Title: Its Not just About The Money Club
1Its Not (just) About The Money Club
2Founders Candace Bahr and Ginita Wall
- Two women dedicated to providing financial
education to women in their quest for financial
independence - Mission is to empower women to succeed and
- Purpose
- To coach INATM Club members into a conscious
relationship with - money and
- Learn how to master the skills
- necessary to achieve defined
- financial goals.
4INATM Club is designed to
- Help you create a financial map
- Provide solid financial information
- Offer you encouragement and support to accomplish
your goals - Provide exponential learning and
- Opportunity for growth
5Money Zones
- Money Attitudes from your Childhood Your Money
Style - Fighting Your Money Fears Getting Organized
- Net Worth Saving
- Budgeting Cutting Expenses
- Credit Card Debt Investing
- Retirement Planning
Establishing/Repairing Credit - Insurance Career
- Education Planning Social Security
- Estate Planning Education Planning
- Kids and Money Couples and Money
- Buying or Leasing a Car Buying a
House - Mortgages Banking
- Earning Money Without a Job Providing for
Parents - Divorce Widowhood
- Finding an Advisor Remarriage
- Holiday Spending
Internet for Financial Education
6Quarterly Specialist
- Expert in their area to teach and guide club
members - Example Financial Planner, Real Estate, Bankers,
Charitable giving, Psychology of money
7Monthly Call Agenda
- Ice Breakers
- Things to Talk About
- Catch yourself doing something right
- What will you do today?
- Money Magic
- Just for you exercises
- Bonuss
8Ideal Participants
- You are serious about making changes
- in your financial life
- You are prepared to make an effort to
- learn and grow
- You are willing to support others
- dreams and goals
- You would benefit from working together
- in a team toward financial independence
9Benefits of INATM Club Membership
- Monthly Club Call
- Personalized, professional coaching and
- instruction from two professionally trained
coaches - Professional guest speakers to lend their
- expertise on money zones.
10Benefits of INATM Club Membership
- Individualized simple financial plan for success
that includes practical steps that you design to
fit your lifestyle - Member discounts and access to other powerful
resources including education, hands-on
workshops, self-help workbooks and life coaching
services offered through INATM and Inner Wisdom
Coaching Services. - Exclusive private e-sessions with Laura and
Shannon to answer individual, private member
11INATM ClubYahoo Group
- Download monthly materials
- Get materials 2-3 weeks prior to the next
meeting, read through them, practice new ideas
and discuss topics in monthly meeting - Stimulating inquiries with discussions
- Bonus materials posted from time to time.
12INATM Club Fees
- Option 1 Monthly 50 (600/yr)
- Option 2 Quarterly 144 (save 24/yr)
- Option 3 Yearly 500 (save 100/yr)
- when paid in full
- To enroll in the INATM Club visit
- http//www.inatm.bizland.com/club.html
- http//www.yourgreaterpurpose.com/money.html