Title: Business Family Engineering Does it make sense ?
1Business Family EngineeringDoes it make sense ?
Ildefonso Montero, Joaquín Peña and Antonio
2The Path
- Introduction
- Process Family Engineering
- Business Family Engineering
- Conclusions
- Problem Companies need to adapt to market
changes. It implies that IT infrastructure must
evolve and support BPM
One company Process Family Engineering
Multiple Companies
- Our approach Business Family Engineering
- Goal Does it make sense ?
- Preliminaries SPL in a nutshell
5The Path
- Introduction
- Process Family Engineering
- Business Family Engineering
- Conclusions
6Process Family Engineering
- A first step Process Family Engineering
- Motivation
- Business must adapt to market changes how do we
manage these changes? SPL - Variant-rich processes business as an evolving
- Goal Does it make sense ?
7Process Family Engineering
- A motivating example of Process Family Engineering
1 fast-food restaurant company
8Process Family Engineering
9Process Family Engineering
- A business as an evolving system
10The Path
- Introduction
- Process Family Engineering
- Business Family Engineering
- Conclusions
11Business Family Engineering
- A new step Business Family Engineering
- Motivation
- Variant-rich processes and businesses
- A product line of businesses
- Each business as an evolving system
- Top abstraction level
- Goal Does it make sense ?
12Business Family Engineering
- A motivating example of Business Family
N fast-food restaurant company
13Business Family Engineering
14Business Family Engineering
- Situation
- Common processes in several businesses
- Evolving businesses
- Lets reuse !
15Business Family Engineering
16Business Family Engineering
17Business Family Engineering
- Result A product line of evolving BDD systems
18Conclusions and Future Work
- Do you remember the title ?
Business Family EngineeringDoes it make sense ?
- Challenges
- Definition of the software process
- Obtain a core process framework
- Build BFE products
- Product Evolution Model
- Composition/addition of features based on
processes, MDD,
Ildefonso Montero Pérez monteroperez_at_us.es Joaquí
n Peña joaquinp_at_us.es Antonio Ruiz-Cortés aruiz_at_u