Title: 2006 Ethics Training WR
12006 Ethics Training - WR
Gifts and Other Real World Issues
For Employees Working with Partners
22006 Ethics Training - WR
- Topics
- Gifts Special Privileges
- Awards Training
- Travel Assistance
- Prizes At Conferences
- Holiday Parties
- Partnership Business
32006 Ethics Training - WR
- Gift
- Any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment,
hospitality, loan, forbearance, or other item
having monetary value. - It includes services as well as gifts of
training, transportation, local travel, lodgings
and meals, whether in-kind, by purchase of a
ticket payment in advance or reimbursement.
- No limits on accepting
- Modest refreshments (e.g., coffee and donuts)
- greeting cards
- Plaques
- rewards and prizes open to the general public
- pension from a former employer
42006 Ethics Training - WR
- Employees generally may not accept a gift
- given because of their official position, or
- from certain interested parties (prohibited
- Gift is given because of employees position if
- If it would not have been offered or given if
the employee held some other position, or - It is offered or given because of where the
employee works and/or - It is offered or given because of the employees
52006 Ethics Training - WR
- Prohibited source
- Persons, organizations, etc.
- Seeking official action by the employee's agency
- Doing or seeking to do business with the
employee's agency - Regulated by the employee's agency, or
- Having interests that may be substantially
affected by performance or nonperformance of the
employee's official duties or - Is an organization a majority of whose members
fit any of the above categories
62006 Ethics Training - WR
- Employees are generally prohibited from accepting
anything of value from a prohibited source.
- Prohibited sources?
- Districts
- RCD Councils
- District Employees
- Universities
- Farmers
- Conservation Organizations
- Ag and Environmental Groups
Yes or No ?
- AgriBusiness
- This hotel
- Employee Organizations
- Movie Theatres
- State and Federal Agencies
- Professional Societies ASA, NWTF, SWCS,
72006 Ethics Training - WR
Gifts Yes or No ?
- Ticket to the game
- Weekend at my cabin
- for airfare
- Airplane ticket
- Ride to the airport
- Special privileges
- hunting or fishing access
- discounts not available to the public, etc.
- 5 for holiday party
82006 Ethics Training - WR
- Gift Exceptions
- 20 or less per occasion (max. 50 per yr. per
source) - based a close personal relationship
- based on an outside business or employment
relationship - in connection with certain political activities
- Certain refreshments and entertainment in foreign
92006 Ethics Training - WR
- Gift Exceptions (continued)
- Attendance at widely attended gatherings
- Awards and honorary degrees
- Training Awards
- Travel Payments from non-Federal sources
Require ethics approval
There are also specific limitations on the use of
some exceptions
102006 Ethics Training - WR
- solicit
- coerce the offering of a gift
- use exceptions so frequently a reasonable person
would believe you were using public office for
private gain.
112006 Ethics Training - WR
- Disposal of Prohibited Gifts
- Return or pay market value
- If perishable not practical to return to donor,
the employees supervisor or Ethics Advisor can
choose to - to give it to charity
- let recipients office share it
- destroy it
- Reimburse the donor the market value for any
entertainment, favor, benefit, service or other
122006 Ethics Training - WR
- WAG 2635.204(g)(3)(i)
- STC can approve
- All / most NRCS situations require specific
ethics finding to approve (SEA) - Required if -- employees performance or
non-performance affect the sponsors interest or
if an organization, the employees performance
affects a majority of its members - -
Widely Attended Gatherings
132006 Ethics Training - WR
- Awards Honorary Degrees
- Requires DCH MGT approval
- Training Awards
- Requires approval by DCH MGT
- Includes any training awards including Ag
Leadership Training Program
142006 Ethics Training - WR
- Non-Federal Travel Assistance
- Requires DCH MGT approval
- Requires advance approval if expected
- 7 day limit to request post approval
- SARE Policy
- Advisory Council Meetings
- HQ approval not required
- PDP Activities
- HQ approval required.
- Will not be approved.
