Title: Commerce OH slide set
1Partnering to Promote Economic Growth February
13, 2006
2What is Economic Development?
3 It is the process by which a community organizes
and then applies its energies to the tasks of
improving the economic well-being and quality of
life for the community. Economic development is
an investment in the community. WEDI
4Why Economic Development?
- Creating and Retaining Desirable Jobs
- Increasing the Tax Base
- Providing Services and Paying the Bills
- Maintaining a Strong Economy
5Economic DevelopmentA Dynamic Process
- Global economy
- Mergers and restructuring
- Shifting market preferences
- Must be alert for new opportunities to diversify
local economies
6Components ofEconomic Development
- A. Organizational Development
- B. Infrastructure Development
- C. Business Development
- D. Workforce Development
- E. Community Cash Flow Development
7Department of Commerce Resources
8Bureau of Business Development
- Coordinates and Facilitates Business Creation,
Retention and Expansion Efforts in Wisconsin
(Area Development Managers) -
- Underwrites, Contracts and Services Program Funds
(Business Finance)
9Area Development Managers
Region 1 William Lehman 715/656-3530 Region
2 Marty Ambros 715/836-2630 Region 3 Deb
Clements 715/344-1381 Region 4 Dennis
Russell 920/498-6302 Region 5 William
Winter 608/647-4613 Region 6 Kathy
Heady 608/266-9944 Region 7 Dave
Martens 608/261-7711
10Resources for
- Entrepreneurs
- Fixed Assets Working Capital
- Customized Employee Training
- Technology Development
- Community Infrastructure
- Brownfields Redevelopment
11Local Economic Development Contacts
- County or Multi-County Development Corporations
- Municipal or County Government
- Utilities
- Chambers of Commerce
12Local Development Organizations
- Wisconsin Economic Development Association -
www.weda.org - Economic Development Corporations or Chambers of
Commerce -www.commerce.wi.gov - go to partner
links on the more info menu
13Local Development Organization Resources
- Revolving Loan Funds
- Site Selection
- Small Business Counseling
- Business Incubators
- Information and Much More
14Early care and education is being recognized as
an important economic sector in its own right,
and as a critical piece of social infrastructure
that supports childrens development and
facilitates parents employment. Anon. Cornell
University Website
15WEDA Survey
- WEDA Members Agree that Early Childhood Education
is a critical Economic Development Strategy (48)
- Awareness is not shared by their local
communities (44 no, 34 not sure)
16Early Care and Economic Development
- Early Care as an Economic Sector
- Early Care is Important to Working Parents and
Employers - Early Learning is an Important First Step in
Future Workforce Development
17Early Care as an Economic Sector
- Significant Employment Base
- Small Businesses
- Multiplier Impact (Direct, Indirect, Induced)
18Early Care Labor Force
- Labor Force Participation 2004 - Children
under 6 with all parents in labor Force 66 - Labor Shortages
- Business Partnerships
19Early Learning Key to Future Workforce
- Return on Investment (Belfield Winters Study
and others) - Achievement Gap
20Working Together
- Experience working with companies
- Marketing buildings and labor resources to
expanding businesses - Resources to help companies stay in business
- Entrepreneurial Assistance
- Internet www.commerce.wi.gov
- Phone See Area Development Manager Map
- Entrepreneurs Network www.wenportal.org
- SBDC Answerline 1/800-940-SBDC
22(No Transcript)