Title: Zbigniew Majka
Review of early results from BRAHMS experiment
at RHIC Zbigniew Majka (for the BRAHMS
Collaboration) Department of Hot Matter Physics,
M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics Jagiellonian
University, Kraków, Poland
- What was built and why?
- What has been accomplished?
- What is still to come?
3BRAHMS Experimental setup
Measurements p, K, ? identified over wide range
of rapidity 0
lt y lt 4 0.2 lt pt lt
3GeV/c central and fragmentation
region vs centrality
(with high precision).
4 Baryon
stopping. Reaction
mechanism and dynamics
Chemical equilibrium
Baryo-chemical potential
Particle production
Particle to antiparticle ratios
Mini-jet production
5Tracking and PID
- Forward Spectrometer
- Full Forward Spectrometer (2.3o lt ? lt 15o )
- High-momentum mode
- sweeping D1,D2
- tracking and momentum determination by T2-T5,
D3,D4 - PID RICH (?/K/p) separation lt 25 GeV/c
- Tof-H2 (? /K lt 5, K/p lt 8.5 GeV/c with 4? cut)
- Low-momentum mode
- tracking and momentum determination by T1-T2, D2
- PID C1 (?/K) separation lt 9 GeV/c
- Tof-H1 (? /K lt 3.3, K/p lt 5.7 GeV/c with 4? cut
- Front Forward Spectrometer (15o lt ? lt 30o )
- Same as Low-momentum Mode
- Momentum resolution ?(dp/p) 1
- Mid-Rapidity Spectrometer
- Tracking and Momentum determination,
- MTP1,MTP2 and D5.
- PID TOFW (? /K lt 2.2, K/p lt 3.7 GeV/c with 4?
6BRAHMS acceptance run 2
7Centrality determination vertex distribution
SiMA (2.0lt ? lt2.0) PTMA (2.2lt ?
lt2.2) BBC (3 lt ? lt 4)
8MRS Hadron identification - TOF
m2p2( t2 / L2 -1)
9FFS Hadron identification
10FFS Hadron identification - C1
Cos? 1/n? gt ?th1/n
11BFS Hadron identification - RICH
12?sNN 130 GeV
- Rapidity dependence of antiparticle-to-particle
ratio - Pseudorapidity densities of charged particles
- Comparison with models
BRAHMS PRL 87 (2001) 112305
BRAHMS PL B523 (2001) 227
13?sNN 200 GeV Pseudorapidity densities
of charged particles
BRAHMS PRL 88 (2002) 202301
15Pseudorapidity densities - comparison
4630 charged particles produced for 0-5
central 14 increase over 130GeV 50 increase
over p ?p (UA5) gt significant medium effects
Bjorken energy density ?BJ
(1/?R2?0) ltp t gtdN ch/d? (where?? 0 1 fm/c, ltp
t gt 0.5 GeV/c) ? 5 GeV/fm3
(?QGPcritical ? 1 GeV/fm3)
16Saturation of excitation in fragmentation region
Data shifted to the beam frame of reference
BRAHMS PRL 88 (2002) 202301
17Antiparticle-to-particle ratio - vs rapidity
130 GeV
- centrality and pt dependence
18Correlation strange meson and baryon
antiparticle-to-particle ratios
BRAHMS submitted to PRL, nucl-ex/0207006
19Summary from BRAHMS
- The highest particle multiplicity observed in
nuclear collisions - ( Nch ?
4600) - Large(st) energy density
- (? ? 5
?crit ) - High reaction transparency
- (p-/p ?
0.75 at y0) -
- Decoupling between central and fragmentation
regions - Onset of boost invariant plateau
- Preliminary
- Partonic (color) description appears necessary
- Central region dominated by matter-antimatter
balance -
Qualitatively new physics regime