152006 Ethics Training - WR
- Prizes at Conferences
- drawings or contests entered while attending a
conference on official duty - Will not be a gift (i.e., prohibited) if open
to public unless entry is related to official
duties. - Can not accept if results from expenditure of
Govt funds - Can not even accept if personal voluntary entry
unless open to the public
162006 Ethics Training - WR
Prizes at Conferences
If an employee attending on official time
voluntarily enters a drawing (open to the public)
in his personal capacity, (example at an
individual vendor's booth), acceptance of a
resulting prize would not be precluded by the
employees official status, as entry into the
contest was not required by or related to
duty. If, however, all attendees are
automatically entered in a drawing as a
consequence of registration, the employee who
attends officially could not accept any resulting
"door" prize, because entry in the contest was
related to official duties. Also, the employee
could not accept a prize received where entry
into a drawing was restricted to attendees who
completed an evaluation sheet, as the act of
completing that evaluation, even if optional,
must be viewed as incident to the performance of
official duties.
172006 Ethics Training - WR
- Raffle at Conference
- Not Open to the Public if
- registration fee is charged to attend
conference, or - there are other factors that effectively limit
who can attend. - Example
- Limit on number of attendees
- Attendance restricted to those with certain
requisite skills, credentials, work assignments,
etc. - Reason Effectively narrows pool of contest
182006 Ethics Training - WR
Raffle at Conference
- Raffle considered open to the public
- reasonably available to the public
- for a reasonable period of time
- No requirement to pay to participate
- Example
- Opportunity to enter contest extended beyond the
conference participants to any other interested
But what does that really mean?
192006 Ethics Training - WR
- Raffle Open to the Public ???
- Example
- Make opportunity to enter contest available to
anyone by providing entry blanks to the general
public at the Mall prior to the drawing for a
reasonable period of time. - Example For prize such as a car, etc.
- Car displayed in a shopping center or public
square for 7 to 10 days with tickets available
outside Conference setting and - Ticket sales so that NRCS employees (and their
families) are not statistically the largest
holder of the raffle tickets. - Â
202006 Ethics Training - WR
- Raffle Open to the Public ???
- A car would not be considered really publicly
displayed if it is only within the Conference
setting. - For example, displaying it in a hotel lobby or
convention center where that location (the hotel
or Conference center) is all or mostly booked up
with Conference attendees does not meet the test
for being publicly displayed. - It may be improper to accept the prize if
circumstances suggest that the offer to
participate in the raffle was extended due to the
employees employment status with NRCS.Â
212006 Ethics Training - WR
Prizes at Conferences
Accept? Yes or No ?
- Contest entry linked to registration
- Raffle tickets sold only at Conference
- Raffle tickets not connected to registration, and
tickets also sold at the Mall - Raffle tickets not connected to registration,
tickets given away at mall, and open to the
public. - Display of significant prize limited to display
in hotel or other facility during same period
facility is booked up by Conference attendees.
222006 Ethics Training - WR
- Holiday Parties
- Example Co-location with Non-Federals
- District, Council, Volunteers or Contractors
- contribution to cost of food
- Can of cranberry sauce
- Prepared food
Accept? Yes or No ?
232006 Ethics Training - WR
- Ethics Appropriations Law in Program Guidance
- Examples
- RCD Manual - -
- Do not supervise Council employees
- Do not represent the Council
- Do not handle Council funds
Tech leadership vs. administrative
support Coordinator vs. Executive Director Do not
prepare application on Fedbizpps.gov Not
responsible for Council business
Conservation Programs guidance
- Do not represent the District
- Do not handle Council funds
- Etc.
Dont conduct District meetings Dont set agenda
but advise what it needed Stay out of District
242006 Ethics Training - WR
- Gifts Between Employees at 2635.301 - 304
- Gifts from Outside Sources at 2635.201 - 205
- Vendor promotional training at 2635.203(f)
- Discounts and similar benefits at 2635.204(c)Â
- Prizes at Conferences (do99017)
- Gifts based on a personal relationship at
2635.204(b) - Free attendance at widely attended gatherings
see 2635.(g) - Gifts in connection with permissible political
activity (see 2635.205(f)) - Awards and Honorary degrees (see Part
2635.204(d)) - Gifts accepted under specific Statutory Authority
- Gifts to Agency (DR 5200-3)
- Non-Federal Travel Assistance (31 USC 1353)
- Outside Training Awards (41 USC 4111)
- RCD Programs Manual
- Conservation Programs Manual
5 CFR 2635
252006 Ethics Training - WR