Title: Status of Quark-Gluon Plasma and saturation effects at RHIC
1Status of Quark-Gluon Plasma and saturation
effects at RHIC
- Fouad RAMI
- Institut de Recherches Subatomiques, Strasbourg
- Introduction
- Status of QGP at RHIC
- ?Particle multiplicities
- ?Elliptic flow
- ?High pt suppression jet quenching
- High density gluon saturation (CGC)
- ?d-Au data
- ?Forward rapidities
- Summary perspectives
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
2 Main Goals in RHIC experiments
Phase Diagram of Nuclear Matter
F.Karsch, hep-lat/0106019
Lattice QCD
Energy Density/T4
TC ? 160MeV (?B 0)
? Large experimental program
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
3 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider _at_ BNL
- First Physics Run June 2000
- Several systems/energies
- AuAu _at_ 200 GeV
- _at_ 130 GeV
- _at_ 62.4 GeV
- CuCu _at_ 200 GeV
- _at_ 63 GeV
- dAu _at_ 200 GeV
- 62.4 GeV
- pp _at_ 200 GeV
- (reference data)
RHIC accelerates all species from p to Au
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
4 Particle multiplicities at RHIC
Central AuAu event measured by STAR/TPC, _at_ 130
? Very large number of charged particles per event
dNch/d??0 650 (at 200GeV) ? much higher than
at SPS
Number of charged particles per unit of rapidity
at ?0
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
5 dNch/d? at Mid-Rapidity Energy
- Large increase from SPS to RHIC
- (almost a factor of 2)
- ? Higher energy densities
- An estimate of e 5 GeV/fm3
- at 200GeV (Bjorken model)
- PHENIX, PRL87(2001)052301
- ? Well above the critical
- density ( 1 GeV/fm3)
- AuAu data much larger than pp
- ? Not a simple superposition
- Medium effects ? important role
- in AA collisions
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
6 Elliptic Flow
- Elliptic Flow
- Pressure converts spatial
- anisotropy into p-space
- anisotropy
Reaction plane
STAR, PRL90(2003)032301
Collective Flow Collective
expansion of Nuclear Matter following the
compression phase
- Fourier decomposition of the
- azimuthal distributions
dN/d? F0 (1 ? 2vicos(i?))
? Response to early pressure
v2 2nd harmonic Fourier coefficient ?
Measure of Elliptic Flow
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
7 Elliptic Flow at RHIC
- Much larger elliptic flow at RHIC
- ? high degree of thermalization
- (multiple interactions of
- produced particles)
- Supported by the good agreement
- with hydrodynamical model
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
8 High pt Suppression Jet Quenching
- Particles with high pts (above 2GeV/c)
- are primarly produced in hard scattering
- processes early in the collision
- ? Probe of the dense and hot stage
- pp experiments ? Hard scattered
- partons fragment into jets of hadrons
Experimentally ? Suppression in the high pt
region of hadron spectra (relative to pp)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
9 High pt Suppression at RHIC
- ? Significant suppression
New phenomenon at RHIC
- Not observed at lower energies
- SPS(PbPb) ? Enhancement
- ? due to initial state multiple
- scattering (Cronin effect)
- well known in pA collisions
- Suppression ? consistent with
- partonic energy loss (Quenching)
But, it might be also due to saturation of
gluon densities (initial state effect) ? Jets
do not lose energy but they are produced in
a smaller number
Compare AA and dA (Run3, Control experiment)
- Gluon sat. ? Suppression in dAu
- Quenching ? No suppression in dAu
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
10 Initial or Final State effect ?
? Same conclusion
Final State effects are dominant in
central AuAu at RHIC as expected
from the formation of a hot and dense
medium of partonic matter
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
11 Summary of the main experimental observations
for central AuAu collisions
? All of these results are consistent with the
existence of a dense partonic state of
matter characterized by strong collective
Main conclusion of the 4 RHIC White Papers (to
be published in Nucl.Phys.A)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
12 High Density Gluon Saturation at RHIC
- Several global features of AuAu and dAu
- collisions at RHIC can be reproduced by the
- Color Glass Condensate model (high density
- gluon saturation in the initial state)
McLerran, hep-ph/0402137
As x becomes smaller and smaller, the gluon
density increases faster ? driving force toward
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
13 Forward measurements in dAu collisions
Sensitivity to smaller-x values
- BRAHMS spectrometers measure in the
d-fragmentation region
From y0 to y4 ? x values lower by 10-2 ?
