Title: Security Forum
1Security Forum
- Security and Boundaryless Information Flow
Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of
Technology 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena,
California 91109-8099 J. Steven Jenkins,
Ph.D. Principal Engineer 1 818
354-6055 steven.jenkins_at_jpl.nasa.gov
2Security in the Architecture
Boundaryless Information Flow Reference
Architecture Forum
Information Mgmt.
Workflow Mgmt.
User Interface Ontology
Transaction Mgmt.
Enterprise Management Forum
Security Forum
Directory Interoperability Forum
Mobile Management Forum
Service QoS Task Force
Consistent Performance RealTime Embedded
3Security Forum Vision
- Security is about achieving business objectives
within applicable law and policy - Managing risk
- Not merely preventing bad things
- Security creates protected systems with
controlled perimeters - A controlled perimeter is boundaryless where
(and only where) it needs to be - Security design is necessarily pervasive
4Pursuing the Vision Education
- Materials for non-experts in security
- Managers Guide to Information Security and
related guides - Relating security to business objectives
- Helping business people relate to experts
- Saving Private Data video and white paper
- Illustrating a security incident in multiple
simultaneous contexts financial, legal, public
relations, and technical
5Pursuing the Vision Collaboration
- With experts on Active Loss Prevention
- Integrating business, legal, and insurance
aspects of information system security - Definition and measurement of IT-related risk
- With experts on Architecture
- Using the Family of Architectures concept to
incorporate security into Boundaryless
Information Flow Reference Architecture - Deepening and broadening the description of the
Security Clan in the family
6Pursuing the Vision Collaboration
- With experts from the bioinformatics industry on
problems of mutual interest - Ongoing discussions with Interoperable
Informatics Infrastructure Consortium (I3C) - A good source of vertical industry case studies
for security forum work - Patient record security and privacy
- Regulatory requirements for audit and digital
signatures - Secure messaging
7Pursuing the Vision Plans
- Security Architectures will continue to be a
primary focus for Security Forum work, uniting
into a common framework - Active Loss Prevention
- Industry Collaboration