Urban Transportation Infrastructure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Urban Transportation Infrastructure


Car ownership is growing disproportionately ... Car-centric infrastructure development results in in-sufficient and in-efficient ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Urban Transportation Infrastructure

Urban Transportation Infrastructure Integrating
Strategies for Local and Global Issues
21-23 April 2008, Ulsan City, Republic of Korea
  • Prof. Sudhakar YEDLA
  • University of Ulsan
  • South Korea

Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
(IGIDR), Mumbai, INDIA
Asia is Growing and Urbanizing
More than half of it lives in China and India
  • Almost 2/3 of world population lives in Asia

Currently 35 of Asian population is URBAN
Expected to reach 50 by 2025
Number of mega cities is growing fast in Asia

No. of Mega Cities 1950 1975 2000
World 1 5 17
Asia 0 2 11
Seven out of top 10 BIG cities are in Asia
Population densities are 50 higher compared to
world averages
Asia is growing and urbanizing rapidly
Asia is Growing and Urbanizing
Number and importance of cities is on rise
Their economic contribution is increasing
Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output Urbanization and Economic Output
Country Malaysia Thailand Philippines PRC Indonesia Sri Lanka Bangladesh India Vietnam Pakistan
Urban Share of GDP (2004) 90 90 86 85 83 83 79 78 78 77
Contribution of service sector is on rise which
is essentially urban centric
Increasing services sector results in increased
transport activity in urban centers
Therefore, development of transportation
infrastructure in urban areas is of high priority
in Asian cities
Urban Transportation Infrastructure in Asia
Transportation infrastructure development is
prioritized in the Asian developing countries
Summary of infrastructure access indicators Summary of infrastructure access indicators Summary of infrastructure access indicators
  Road density (population) Road density (area)
PRC 1.4 189
India 3.2 1115
Indonesia 1.7 203
Vietnam 1.2 287
Pakistan 1.8 334
Bangladesh 1.6 1594
  • Urban Transportation infrastructure needs huge
  • Road transport is only second to electricity
  • South Asias new investment needs for the period
    2005-10 are 28.1 billion USD _at_3.06 GDP

Infrastructure investments and Maintenance in East Asia, 2006-2010  Infrastructure investments and Maintenance in East Asia, 2006-2010  Infrastructure investments and Maintenance in East Asia, 2006-2010  Infrastructure investments and Maintenance in East Asia, 2006-2010 
Sector Investment (GDP) Maintenance (GDP) Total (GDP)
Electricity 2.4 1 3.4
Telecom 0.5 0.4 0.9
Roads 0.9 0.4 1.3
Rail 0 0.1 0.1
Water 0.1 0.2 0.3
Sanitation 0.1 0.2 0.3
Total 4 2.3 6.3
Urban Transportation Infrastructure in Asia
  • Car ownership is growing disproportionately
  • In spite of increasing road length, cars/km road
    length is increasing which leads to severe
    congestion in urban centers of this region

Urban Transportation Infrastructure in Asia
Share of Population Living in Slums   Share of Population Living in Slums  
Country Percentage
Malaysia 2
Thailand 2
PRC 38
Philippines 44
Sri Lanka 14
Indonesia 23
India 56
Vietnam 47
Pakistan 74
Bangladesh 85
  • About 40 urban population in this region lives
    in Slums (540 million)

In South Asia 31 population (2002) lives at a
daily income less than a dollar and 77 at less
than 2 US
Major modes of mobility for these sections of
people are public transport and walking
Infrastructure Development Is it Sustainable?
Typical characteristics are -
  • Infrastructure is motor vehicle oriented (no
    footpaths, NMT facilities)

Lack of long term urban planning
Lack of integration with important domains such
as land use pattern, urban transportation
planning and city planning
Car-centric infrastructure development results in
in-sufficient and in-efficient public transport
leaving weaker sections of the societies
unattended of their mobility needs (issue of
Completely marginalized non-motorized modes of
transportation in infrastructure development plans
Infrastructure Development Is it Sustainable?
It is not sustainable for the reasons
  • Infrastructure provides foundation for the
    present and future production and consumption