One could hope to see the occurrence of a
suppression effect
D.Kharzeev et al, hep-ph/0307037
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
14 What do we expect?
RpA Nuclear Modification Factor
- At RHIC energies
- ? Cronin effects
- predominant at
- mid-rapidity
- At more forward ys
- ? Transition from
- Cronin enhancement
- to a suppression
- effect
- This is what one would expect if there is an
effect - of gluon density saturation in the initial
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
15 What do we see in the data?
For pt2 GeV/c
x 5?10-4
- Transition from Cronin enhancement to
suppression - Qualitatively consistent with the expected
behavior for CGC
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
16 Rapidity Dependence
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
17 Results from other RHIC experiments
Reference from peripheral collisions
- Good agreement between BRAHMS and PHENIX
- PHOBOS ? consistent results (limited y-range)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
18 Comparison to CGC calculations
- Quantitative CGC calculations for dAu _at_
?SNN200 GeV
Nuclear Modification Factor
Nuclear Modification Factor
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
19 Summary Perspectives
- Results obtained so far at RHIC for central
AuAu collisions are - consistent with the formation of a dense
partonic state of matter - characterized by strong collective
- Strong hints of saturation effects at RHIC (from
dAu data) - ? CGC might provide the initial conditions for
A-A collisions at RHIC
The task now ?
- Characterize the properties of this dense
partonic state of matter
- Confirmation of the Color Glass Condensate
? will require further experimental tests (more
sensitive probes)
- RHIC (upgrades ? improved physics capabilities)
- LHC ? much higher energies (smaller x)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
20 Backup slides
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
21 Future experimental progran at RHIC
- Next 5 years ? Significant detector upgrades
- Improved vertexing for charm measurements
- Better particle id (TOF)
- Low-mass dilepton measurements
- Expanded forward coverage (? low-x physics)
- Longer term ? Significant upgrade of the machine
(RHIC II) - based on electron cooling
(? higher luminosities)
- Additional upgrades
- Proposal for a new detector to exploit the
- increased luminosity
? Extend jet-related measurements to much higher
pts (into the perturbative regime)
Physics program of RHIC II still under discussion
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
22 Main Goals in RHIC experiments
Phase Diagram of Nuclear Matter
F.Karsch, hep-lat/0106019
Lattice QCD
Energy Density/T4
TC ? 160MeV (?B 0)
?B ?F/?NB
Explore and characterize the QGP
F Free energy NB Baryonic Number
(baryon anti-baryon)
Study QCD matter at high densities
? Large experimental program
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
23 Space-time evolution of a heavy-ion
collision at collider energies
- There are several stages in the collision
Emission of hadrons
(t ? 20fm/c)
Parton interactions take place during first stages
Initial State (vc)
Dense Medium
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
24 Two Large Detectors at RHIC
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
25 Two Small Detectors at RHIC
BRAHMS 2 spectrometers (movable) Magnets,
Tracking Chambers, TOF, RICH
- Detailed measurements of momentum
- spectra and yields of charged hadrons
- over a wide range of rapidities
- (including the forward kinematical region)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
26 Thermal model parameters from particle ratios
- Statistical Model Analysis
- ?Analysis of particle ratios measured at RHIC in
a grand canonical ensemble with baryon number,
strangeness and charge conservation
P.Braun-Munzinger et al, PLB518(2001)41
Thermal model parameters at chemical freeze-out
- ?B 465 MeV
- T1747 MeV
- Similar analysis at ?SNN200GeV
- ?B 298 MeV
- T1777 MeV
Agreement -gt indicates a high degree of chemical
equilibration Flow -gt hydro (thermalisation ..)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
27 dNch/d? at Mid-Rapidity Energy
- Saturation models
- also reproduce the
- measured multiplicities
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
28 Very high charged hadron multiplicities
dNch/d??0 553 ? 36
dNch/d??0 625 ? 55
Number of charged particles per unit of
rapidity in the MR (at ?0)
- Much higher multiplicities than at CERN-SPS
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
29 Very high energy densities
- Transverse energy distributions measured by
PHENIX (calorimetry)
- Central events ?
