Title: Event By Event Fluctuation
1Event By Event Fluctuation in K/p ratio at RHIC
Supriya Das VECC, Kolkata (for STAR
- Physics Motivation
- Possibility at STAR
- Analysis Methods and results
- Summary
3Physics Motivation
- Statistical fluctuations
- Arise due to the measurement process itself
such as finite number statistics
Dynamical fluctuations
Reflect the dynamics and responses of the
system (density fluctuations etc.)
- K/p ratio shows interesting
- behavior as function of
- collision energy.
- It would be interesting to
- see what happens to the
- fluctuation of the ratio.
Why K/p ?
4Similar work at SPS
PbPb at 158 A GeV (top 5 central)
PbPb at 20, 30, 40, 80, 158 A GeV
sdyn 2.80.5
S. V. Afanasiev et al. for NA 49 Collaboration
PRL 86 (2001)
C. Roland QM 2004
5Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
1 km
v 0.99995?c 186,000 miles/sec
6 Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC
Tracking Detectors TPC, FTPC, SVT Calorimeters
BEMC, EEMC, ZDC Trigger Detectors CTB, BBC,
MWPC Photon Detector PMD
Others TOF, FPD
Goal to track all the hadrons (and photons) in
each collision
7One collision seen by STAR TPC
Momentum determined by track curvature in
magnetic field
and by direction relative to beam
8Possibility at STAR
- Large acceptance detector ( 2 units of h with
full f symmetry) - Good K to p separation (for a wide momentum
range) - from Time Projection Chamber
M. Anderson et al. for STAR Collaboration,
NIMA499 (2003)
9Phase space distributions of identified K and p
10Analysis Method I sdyn
- Kaons and Pions are counted event by event and
the - ratio is plotted for a large number of
events. - Same ratio is calculated from mixed events and
distribution - of that is obtained.
- Width of the distribution (s) is the measure of
fluctuation - Dynamical fluctuation, sdyn is calculated as
- sdyn ?(sdata2
Statistical fluctuation
11Analysis Method I (contd)
Mixed Event
- To get the measure of the statistical
fluctuation from - Finite number statistics
- Experimental resolution
- Correlations if any
- Mixed track pool constructed by randomly picking
up one track - from each event.
- Same cuts applied on the mixed tracks before
applying the particle - identification.
12Results (Method I)
STAR Preliminary
Supriya Das for STAR Collaboration
13Analysis Method II ndynamic
First proposed by Pruneau, Gavin and Voloshin PRC
66 (2002) Used in STAR Net Charge fluctuation
paper PRC 68 (2003)
Independent of detection efficiency
M is the multiplicity in a particular centrality
14Determination of collision centrality
Based on multiplicity of charged particles in the
STAR TPC (hlt0.75)
STAR Preliminary
16Results (contd.)
AuAu _at_ 200 GeV
STAR Preliminary
17Excitation function for dynamic fluctuation
- The event by event fluctuation in strange to
non-strange ratio has - been studied for AuAu collisions at all
center of momentum - energies available at RHIC.
- sdyn shows a saturation at RHIC energies.
- ndyn,Kp is positive and it decreases with
increasing centrality of - collisions for all center of momentum
energies. - ndyn for different charge species are negative
and approaches zero - for central collisions.
- Comparison with results from various models
(HIJING, UrQMD) - are being done.
19STAR Collaboration
20Back Up
21Momentum Measurement
B0.5 T
Radius R
Trajectory is a helix in 3D a circle in the
transverse plane
Collision Vertex
22Physics Motivation
The strange to non-strange particle ratio for
same multiplicity is expected to give large
fluctuation as a signal of phase
transition. This fluctuation in strangeness is
expected to survive through the mixed phase.
Dynamical fluctuation in strangeness production
To study the fluctuation with Variation with
centrality Variation with CM energy
This analysis has been presented in EbyE PWG
23Event, Track selection and Particle
AuAu data at 200 GeV (prod gt P02gd)
- Events selected with -25 cm lt z-vertex lt 25 cm
- Primary tracks taken from MuDST, the following
cuts - have been applied,
- DCA lt 3 cm
- Nhits lt 15 (for both Kaons and Pions)
- -1 lt h lt 1
- 100 MeV lt Pt lt 600 MeV
- Particle identification applied based on nSigma
cut i.e. - Kaons nSigmaKaon lt 2 nSigmaPion gt 2
Pions nSigmaPion lt 2 nSigmaKaon gt 2
24Results (Method II)
J. Adams et al. for STAR collaboration PRC 68
Centrality at STAR
- decreases monotonically with
- increasing centrality
Magnitude of ndynamic
Strength of dynamical fluctuation
25Dynamical Net charge Fluctuations
- Sensitive to net charge
- Insensitive to volume fluctuations
- Statistical Limit Independent particle
production. - Dynamical Fluctuations.
Measured Quantity