Title: Department of Mathematics Perfect Difference Sets Kevin Jennings
1Department of MathematicsPerfect Difference
SetsKevin Jennings
2Group of 7 beads
3Group of 7 beads
Difference Set of 3 beads
4Group of 7 beads
Difference Set of 3 beads
5Group of 13 beads
Difference Set 4 beads
6Group of 13 beads
Difference Set 4 beads
7- Group of 21 beads
- Difference Set 5 beads
8The general pattern is Size of Group
n2n1 Size of Difference Set n1
Size of Group n2n1 2221
Size of Difference Set n1 21 3
Size of Group n2n1 3231
Size of Difference Set n1 31 4
Size of Group n2n1 4241 21
Size of Difference Set n1 41 5
12The general pattern is Size of Group
n2n1 Size of Difference Set n1
The next difference set is when n5. Size of
Group 5251 31 Size of Difference Set
51 6 We can build a difference set with 6
beads in a group of 31 beads.
Choosing the 6 beads is a surprisingly difficult
13The general pattern is Size of Group
n2n1 Size of Difference Set n1
The next difference set is when n6. Size of
Group 6261 43 Size of Difference Set
61 7 Can we build a difference set in a group
of 43 beads?
14Prime Number
A Prime Number is only divisible by itself and
one. Examples 2, 3,5 ,7,11,19 are all prime
numbers But 10 is not prime since 10 2 x 5
15The general pattern is Size of Group
n2n1 Size of Difference Set n1
- n must be prime or
- n must be a power of a prime
- -for example 16 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
- 27 3 x 3 x 3
- 121 11 x 11
- Otherwise the difference set cannot be built
16No difference set exists if two different prime
numbers divide n
- Verified by experiment for all numbers up to
- n 3,000,000.
Why are prime numbers related to difference sets?
Big Mystery
17Natural Idea of Compression of Information -Small
difference set generates big group Already
these difference sets are of interest in the
communications sciences
19digital music players
Zip files
20More modest problem We would like to build
larger difference sets using smaller known ones.
- Computers are useful but these calculations are
too complex. - By trial and error, in a wider context, modern
computers can only completely manage up to n10
211854 A New Beginning
(for Geometry)
22Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but no simpler.
23The Fano Plane
Each line is a difference set
24(No Transcript)
25Difference Set 1,2,4
26Difference Set 2,3,5
27The Fano Plane
Each line is a difference set
28William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865)
29Brougham Bridge, Grand Canal
30(No Transcript)
31William Rowan Hamilton (1805-1865)
Arthur Conway President of UCD (1940-47)
32Quaternions are 4-dimensional Octonions are
Quaternion schema
Octonion schema
33- Octonions are at the heart of
- modern theories of the universe
- modern subatomic matter theories
34Every Line is a Difference Set
35In the particular is contained the universal
James Joyce
Special thanks for inspiration, ideas layout
Rod Gow Tom Laffey Thomas Unger Breda
McMahon Ted Cox Barry Devereux Mathematics
Mathematical Physics postgrads