- dET/d??0 500 GeV ( ? SPS)
- Using Bjorken estimate for the energy
- density (J.D.Bjorken, PRD27(83)140)
? ?BJ 4.6 GeV/fm3
- At 200GeV) ? ?BJ 5 GeV/fm3
- factor of 1.6 larger than at SPS
?BJ 3.2 GeV/fm3 for PbPb at SPS (NA49,
Well above the value expected for the Critical
Energy Density (?crit 1 GeV/fm3)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
30 Energy Density from Transverse Energy
Bjorken formula for thermalized energy density
J.D.Bjorken PRD27(83)140
time to thermalize the system (t0 1 fm/c)
6.5 fm
Longitudinal expansion of thermalized system
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
AuAu _at_ ?SNN130GeV
- Measured with Multiplicity
- Detectors (TMA and SiMA)
Central b0
Peripheral b large
Central ?
? Peripheral
- Define Event Centrality Classes
- ? Slices corresponding to different fractions
of the cross section
- For each Centrality Cut
- ? Evaluate the corresponding number of
participants Npart and - number of inelastic NN collisions
NCOLL (from Glauber Model)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
32 Elliptic Flow pt dependence
Kolb Heinz, nucl-th/035084
? Good agreement for central and
mid-central events But overpredicts v2 for
peripheral events (b ? 10fm) ?
incomplete thermalization
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
33 Elliptic Flow from Parton Cascade Transport
Molnar Gyulassy, NPA 697 (2002) 495
- Calculations with ? transport opacities ?
- Agreement with data if ? is very large
- ? large number of interactions
- among the fireball constituents
- (partons)
- ? very large ? hydro limit
- (pt lt 1.5GeV/c)
- Parton cascade predicts
- saturation at high pts
- (observed in the data)
- High pt particles escape the
- fireball before having suffered
- a sufficient number of rescattering
- to thermalize their momenta.
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
34 Flow is Sensitive to Early Stages
- ? Elliptic flow builds up in the first
- instants of the collision (before
- hadronization) and then stays
- constant
- Rescattering converts the initial space
- anisotropy of the overlap region to the
- momentum anisotropy of elliptic flow
- ? v2 is sensitive to the number of
- interactions and can be considered
- as a measure of thedegree of
- thermalization at early time.
v2 is proportional to the
parton-parton scattering
cross section used in the
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
35 Elliptic Flow Sensititivity to the EoS
Hydro calculations Huovinen, Kolb
Heinz NPA698 (2002) 475
- Elliptic flow builds up and saturates
- early in the collision
- ? sensitivity to high density EOS
? Hydrodynamical mass splitiing (observed
in the data) underpredicted by EOS/H
EOS/Q ? quark gluon plasma EOS (hard) EOS/H ?
