Title: F21SF Software Engineering Foundations
1F21SFSoftware Engineering Foundations
- L10 More on Arrays
- arrays Cars, 2 D, operations
- ArrayList
- StringBuffer class
- (nothing to do with arrays!)
Monica Farrow EM G30 email
monica_at_macs.hw.ac.uk Material available on Vision
and my website
2An array of Cars
- Arrays can store any data type, so lets create
an array of 3 Cars - private Car allCars
- private static final int NUM_CARS 3
- allCars new Car NUM_CARS
- allCars0 new Car("Ford Ka",
- 40, 33.6, Jo Low")
- allCars1 new Car("Mercedes Benz E280",
- 80,22, Tom Grey")
- allCars2 new Car("VW Sharan",
- 60, 29, Tim White")
3Finding the Car which goes the furthest
- //assume first can go furthest
- Car furthestCar allCars0
- //for each car, compare with the 'furthest' one
- //Should this index start at 0 or 1?
- for (int index1 indexltNUM_CARS index )
- if (furthestCar.estimateDistance() lt
- allCarsindex.estimateDistance())
- furthestCar allCarsindex
4The main method
- Now we can understand the parameter in the main
method - public static void main (String args)
- The parameter is an array of Strings
- We probably wont use the parameter much if at
all in this module - However, it is there, and could be used for
providing runtime data
5main with parameter
- public class Greetings
- public static void main (String arg)
- System.out.println(Hello
args0 args1) -
- gtjavac Greetings.java
- gtjava Greetings Sarah Jane
- Hello SarahJane
6 Multiple arrays
- You can have arrays of many dimensions. The next
example shows 2D arrays - Consider the game of noughts and crosses
72 D arrays notation
- Declare a 2D array with the rows first, then the
columns - int grid new char 33
0 1 2
82D arrays contd
- Each element needs to have the row and the column
specified - grid20 X
- Use nested loops to traverse complete array
- for(int row0 rowlt3 row)
- for (int col 0 collt3 col)
- myGridrowcol ' '
- Use meaningful indexes e.g. row, col rather than
i and j.
9Arrays (summary)
- An array in java is a special kind of object,
with a unique syntax - An array is a fixed-length sequence of values of
the same type - Arrays are good for
- Fixed length sequences
- Finding or altering elements according to their
index position - An array is a kind of list. Lists are good for
- Holding elements in order (ideally order of
adding) - Processing each element in turn, by traversing
the list
10Problems with arrays
- An array is created with a fixed size.
- If our list is variable in size,
- We need to make sure that there is room to add
items - We need to keep a note of how many items are in
the array, and alter it if the number of items
changes - Adding and deleting items from the middle of the
array is time-consuming - You shouldnt usually leave gaps in the array, so
all the elements which come after the deleted
item have to be shuffled down, one by one - Likewise to add in the middle, all the elements
which will come after the inserted element have
to shuffled up, one by one (starting at the end)
11Arrays contd
- Using arrays involves a block of code for other
manipulations such as - Deleting an item
- Sorting the array
- Searching the array for a value
- Deleting an item
- The ArrayList class in the Java Collections
Framework stores items in an array and provides
methods for adding, removing and getting - You can use reliable methods for these operations
- The size of the array is automatically enlarged
if necessary - There is a size() method so you dont have to
keep track of how many items you have. - It is in the java.util package
- Use an import statement.
13Generic types
- lt..gt encloses the class of objects to be stored
in the collection - private ArrayList ltCargt carList
- Checks at compile time that classes match
- Whatever goes into this ArrayList must be a Car.
- Whatever comes out will be a Car.
- New in java 5. Earlier versions of java did not
allow the programmer to specify the content type
of an ArrayList . Generic types are an
14Creating an ArrayList of Cars
- We have added an ArrayList of cars to the
CarComparison class used in L6 - In the constructor, an empty list is created
import java.util.ArrayList public class
CarComparison private ArrayList ltCargt
carList public CarComparison() carList
new ArrayListltCargt ()
15Populating the arraylist
- We use the ArrayList add method to provide Cars
to be added to the list
public void createCarList() Car myCar new
Car("Ford Ka", 40, 33.6) carList.add(myCar)
for (int i 1 i lt3 i) Car anotherCar
this.getCarFromUser() carList.add(anotherCa
16Traversing the array
- Note the use of the ArrayList get method, using
the required index. - There is a special for-each loop for
collections - for (Object-type object-name collection-name)
- For each item in the collection, perform the loop
body, referring to the object as object-name
//initially assume first can go furthest Car
furthestCar carList.get(0) //for each car,
compare with the 'furthest' one for (Car
currentCar carList) if (furthestCar.estimat
eDistance() lt currentCar.estimateDista
nce()) furthestCar currentCar
17Why Arrays
- Arrays
- Some programming languages only provide arrays as
a form of list - Fast for accessing elements directly
- Slow for adding and deleting elements if we want
to keep the list in a sorted order - There are lots of alternative ways of storing
lists - More about all this later in the module
18String Implementation
- String is a class
- Strings are objects not variable
- Once created the characters of a String object
cannot be changed - String wStr"The weather"
- wStr wStr" is cold"
- wStr is actually detached from its first
instance. A new instance is created leaving the
old instance 'dereferenced - This is not very efficient.
The weather
The weather is cold
19The StringBuffer class - optional
- The StringBuffer class can be used in preference
to the String class in applications requiring
frequent changes to the sequence of characters - To create a StringBuffer object containing some
text - StringBuffer textBuf new StringBuffer(mytext
) - Or with no text
- StringBuffer textBuf new StringBuffer()
20The StringBuffer class - optional
- To add some text
- textBuf.append(more text)
- To return the String that is the same as the
StringBuffer - String text textBuf.toString()
21Familiar methods in the StringBuffer class
- StringBuffer has most of the methods familiar
from the String class - subString, charAt, length
- and they have similar behaviour
- indexOf only has version for String parameter
- And some StringBuffer methods
- append, replace, insert, delete