8 ??
- ?,?² A Æ ?,?² c ? ?,?
- implies
- ?,? ² B
- And total correctness says, in addition
- 9 ?,?. ?,?² c? ?,?
- This gives a formal mechanism to check AcB
- Why isnt this enough?
60Why arent we done?
- The formal mechanism says
- Start the program at every possible state
satisfying A - Run the program
- See that on termination, the state satisfies B
- This is exhaustive testing
- Not feasible
- To check 8 x. A we have to iterate over
infinitely many n2 Z - Instead, we develop symbolic techniques that
derive valid assertions from other valid
assertions - An assertion A is valid if for all ?,?, we have
?,?² A - Write ² A for valid A
- We write A if we can derive (prove) A
- Ideally, we want A iff ² A
61² vs
- ² A if for all program states ?,?, we have ?,?² A
(validity for an assertion) - A if in our proof system we can prove A holds
- Sound proof system A implies ² A
- Complete proof system ² A implies A
62Where are we?
- Have a language to write assertions
- Know when an assertion is true
- Will give a symbolic method to derive assertions
?,? ² A, ² AcB
A, AcB
symbolic derivation
A, AcB
63Derivation Rules for Assertions
- Usual ones from 1st order logic
64Derivation Rules for Hoare Triples
- Write -AcB when we can derive the triple
using derivation rules - One rule for each command in the language
- Plus, rule of consequence
65Derivation Rules for Hoare Triples
66Rule for while
- Rule for while is not syntax directed
- Requires a loop invariant
67Rule for Assignment
- Example Axx2x 5. What is A?
- A must imply x 3
- Rule
- Surprisingly simple!
- But does not deal with memory
- A x 5 xy 10
- Answer xy or y 5
- But this rule only gives y5
68A Little Practice
- Show that truexexe if x does not appear in
e - We have eexexe by rule of assignment
- Also true) ee, use rule of consequence
69Multiple Hoare Rules
- Multiple rules are possible
- Forward axiom of assignment
- Alternate Rules for while
70Axiom of Assignment
- Backward axiom of assignment
- Notice that we can substitute for x_0 in the
antecedent! This gives the simple form - Sometimes this is not good Flanagan and Saxe 01
- Derive
- true if y 0 then x1 else xyxgt 0
- x 0 while x 5 do xx1x6
- A while true do c B (for any A,B,c)
- GCD (Loop invariant gcd(x,y)gcd(m,n))
72Function Calls
- If there is no recursion, we can inline
- In general, assume each function f has a Pref and
a Postf - For each function, check separately that
73Memory and Side Effects
- Recall that Ax5xy10
- A should be xy or y5
- But we get y5
- Assertions do not have side effects
- We should remove side effects while creating the
theorem! - How can we do this without precise alias
information? - Trick Postpone alias questions
74Memory and Side Effects
- Model memory state as a symbolic map from
addresses to values - For memory state M, and address expression E,
write - Sel(M,E) content of cell E of M
- Upd(M,E,v) New memory state obtained from M by
writing v at address E - We allow variables to range over memory states
(so we can quantify over possible memory states) - Use special variable ? to refer to current memory
75Formal Semantics
- Values v n a ? (memory values)
76Evaluating Memory Expressions
77Hoare Rules
- Use memory expressions in Hoare rules
- A memory write changes the memory state
- Reason about memory expressions using McCarthys
axioms - Sel(upd(M,E1,E2),E3) E2 if E1E3
sel(M,E3) if E1? E3
- Ax 5xy 10
- Then A (x y 10)upd(?,x,5)/?
- (sel(?,x) sel(?,y) 10)upd(?,x,5)/?
- sel(upd(?,x,5),x) sel(upd(?,x,5),y) 10
- 5 sel(upd(?,x,5),y) 10
- if xy then 5510 else 5sel(?,y)10
- xy Ç 5 y 10
- Requires theorem proving using McCarthys axioms
79Program Verification
- This was the grand dream of program correctness
- For a program,
- Write correctness conditions as Hoare triples
- Use a theorem prover to derive the Hoare triples
- This failed!
