Title: Choice, Change, Challenge, and Opportunity
Macroeconomics Ratna K. Shrestha
2Understanding Our Changing World
- You are studying economics at a time of enormous
change. - Some of the change is for the betterthe
information age (laptops, wireless internet
connection, MP3, palms, iPods, etc) and all the
benefits that it brings. - Some of the change is for the worseterrorism,
recession, mad cow disease, SARS and trade
dispute that send shockwaves through our lives. - Your economics course will help you to understand
the powerful forces that are shaping and changing
our world.
3Definition of Economics
- All economic questions arise because we want more
than we can get. - Because of our inability to satisfy all our
wants, we face scarcity and we must make choices. - The choices we make depend on the incentives we
face. - An incentive is a reward that encourages or a
penalty that discourages an action.
4Definition of Economics
- Economics is the social science that studies the
choices that individuals, businesses,
governments, and societies make as they cope with
scarcity and the incentives that influence and
reconcile those choices. - The subject is divided into two parts
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
5Definition of Economics
- Microeconomics
- Microeconomics is the study of choices made by
individuals and businesses, the way these choices
interact and the influence of government on those
choices. E.g., how would a tax on e-commerce
affect Amazon.com? - Macroeconomics
- Macroeconomics is the study of the effects on the
national and global economy of the choices that
individuals, businesses, and governments make.
E.g, Why did production and jobs in Canada
expanded so rapidly in 2002 but not in 2003? What
happens when the Bank of Canada cuts the interest
6Two Big Economic Questions
- Two big questions summarize the scope of
economics - How do choices end up determining what, how, and
for whom goods and services get produced? - When do choices made in the pursuit of
self-interest also promote the social interest?
7Two Big Economic Questions
- 1. What, How, and For Whom?
- Goods and services are the objects that people
value and produce to satisfy wants. - What?
- What we produce changes over time.
- Sixty years ago, almost 20 percent of Canadians
worked on farms Today that number is 3 percent. - Today, almost 80 percent of Canadians provide
8Two Big Economic Questions
- This figure shows the trends in what the Canadian
economy has produced over the past 55 years. - It shows the decline of agriculture, mining,
construction, and manufacturing, and the
expansion of services.
9Two Big Economic Questions
- The facts about what we produce raise the deeper
question - What determines the quantities of new homes, DVD
players, and corn that we produce? - Economics provides some answers to these
10Two Big Economic Questions
- How?
- Goods and services are produced by using
productive resources called factors of
production. - The major factors of production are
- Land
- Labour
- Capital (machines, instruments)
- Entrepreneurship (human capital)
11Two Big Economic Questions
- This figure shows a measure of the growth of
human capital in Canada over the past 30 years.
12Two Big Economic Questions
- For Whom?
- Who gets the goods and services depends on the
incomes that people earn. - Land earns rent.
- Labour earns wages.
- Capital earns interest.
- Entrepreneurship earns profit.
13Two Big Economic Questions
- 2. When is the Pursuit of Self-Interest in the
Social Interest? - Every day, 6.5 billion people make economic
choices that result in What, How, and For
Whom goods and services get produced. - Do we produce the right things in the right
quantities? - Do we use our factors of production in the best
way? - Do the goods and services go to those who benefit
most from them?
14Two Big Economic Questions
- You make choices that are in your self-interest.
- Can the choices made in self-interest be
beneficial to the society as a whole (social
15Two Big Economic Questions
- Eight issues in todays world illustrate the
importance of this question - Does public ownership and central planning do a
better job than private business and free
markets? - Is globalization a good thing or a problem?
- Do the technological advances in the new
economy bring benefits to all? - How did 9/11 change our economic lives?
16Two Big Economic Questions
- Dont corporate scandals (such as Enron case)
show that big business works against the social
interest? - Should drug companies be forced to make HIV/AIDS
drugs at a low cost? - Are we destroying our tropical rain forests?
- Are the worlds water resources being managed
17The Economic Way of Thinking
- Choices and Tradeoffs
- The economic way of thinking places scarcity and
its implication, choice, at centre stage. - You can think about every choice as a
tradeoffgiving up one thing to get something
else. - The classic tradeoff is guns versus butter.
18The Economic Way of Thinking
- What, How, and For Whom Tradeoffs
- The questions what, how, and for whom become
sharper when we think in terms of tradeoffs. - What? Tradeoffs arise when people choose how to
spend their incomes, when governments choose how
to spend their tax revenues, and when businesses
choose what to produce. - If you decide to spend your 100 on books, you
have 100 less for other purposes you face a
trade off.
