Title: Title one slide
1Title(one slide)
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3Type your essential question here.(one slide
with picture)
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5Vocabulary(2-3 slides)
- You will likely use 4-5 words (or more?) in your
presentation that you have come to understand as
a result of your research. But your audience
needs to be familiar with them too. Define
and/or give examples and/or use in a sentence, on
the following 2-3 slides. Include pictures. If
it makes more sense to separate and place these
slides as the topics come up, that works too.
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9Background(2-3 slides)
- You will need to explain some background
information for your audience to understand what
you are talking about later. For example, how a
wind turbine works, how a hybrid car engine
works, how ethanol is made, some history of
recycling, hydropower, or a polar bears normal
life habits or cycles. Include pictures
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13The main issue(one slide)
- What is the rest of your presentation going to be
about? (ex Heres why ice shelf recession is a
concern for humans . . .)or What phenomenon or
situation is the concern about and why? (ex
climate change is leading to more disease
organisms)or What is the problem that seems to
need solving? (ex There are some pros and cons)
Include picture, graph, chart, or other graphic.
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15The bulk of your information will fill the next
4-6 slides. Include maps, charts, pie graphs,
line graphs, bar graphs, pictures to illustrate
the facts. Some slides may be pros or
advantages, while others are cons or
disadvantages. Or slides may contain several
examples of a situation or topic.
16- You may want to organize this part so that a
slide or two is devoted to each of the subtopics
from your Inspiration outline.
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- Who did you interview and why? How did you find
him/her? This should be a separate slide, but
you may want to incorporate quotes and info in
the preceding (the ones before this) slides.
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25What did you ask and/or what did you learn?
- You may summarize your questions, but be specific
about what information they gave you.
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30Experimental design
- Briefly describe your materials and steps.
- Illustrate with a photograph or drawing of your
set-up and a few key steps, but summarize your
procedure verbally.
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32Data and results
- Show data table and give your interpretation of
the results verbally (what does the data mean?)
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- Repeat the experimental question
- Answer the experimental question
- How does this relate to your topic?
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- Who did you survey? That is, ages or other
specific about the group, number of people, etc. - Where did you conduct the survey?
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38Survey Questions
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- Summarize the answers to each question (a table
or chart may be appropriate), and make a
concluding statement or two about what the survey
showed you. (ex 15 people said yes, and 25 said
no, so in general I learned that people my age
are more likely to think . . . .)
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- Draw together 3-4 main points from what you
learned through your research. This slide should
transition you nicely to the next slide, where
you will try to answer your essential question.
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45Restate your essential question here.
- Sum up your main points into a concluding
statement that attempts to answer the question.
It may include 2 3 statements of thought.
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- Include an end slide, with a meaningful graphic,
and leave the audience with a special thought or
quote that brings clear closure to your
presentation. You may simply write Thank you, or
The End,
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