- When do you use the rule of consequence? How do
you prove the implications - What loop invariants to use? What are suitable
function pre and postconditions? - No one writes code with these invariants
- Biggest stumbling block
- Then there is the issue of automatic theorem
proving - Manual proofs just do not scale
- Other objections Perlis
81Where are we?
- Have a language to write assertions
- Know when an assertion is true
- Have a symbolic method to derive assertions
?,? ² A, ² AcB
A, AcB
symbolic derivation
A, AcB
- If AcB then ² AcB
- Equivalently,
- For all ?,?, if ?,?² A
- and D ?,? ² c? ?,?
- and H AcB
- then ?,?² B
- Is it true that ² AcB implies -AcB
- In general, the answer is no (think
incompleteness theorem!) - There are valid statements about programs that we
cannot prove with Hoare rules - Relative completeness
- If the underlying logic is complete (that is, ² A
implies A) then Hoare logic is complete
84(Relative) Completeness
- Dijkstras Idea
- To verify AcB, find out all A such that
- ² AcB, call this set Pre(c,B)
- Verify that for one A2 Pre(c,B), A) A
- Order assertions by implication
Weakest precondition WP(c,B)
85Proof Idea
- Suppose we can compute Wp(c,B) s.t.
- Wp is a precondition Wp(c,B)cB
- Wp is the weakest precondition
- If ² AcB then ² A ) Wp(c,B)
- Then derive AcB from
- A ) Wp(c,B)
- Wp(c,B)cB
- by rule of consequence
- Notice we need that whenever ² A then A
- This is where completeness of the underlying
logic comes in
86Weakest Precondition
- Define Wp(c,B) inductively on c
- Based on Hoare rules
87WP for loops
- Start with the observation
- while e do c if e then c while e do c else
skip - Let w while e do c, and Wwp(w,B)
- Then
- W b) wp(c,W) Æ b ) B
- This is a recursive equation
- Domain theory tells us how to solve such
equations - What is a domain for assertions?
88Lattice for Assertions
- Bottom (least information) true
- Ordering A A iff ² A) A
- (Implication ordering)
- Completeness Take a chain
- A1 A2
- Let Æ Ai be the infinite conjunction (Note this
is not in our language!) - Æ Ai is the least upper bound (check!)
- Can Æ Ai be expressed in our language of
assertions? - In many cases, yes. We assume that it can.
89Solving Recursive Equations over Lattices
- Basic Idea Let z ? F(z) be a monotonic and
continuous function on a lattice - Then the (least) fix point a F(a) is given by
the l.u.b. of the chain Fi(?), i 0 - In our case, let F(A) b) wp(c,A) Æ b) B
- Check that F is monotonic and continuous
- Solution Æ Fi(true)
90Weakest Preconditions
- Define a family of wps
- Wpk(w,B) WP on which the loop, if it terminates
in k or fewer steps, terminates in B - Wp0(w,B) E ) B
- Wp1 E ) Wp(c,Wp0) Æ E ) B
- Wp(w,B) Æk 0 Wpk
- Question Is Wpk ) Wpk-1?
- In general, Wp is impossible to compute
- Can we find a sufficient condition?