19The Economic Way of Thinking
- How? Tradeoffs arise when businesses choose
among alternative production technologies. For
example, use more labor and less capital in
production (trade off labor for capital). - For Whom? Tradeoffs arise when choices change
the distribution of buying power across
individuals. - Government redistribution of income from the rich
to the poor creates a big tradeoffthe tradeoff
between equality and efficiency. We achieve
equality but at the expense of efficiency. - How does the redistribution of income from rich
to poor affect efficiency?
20The Economic Way of Thinking
- Choices Bring Change
- What, how, and for whom goods and services get
produced changes over time and the quality of our
economic lives improve. - But the quality of our economic lives and the
rate at which they improve depends on choices
that involve tradeoffs. - We face three tradeoffs between enjoying current
consumption, leisure time, and increasing future
production. Future economic growth comes at the
expense of current consumption.
21The Economic Way of Thinking
- If we save more, we can buy more capital and
increase our production in the future. - If we take less leisure time, we can educate and
train ourselves to become more productive. - If businesses produce less and devote resources
to research and developing new technologies, they
can produce more in the future. - The choices we make in the face of these
tradeoffs determine the pace at which our
economic condition improves.
22The Economic Way of Thinking
- Opportunity Cost
- The highest-valued alternative that we give up to
get something is the opportunity cost of the
activity chosen. - What is the opportunity cost of coming to Econ
311 lecture? - For some of you, it is the 1 hour of time you can
enjoy with your friends. For others it is the
income they could have earned by working for 1
more hour.
23(No Transcript)
24The Economic Way of Thinking
- Choosing at the Margin
- People make choices at the margin, which means
that they evaluate the consequences of making
incremental changes in the use of their
resources. - The benefit from an extra unit of an activity is
its marginal benefit (MB). - The opportunity cost of pursuing an extra unit
of an activity is its marginal cost (MC). - What is the MB and MC of attending one more year
of school?
25The Economic Way of Thinking
- Responding to Incentives
- For any activity, if marginal benefit exceeds
marginal cost, people have an incentive to do
more of that activity. - Incentives are also the key to reconciling
self-interest and the social interest. - Will the 5 marks allocated for attendance
provide you an incentive to attend the lecture?
26The Economic Way of Thinking
- Human Nature, Incentives, and Institutions
- Economists take human nature as given and view
people as acting in their self-interest. - But if human nature is given and people pursue
self-interest, how can the social interest be
served? - Paramount the rule of law that protects private
property and facilitates voluntary exchange in
markets. - With voluntary exchange, both the trading parties
are better off and hence the society.
27Economics A Social Science
- Economics is a social science.
- Economists distinguish between two types of
statement - What is (reporting facts)positive statements
- What ought to benormative statements
- A positive statement can be tested by checking it
against facts. So a positive statement is a
statement of a fact. - A normative statement cannot be tested. It is
usually made based on the facts from the ground.
And so it is prescriptive in nature.
28Economics A Social Science
- Positive or Normative Statements?
- An increase in the minimum wage causes a
decrease in employment among the least skilled. - Higher federal budget deficits causes interest
rates to increase. - Every Canadian should have equal access to
universal health care. - Intel Centrino computers are better than Intel
29Economics A Social Science
- The task of economic science is to discover
positive statements that are consistent with what
we observe in the world and that enable us to
understand how the economic world works. - This task is large and breaks into three steps
- Observation and measurement
- Model building
- Testing models
30Economics A Social Science
- Observation and Measurement
- Economists observe and measure economic activity,
keeping track of such things as - Wages and work hours
- Prices and quantities of goods and services
produced - Taxes and government spending
- Quantities of goods and services bought from and
sold to other countries. - As do other scientists, economists develop models
based on the observation on the ground.
31Economics A Social Science
- Model Building
- An economic model is a description of some aspect
of the economic world that includes only those
features of the world that are needed for the
purpose at hand. To develop international trade
model, for example, we may assume two countries
and two goods. - Testing Models
- An economic theory is a generalization that
summarizes what we think we understand about the
economic choices that people make. Since trade
between two nations usually benefits both the
countries, trade makes both the trading partners
better off is an economic theory.
32Economics A Social Science
- Obstacles and Pitfalls in Economics
- Most economic behavior has many simultaneous
causes. - For example, unemployment may be caused by many
factors, including the increase in minimum wage
rate. If we want to see the effect of increase in
minimum wage on unemployment rate then we must
keep (or have a situation where) all other
factors dont change. - Economists use the concept of ceteris Paribus (or
other things being equal) to isolate
cause-and-effect relationship by changing only
one variable at a time, holding all other
relevant factors unchanged.