Title: Building Strong and Ethical Foundations: Doing It Right
1Building Strong and Ethical Foundations Doing It
- Indianapolis
- September 16, 2004
Janne Gallagher Vice President and General
2Setting the Stage
- Excessive Compensation
- Lavish Perks
- Costs Exceed Grants
- Board Conflicts
- Investment Practices
3Questions Being Asked
- Who makes decisions?
- How are they made?
- Why is there no public input?
- Federal and State Law
- General governance
- Conflicts of interest
- Compensation
- Investments
- Sarbanes-Oxley The Coming Storm?
- Ethical Framework
5Legal Requirements State
- State Corporate and Trust Laws
- Duty of care Knowledge and judgment
- Duty of loyalty The foundation comes first
- Investment laws
- Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act
- Uniform Prudent Investor Act
6Legal Requirements Federal
- Fiduciary obligations
- Self-dealing ( 4941)
- Intermediate sanctions ( 4958)
- Investment restrictions
- Excess business holdings ( 4943)
- Jeopardy investments ( 4944)
7Conflicts of Interest
- Two kinds
- Economic
- Non-economic (appearance of conflict)
- Two legal structures
- Charitable trusts
- Nonprofit corporations
- Two ways to resolve
- Law prohibits transaction (self-dealing)
- Disclosure and abstention
8Conflicts of Interest (state law)
- Trust law
- Strict (but donor may vary)
- Voidable regardless of good faith or fairness
- Corporate law
- Follow procedural rules
- Not voidable if fair or proper vote
- Some states bar loans to directors and officers
9Conflicts of Interest (state law)
- Remedies
- Restitution
- Removal
- Ban from serving on charity boards
10Conflicts of Interest (federal law)
- Private Foundations
- Basic rule No transactions with disqualified
persons - Major exception compensation for personal
services - Disqualified persons
- Officers, directors, trustees
- Substantial contributors
- Family members of the above
- Businesses controlled by the above
11Conflicts of Interest (federal law)
- Penalty excise tax
- Self-dealer must pay back amount
- Self-dealer pays 5 of amount
- Managers who approve pay 2.5 of amount
- Examples
- Loans prohibited
- Reasonable compensation allowed
12Conflicts of Interest (federal law)
- Public Charities
- Excess benefit transactions
- Excessive compensation
- Other transactions rent, purchases, etc.
- Penalty
- Repayment
- Plus 25 percent of amount
- Possible manager tax 10 percent
13Addressing Conflicts
- Adopt and follow written policy
- Disclosure
- Abstain from voting
- Leave the room
14Compensation (state law)
- Reasonable compensation allowed
- Examples
- Bishop Estate
- King Foundation
15Compensation (federal law)
- Services must be reasonable and necessary
- Compensation must not be excessive
- Service must be personal
- Foundation management
- Banking, legal, accounting, investment services
- May not include real estate management, most
16Reasonable Compensation
- What similar persons get paid
- For similar work
- In similar circumstances
- In the same geographic area
- A word about percentage-based compensation
17Determining Compensation
- Data use appropriate comparability data
- Decision by disinterested governing board or
committee (where possible) - Discussion
- Document, document, document
18Compensation Example
- Chief Executive Officer/
- President of Family Foundation
- Source Council on Foundations, 2004 Grantmakers
Salary and Benefits Report
19Investments (state law)
- Permits investments based on portfolio theory
- Permits delegation
- Standard of care
- Prudent investor (trusts)
- Ordinary business care and prudence
(corporations) - Diversification
- Required (trusts)
- Not required (corporations)
- Duty of Loyalty (avoid conflicts of interest)
20Investments (federal law)
- Self-dealing (avoid conflicts)
- Limitations on business ownership
- Jeopardy investments
- Unrelated business income tax
- No requirement to diversify (if rules are met)
21Investment Policies
- Investment objectives
- Asset allocation
- Risk tolerance
- Benchmarks
- Costs
22Corporate Governance Reforms
- Whistleblower Protection
- A confidential, anonymous mechanism for
- reporting inappropriate financial management
- practices
- What process?
- How communicated?
- No retaliation
23Corporate Governance Reforms
- Document destruction
- Altering
- Covering up
- Falsifying
- Destroying
- Litigation-related documents
- Involving any federal investigation.
24Corporate Governance Reforms
- Internal Controls
- Is information accurate and does it fairly
present financial condition of company? - Will controls detect fraud or misappropriation?
- Is material information presented to top
management, audit committee and outside auditor?
25Corporate Governance Reforms
- Audit Committee
- Independent
- Financial expertise
26Corporate Governance Reforms
- Independent Auditor
- Limits on providing other kinds of services
- Audit partner rotation
27Corporate Governance Reforms
- Other Requirements
- Certification of financial statements
- CEO/CFO understand and verify
- Ethical codes for key finance staff
- No loans to insiders
28Corporate Governance Reforms
- New California Regulations
- (passed by Legislature, not yet enacted)
- Applies to nonprofits with more than 2 million a
year in revenue - Independent audit committee
- Independent audit filed with state
- Board review and approval of executive
29Corporate Governance Reforms
- Key not slavish imitation
- What areas in your foundation are susceptible to
fraud or misrepresentation? - What controls do you need?
30Corporate Governance Reforms
- Some areas to think about
- Transactions with insiders
- Asset valuation
- Fundraising expenses
- Donor intent
- Grant due diligence
- Should investment management be separated from
31Ethical Framework
- Self-imposed rules
- Creates trust by filling gaps left by the law
- Guides decisions in hard cases
- Helps ensure consistency
- Family/corporate principles
- Policies
- Conflicts of interest compensation investments
grant-making - Disclosure
- Explains decisions
32Contact Information
- Janne Gallagher, Esq.
- Vice President and General Counsel
- 202/467-0288 gallj_at_cof.org
- Diane Canova, Esq.
- Interim Director, Government Relations and Public
Policy - 202/467-0405 canod_at_cof.org
- Andras Kosaras, Esq.
- Director, Ethical Standards and Philanthropic
Outreach - 202/467-0399 kosaa_at_cof.org