91Example 1
- Consider Wp(while x 5 do xx1, x 7)
- Wp(xx1,A) x1/xA
- Wp0 (x 5)) x 7 x? 6
- Wp1 x 5 ) x1? 6 Æ Wp0 x? 5,6
- Wp2 x? 4,5,6
- Wp x 7
92Example 2
- Consider Wp(while x 5 do xx1, x 7)
- Wp(xx1,A) x1/xA
- Wp0 (x 5)) x 7 x 5
- Wp1 x 5 ) x1 7 Æ Wp0 x 5
- Wp x 5
93Sufficient Conditions
- Recall what we want to do
- We shall construct a verification condition
VC(c,B) - Assume loops have loop invariants
- VC is stronger than WP
- But hopefully sufficient A) VC ) WP
Weakest precondition WP(c,B)
Verification Condition VC(c,B)
94Verification Conditions
- Factor out the hard work
- Loop invariants
- Function pre and post conditions
- Assume programs are annotated with these specs
- i.e., while I e do c / I is the loop invariant
/ - I must hold every time before e is checked
95Invariants are not easy
- xm, y n
- while (x? y) do
- if x y then y y x else x x y
- x gcd(m,n)
- Quicksort,
96VC Generation
- Similar to wp
- VC(skip,B) B
- VC(c1c2,B) VC(c1,VC(c2,B))
- VC(if b then c1 else c2,B)
- b) VC(c1,B) Æ b ) VC(c2,B)
- VC(let xe in c,B) e/xVC(c,B)
- VC(e1e2, B) upd(?,e1,e2)/?B
97VC Generation while
- VC(while I b do c, B)
- I Æ / I holds on entry /
- (8 x1..xn.I ) (b) VC(c,I) Æ
- / I is preserved by an arbitrary
iteration / - b ) B)
- / B holds when the loop terminates at
an arbitrary iteration / - )
- I is the loop invariant
- x1,,xn are all variables modified by c
98VC for Function Calls
- VC(xf(e1,,en),B)
- PrefE/xi Æ 8?8 f Postf ) Bf/x
- Check the precondition (with actuals for formals)
- Assume that memory and return value are changed
- Check that function postcondition is stronger
than B
99Soundness and Completeness
- Soundness VC(c,B) ) WP(c,B)
- Completeness is trickier
- Show that it is possible to choose loop
invariants such that WP(c,B) ) VC(c,B)
100Program Verification
- Given program P with loop invariants and function
pre and post conditions - Generate VC
- Use a theorem prover to prove VC
- ESC/Java
- Wrinkles Annotations!!
- Annotation overhead too high
- For complex correctness properties, theorem
prover is no longer automatic
- The grand vision of automatic program correctness
has been abandoned - Completeness was abandoned from logic
- Sound analyses still require too much work
- But many of the techniques are still very useful
- Weakest preconditions
- Verification conditions
- If we could automatically construct those darned
loop invariants!
102Forward VC Generation
- Our definition of VC computes VC backwards
- Works well for structured languages
- VC can also be computed in a forward direction
- Also works for unstructured languages
- Also called symbolic execution
103Basic Intuition
- We shall use the forward assignment rule, keeping
the substitutions explicit - Set up a symbolic evaluation state
- ?Var ! SymExps
- ?(x) symbolic value of x in symbolic state ?
- ?xe updated state
- Write ?(e) as the symbolic expression obtained by
replacing x with ?(x) in e
- So far, it was like operational semantics
- Additionally, we keep track of the encountered
constraints - Two cases
- Invariant annotations
- No annotations
105Control Flow Automata
- For convenience, we shall work with a minimal
language of operations together with a control
flow graph - Operations Syntax
- skip x e e1 e2 assume(e) xf()
return inv e - Graph
- Directed graph, nodes correspond to program
locations - Edges with program operations
- Edges labeled with operations
- Graph encodes control flow
106Notes on Operations
- assume (p) has the semantics
- If p then skip else stop
- i.e., program execution continues to the next
node if the current state satisfies p - Can encode if statements as
- assume(p) c1
- assume( p) c2
- inv p is an annotation p is an invariant
- assert (p) has the semantics
- If p then skip else abort
- Says p must be true at the current program point
107Control Flow Automata
- Assume G (V,E)
- Write (v,op,v) 2 E
- If edge (v,v) is labeled with operation op
- Assume v0 is the function entry point
108Forward VC generation
- Define a VC function as an interpreter
- VC V SymbolicState InvariantState !
