Title: OMBC GTP 1999
1Working in Partnership
- OMBC GTP 1999
- To encourage modal shift from car to more
sustainable modes - Journey to and from work
- Protocol for business journeys
2Ticketing Initiatives
- Discounted Ticketing Scheme
- Return Journey Vouchers
- Newly launched FIRSTMonth
- Reduction in number of car journeys for business
travel - Savings on car mileage claims
- Increase in bus patronage during working hours
- Led to Oldham PJPP
4Oldham P.J.P. Project
- One of fourteen pilot projects nationally
- Part funded by the DfT
- Match funded by the partner organisations
- Committing employees to giving up a regular car
journey - Travel planning techniques Individualised
marketing, personalised journey planning
- Free travel on all local public transport
- Personalised Journey Plan
- Discount available, local retailer cycles and
accessories - Entry into a FREE prize draw for returning
leaflets, Mountain Bike Safety Helmet - Five prizes of a months FREE travel on First
services for return of Comment Card
6Current Status
- In excess of 600 people pledged to participate
- Increased partnership
- Work in partnership with L/A,
- Local Transport Operator
- Develop a Travel Plan
- Gain recognition TRACK award
7First North West Division
8First NorthWest Division
9First NorthWest Division
- 3484 employees (inc. 2785 drivers)
- Turnover approx 110 million
10The problem
- Staff stress, lateness, absence
- Car parking availability / costs
- Plus potential tax benefit implication
11The solution
- Many people say they would use public
transport if it was
12Network frequency
- Over 190 routes including HIGH FREQUENCY
13Bus quality including GOLD
- FirstDay
- FirstWeek
- FirstMonth
- FirstQuarter
- FirstYear
15Practical help to inform staff
- Personal representation at staff meetings
- Literature from our standard range
- Personalised publicity material
16Practical help to inform staff (cont)
- Special requirements e.g. travel vouchers
17What can we do to help you?