Infrastructure determines the energy consumption
and environmental emissions (including green
house gases) from various sectors including
It determines the degree of human vulnerability
to various disasters
It effects directly by means of intensive
resources use and indirectly by locking into
consumption patters of people for longer periods.
Thus the choice is very important for efficient
delivery of services to people and also to have
control over environmental impacts
Asian developing countries with rapid economic
growth patterns have been pooling up for
infrastructure development ? with the present
approach of infrastructure development, Cities
which are responsible for 75 energy use and GHG
emissions and housing 40 populations in slums
can chock themselves into un-sustainable patterns
of energy consumption and pollution and GHG
Infrastructure Development Is it Sustainable?
Lack of integrated planning and investment in
public transportation can result in high social
and economic costs
Transportation is an important sector for
economic activity of cities and traffic
congestion costs influence competitiveness of
urban areas ? Many Asian cities suffer from high
traffic congestion costs, which can be as high as
10 of GDP
Lack of attention to environmental and social
aspects in infrastructure development reduces the
profitability of investments in infrastructure as
well as opportunities for contributing to
economic growth and improving quality of life
Poor planning and development of infrastructure
can turn Asian cities into centers of
Infrastructure Development Is it Sustainable?
Improved infrastructure along with other factors
results in the control of environmental
Environmental deterioration increases with
economic development
Turning Point Income
Due to high intensity growth in Asia, the
environmental deterioration could be faster
resulting in higher peak value before the
necessary infrastructure is developed to control
environmental deterioration
Infrastructure develops with the ascending
development path
Environmental Decay
Environmental Improvement
Therefore, infrastructure development in Asian
cities needs to be inclusive and quicker
Per capita Income
Typical Environment Kuznets Curve
Infrastructure Development How to make it
Build Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
rather than for mobility of cars
Promote NMT, Augment public transport, and
facilitate walking
Integrate transportation infrastructure
development with city planning and changing land
use patterns
De-centralization, de-congestion, urban forestry
Ensure equity in investment
Increase the share and quality of public
transport while avoiding free riding by
personal vehicle owners
Apply economic instruments to control the use of
personal modes of transport and also to raise
funds to augmenting public transport
Development of paid parking lots proper pricing
of public transport services, auctioning of
licenses, toll, congestion tax etc.
Significant funds can be raised by charging all
cars in Ulsan for their parking they free ride
on public roads
Infrastructure Development How to make it
Integrate energy conservation and climate change
concerns into infrastructure planning and
Develop infrastructure in a way to control travel
activity promote efficient technologies develop
infrastructure for cleaner and climate friendly
fuels and engine technologies develop
infrastructure to ensure proper OM of vehicles
  • Consider long terms energy, environmental and
    climate implications while planning for long term
    infrastructure investments in urban

Inefficient Urban transportation infrastructure
can lead to higher GHG emissions, negative
effects on economic growth contribute
significantly to air and noise pollution result
in inefficient use of resources
Sustainable mobility Contributions towards
Eco-efficiency of cities Control of GHG
emissions Augmenting economic growth
Infrastructure to Promote NMT Control
travel activity Improve engine efficiency
Improve fuel quality
Co-benefits approach (Evaluate all ancillary
and co-benefits)
With least incremental cost
Infrastructure Development An Integrated
Long term planning includes integrated
infrastructure development for sustainable
Short term measures !!!
Assess co-benefits and conduct complete
Benefit-Cost Analysis of various retrofitting
measures to the existing projects
Incorporate NMT specifics in the road
construction (marking of lanes for NMT making
intersections bicycle friendly designing and
providing sufficient footpaths etc. Augment with
NMT support elements such as bicycle parking at
public transport points rent a bike schemes etc.
Existing/ongoing urban and transportation
infrastructure projects
Can lead to substantial GHG benefits at a very
low marginal abatement cost (MAC) which is an
encouraging fact for global carbon market
  • Such short term measures were assessed in the
    case of Mumbai

Infrastructure Development An Integrated
Efficient Mass Rapid Transit System with a well
spread network of metro rail and bus catering for
the Primary Leg
Primary Leg
12 million population 48 in slums
severe space limitations
higher per capita income
severe congestion
Walking, bus and other modes of transport cater
for the Access Leg (avg. 2.3 km)
Access and Regress Leg
Poor quality service
Predominant quasi-public mode
Mumbai Urban Infrastructure Project (MUIP)
Bombay Urban Transport Project (BUTP)
Mumbai Urban Development Project (MUDP)
Mumbai Urban Transportation Project (MUTP)
With very insignificant share of daily trips
coming from the bicycles, the Access Leg (and to
an extent Egress Leg) provides a wide scope for
furthering NMT usage in Mumbai
Infrastructure Development An Integrated
Incremental cost analysis of initiatives such
as - making all roads NMT complaint - replace
all 3-wheelers with NMT (catering for access leg)
- providing bi-cycle stand at all rail
stations - Capacity building measures
Indicative estimation of cost benefits of
initiatives to promote NMT viz. capacity building
and provision of infrastructure revealed that
promotion of NMT has substantial benefits both in
the form of GHG and local emissions control
Initiative to provide basic infrastructure like
converting the existing roads into NMT friendly
ones, bicycle stands at all rail stations and
modernizing road intersections for NMT usage was
found to be costing in the range of US 15 to 136
million Marginal Abatement cost was found to be
in the range of US 2-7 per ton of carbon reduced
Infrastructure Development An Integrated
Both MUTP and MUIP considers only moving
vehicles ? promoting NMT by targeting Access Leg
and Egress Leg would make these infrastructure
initiatives more sustainable
Providing separate (painted) bicycle lanes and
bicycle parking places at all metro (rail) and
bus stations can be included with least marginal
Due to the fast moving nature of Mumbai and
predominance of urban poor, inter-model
integration was found to be a better solution
under which various policy combinations covering
different travel modes are clustered to develop a
policy package
Inter-model integrated system needs to be
assessed for their benefits (and Co-benefits) in
terms of - affordability of transport for low
income urban groups (as income spent) -
reduction in congestion - energy saving -
control of CO2 and other emissions
Global Environmental Facility (GEF) projects can
be encouraged as this would involve substantial
GHG reductions
Points to Make !!!
Re-orient UT infrastructure development for
MOBILITY rather than for MOTORS
Integrated approach towards sustainable mobility
Apply Economic Instruments to control travel
activity by personal vehicles and also to
generate financial resource to augment
infrastructure development
  • Adopt Co-benefits approach to attract more
    international funding for UT infrastructure

Infrastructure development for Inter-model
transport system may be considered for long-term
Simple but effective measures to control
motorized traffic may be incorporated in the
ongoing infrastructure projects subjected to
their minimal incremental costs
Thank You
Email sudhakar_at_igidr.ac.in Home
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