Assertion - InvariantState is a subset of edges
- VC(v,?,Inv) Ç(v,op,v)2 E EVC((v,op,v), ?,
Inv) - Compute EVC by cases
- EVC((v,skip,v),?,Inv) VC(v,?,Inv)
- EVC((v,xe,v),?,Inv) VC(v,?x?(e),Inv)
- EVC((v,e1e2,v),?,Inv) VC(v,??upd(?,?(e1)
,?(e2)),Inv) - EVC((v,assume(p),v),?,Inv) ?(p) Æ VC(v,?,Inv)
109Forward VC generation
- Compute EVC by cases
- EVC((v,xf(),v),?,Inv) ?(Pref) Æ 8
a1,,am.?(Postf)) VC(v,?,Inv) - where y1,,ym are modified by f,
- a1,,am are fresh, and
- ? ?y1a1,,ymam
- EVC((v,return,v),?,Inv) ?(Post(currentf))
- There are two cases
- 1. We see the invariant for the first time
- (v,inv p, v) ? Inv
- Let y1,,ym be the variables that could be
modified on a path from v back to v - Let a1am be fresh parameters
- EVC((v,inv p,v),?,Inv)
- ?(p) Æ 8 a1am. ?(p) ) VC(v,?,Inv (v,inv
p,v)) - where ? ?y1a1,,ymam
- 2. We see the invariant for the second time
- (v,inv p, v) \in Inv
- EVC((v,inv p,v),?,Inv) ?(p)
- (Like a function return)
112Putting it Together
- If each (backward branching) join point has an
invariant annotation, this terminates. - Let x1xn be all the variables
- Let a1an be fresh parameters
- ?0 xi? ai
- For all functions f in the program, compute
- 8 a1an. ?0(Pref)) VC(v0,?0,)
- If all these predicates are valid, then
113Putting it Together
- If all these predicates are valid, then
- If you start the program by invoking any f in a
state that satisfies Pre_f the program will
execute such that - At all inv p, the p holds
- If the function returns then Post_f holds
- Assume-guarantee reasoning
- Assume the behavior of each function
- Check each function, with assumptions about its
inv(x 6)
- Pre x 0
- Loop inv x 6
- if xgt5 goto End
- x x1
- Goto Loop
- End return
- Post x 6
asm(x 5)
inv(x 6)
- 8 a.a 0) /Pre/
- a 6 Æ / inv /
- 8 a.a 6)
- VC(v,?,e)
asm(x 5)
inv(x 6)
- 8 a.a 0) /Pre/
- a 6 Æ / inv /
- 8 a.a 6)
- ((agt5Æ a6)
- Ç / If /
- (a 5 Æ
- a1 6))
asm(x 5)
117VC and Invariants
- Consider
- x 0 while I x 5 do x x6
- VC x 0) I(x) Æ
- 8 x.I(x))
- (xgt5Æ x6) Ç (x 5Æ I(x1))
- There are three requirements
- I holds on entry 8 x.x 0) I(x)
- Preserved by the body 8 x.I(x)Æ x 5 ) I(x1)
- Useful (proves the postcondition) 8 x.I(x)Æ xgt5 )
x6 - Check that I(x) x 6 satisfies all three
118Problems with VCs
- Invariant annotations
- VC can be exponential in size
- There can be a conjunct for every program path
- if(xlt0) x-x if (x 10) xx10 else xx-10
- VC
- xlt0 Æ x 10 ) P(-x10)
- xlt0 Æ xgt10) P(-x-10)
- x 0 Æ x 10) P(x10)
- x 0 Æ xgt10 ) P(x-10)
- Substituting at assignments can make formulas
very large - X0 y y
- X1 X0X0
- Xn Xn-1 Xn-1
119Symbolic Execution as a Debugging Tool
- Suppose there are no annotations
- Can still use symbolic execution as a debugging
tool - Sacrifice completeness for usability
- Drop paths
- At a branch point, choose one path
- Iterate through loops a fixed number of times
- At each point, check current symbolic state for
assertion violations - Prefix, variations of ESC, some analyses in gcc
120Memory Simplifications
- McCarthys axioms simpified
- sel(upd(M,E1,E2),E3)
- E2 if E1 obviously E3
- sel(M,E3) if E1 obviously? E3
- fresh p otherwise
- The meaning of obviously varies
- Addresses of distinct globals different
- Syntactic checks
- Verification conditions
- Symbolically express the semantics of the program
- Independent of language
- Can be computed forward or backward
- Problem for sound analysis requires invariants