Title: Deborah CavanaughGrant
1Keeping a Farm a Farm Farmer Training Programs
- Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant
- Small Farm and Sustainable Agriculture Extension
- Specialist, University of Illinois Extension
- Co-Facilitator, Central Illinois Farm Beginnings
2Cultivating New Farmers
3Tools that Farmers Need to be Successful
- Goal Setting and Whole Farm Planning
- Business Planning
- Mentoring
- Workshops
- On-Farm visits
- Networking
- Community Support
4A Tri-State Expansion Educator Training using
the Farm Beginnings Model (ENC04-083)
- NCR SARE Professional Development Grant
- Develop a pilot train-the-trainer program to
expand the Farm Beginnings course model beyond
Minnesota - Coordinator
- Catherine Twohig, Land Stewardship Project
- Grant Award
- 74,856
5NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Short-term Outcomes
- Community awareness and support of beginning
farmers - Knowing where a pilot site sits on the readiness
scale - A grasp of how to transfer the Farm Beginnings
Model - Better-informed beginning farmers due to the
course - A tangible faith by educators across the board in
a future for sustainable farming.
6NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Intermediate Outcomes
- 60 trained community educators versed in
beginning farmer needs - Networks build upon beginning farmer needs
- Three successfully-launched farmer training
programs with on-farm mentoring pairs
7NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Intermediate Outcomes
- At least 30 farm families pursuing financially
viable farm enterprises among the three pilot
states - Educators engaged both with beginning farmer
students and with their peers in replicating the
program in other regions of their states - Training tools to make it possible.
8NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Outcomes/Outputs (2007 Report)
- Four Farm Beginnings courses launched in 2005/06
in three different states (IL, MO, NE) - 54 families and approximately 80 individuals
participated in these four courses - Third year programming continues for two IL sites
- Interest and steering committee involvement
generated by Nebraska from educators in South
Dakota and Iowa (Program started in South Dakota
in 2007-2008)
9NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Outcomes/Outputs (2007 Report)
- All sites reported increased collaboration and
development of broad-based community
involvement including local farmers, business
people, state and agency staff, non-profit staff
and university extension - Educators involved in this program and who
participated in the training and tri-state grant
reported that the involvement in this grant and
program increased their professional development
10NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Outcomes/Outputs (2007 Report)
- Speaker and presentation requests increased
beyond MN Farm Beginnings to additional sites and
successful programs
11NCR SARE PDP - A Tri-State Expansion Educator
Training using the Farm Beginnings Model
- Outcomes/Outputs (2007 Report)
- Ripple effects created through additional media
coverage, name recognition, and graduates of
multiple programs. - Farm Beginnings training protocols, including
Community Assessment workbook and Facilitator
handbook developed, revised, and completed - Farm Beginnings programs networked to share best
12What Is Farm Beginnings?
- A community-based initiative developed by the
Land Stewardship Project that takes a
farmer-to-farmer approach toward preparing a new
generation of farmers. - Provides education, support and equity-building
opportunities for beginning and transitioning
13Illinois Farm Beginnings
- Two locations Two Approaches
- Central Illinois Farm Beginnings
- Stateline Farm Beginnings
- www.illinoisfarmbeginnings.org
14Farm Beginnings- Preparing a New Generation of
- Provides essential information and firsthand
knowledge - Helps participants develop a solid business plan
- Connection to a support network and other like
minded farmers
Henry Brockman, Kris and Marty Travis and Brad
Genung discussing marketing strategies with this
years Central Illinois Farm Beginnings class.
15It is all brought to life in the final chapter of
the course.On-Farm Education
Farm Tours and Skill Sessions
16Characteristics of Successful Farmers
- Passionate
- Written Goal/ Business Plan
- Continuous Education/Training/Experience
- Create Networks/ Support Systems
- Creative
- Open-minded
- Calculated Risk Taker
17Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant University of Illinois
Extension Extension Specialist, Small Farm and
Sustainable Agriculture SARE Coordinator P.O. Box
410 Greenview, IL 62642 217-968-5512 cvnghgrn_at_uiuc
.edu www.extension.uiuc.edu/smallfarm