pure hadron resonance gas (soft)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
36 Nuclear Modification Factor RAA
PHENIX, PRL91(2003)072301
Scaled pp reference
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
37 Nuclear Modification Factor RAA
For peripheral collisions ? NCOLL scaling works
Nucl-ex/0410003 (PHENIX White paper) ? NCOLL
scaling of hard processes has been also checked
using direct photons, which are produced via hard
scattering processes but do not loose energy in
the medium since they have no color charge
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
38 Evaluation of Npart and NCOLL
Npart Nucleons that interact inelastically
in the overlap region between the
two interacting nuclei NCOLL Number of binary
nucleon-nucleon collisions (one nucleon
can interact successively with several
nucleons if they are in its path)
- Use Glauber Model
- Nucl.Phys.B21(1970)135
- Main assumption
- Independent collisions of part. nucleons
- Nucleons suffer several collisions along
- their incident trajectory (straight-line)
- without deflection and without energy
- loss
- Nucleons inside nuclei distributed
- according to a Woods-Saxon density
- profile
- Interaction probability between 2
- nucleons is given by the pp cross
- section
- Calculate the overlap integral at
- a given impact parameter
pp Np1 and NCOLL1 pA Np1 and NCOLLgt1
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
39 High pt suppression Theoretical
Vitev Gyulassy, hep-ph/0209161
- pQCD based calculations incorporating
- parton energy loss via medium induced
- gluon radiation are able to reproduce
- the data
- Energy dependence can be explained
- by the competition between quenching,
- nuclear shadowing and Cronin effect
- Realistic hadronic calculations
- (Cassing, Gallmesiter and Greiner,
hep-ph/0311358) - ? unable to reproduce the observed effect
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
40 Another evidence in favor of Jet Quenching
Azimuthal Correlations
STAR, PRL91(2003)072304
- Azimuthal correlations between
- a high pt particle (trigger) with
- 4 ? pt ? 6 GeV/c and all other
- particles with pt above 2 GeV/c
- ? Indirect way to identify the
- formation of jets
- pp ? Clear two-jet signal
- (back to back correlation)
- dAu ? The signal survives
- Central AuAu ? The signal disappears
- Strong experimental evidence
- for Jet Quenching in AuAu
Jets are deflected in the medium ? destroys the
coplanarity of the 2 jets
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
41 High Density Gluon Saturation
?Gluon density in a proton increases strongly
from large x to small x (xfraction of E
transfered to the gluon)
Saturation at high density QS Saturation scale
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
42McLerran, hep-ph/0402137
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
43 Forward measurements in dAu collisions
Sensitivity to smaller-x values
- BRAHMS spectrometers measure in the
d-fragmentation region
- To reach small x in the gluon distribution of
the Au nucleus
xAu mt/?S ? e-y
? Go very forward
? Larger saturation scale QS Qs2(x) Q02 ?
- Qs2 ? A1/3 (Thickeness effect)
? Saturation scale in Au larger than in p
(saturation can be probed at lower x)
- No final state effects in dAu
From y0 to y4 ? x values lower by 10-2 ?
One could hope to see the occurrence of a
suppression effect
D.Kharzeev et al, hep-ph/0307037
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
44 Kinematics of p-Au
A is p and B is Au Energy and momentum
conservation xL xA - xB (2MT/vs)sinh
y kA kB k
xAxB MT2/s A solution to this system is
xA (MT/vs) ey xB (MT/vs) e-y
y is the rapidity of the detected particle
(xL,k) xL is its logitudinal momentum
fraction xA (xB) is the longitudinal momentum
fraction of the projectile (target) parton
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
45 Centrality Dependence
Reference from peripheral collisions
Highest density of gluons in central
collisions ? Largest suppression
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
46 CGC calculations Predictions for LHC
Predictions for LHC
p-A collisions
- Stronger suppression
- at LHC (smaller x)
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
47 Accessible x range at RHIC and LHC
- LHC ? higher energies, higher rapidities
(smaller x) - p-A (and AA) deeply inside the saturation
regime - Possibility to probe saturation also in pp
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
48 Nuclear modification factor for h- and h
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg
49 Nuclear modification factor for mesons and
anti-proton data not corrected for anti-lambda
feed down
- Difference between baryons and mesons - Related
to parton recombination? (Hwa et al,
F.Rami, IReS Strasbourg