Title: David De Roure
1How Repositories can avoid Failing like the Grid
Repository Fringe
2But the Grid is successful!
3So why are there three projects addressing lack
of uptake?
4...and a theme in the e-Science Institute?
Adoption of e-Research Technologies
5View from Alcove
6How did we get here?! Early adopter success Then
rollout of infrastructure services And then
wondering where the users are Heard at this
How do we persuade researchers to populate our
7 e-Science is about global collaboration in key
areas of science, and the next generation of
infrastructure that will enable it.
- Due to the complexity of the software and the
backend infrastructural requirements, e-Science
projects usually involve large teams managed and
developed by research laboratories, large
universities or governments.
8What are we really trying to achieve here?
A. Everyone using the Grid/Repositories?
B. Research advances on an everyday basis that
would not have happened otherwise?
Not just accelerated but new
9 How do we move from heroic scientists doing
heroic science with heroic infrastructure to
everyday scientists doing science they couldnt
do before?
humanists archaeologists geographers musicologists
... researchers!
Its the democratisation of e-Research ?
10Jim Downing came up with the idea of Long Tail
Science... So we are exploring how big science
and long-tail science work together to
communicate their knowledge. Long-tail science
needs its domain repositories - I am not sanguine
that IRs can provide the metalayers (search,
metadata, domain-specific knowledge, domain data)
that are needed for effective discovery and
Peter Murray-Rust
11The social process of science
Undergraduate Students
Digital Libraries
Graduate Students
Data, Metadata Provenance WorkflowsOntologies
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
Everyday researchers doing everyday research
- Not just a specialist few doing heroic science
with heroic infrastructure - Chemists are blogging the lab
- Everyone is mashing up
- Everday hardware multicore machines and mobile
A data-centric perspective, like researchers
- Data is large, rich, complex and real-time
- There is new value in data, through new digital
artefacts and through metadata e.g. context,
provenance, workflows - This isnt anti-computation design interaction
around data
Collaborative and participatory
- The social process of science revisited in the
digital age - Collaborative tools blogsand Wikis
- e-Science now focuseson publishing as well as
consuming - Scholarly lifecycle perspective
Benefitting from the scale of digital science
activity to support science
- This is new and powerful!
- Community intelligence
- Review
- Usage informing recommendation
- e.g. OpenWetWare
- e.g. myExperiment
Increasingly open
- Preprints servers and institutional repositories
- Open journals
- Open access to data
- Science Commons
- Object Reuse Exchange
Better not Perfect
- The technologies people are using are not perfect
- They are better
- They are easy to use
- They are chosen by scientists
Empowering researchers
- The success stories come from the researchers who
have learned to use ICT - Domain ICT experts are delivering the solutions
- Anything that takes away autonomy will be resisted
About pervasive computing
- e-Science is about the intersection of the
digital and physical worlds - Sensor networks
- Mobile handheld devices
22Onward and Upward
- e-Research is now enabling researchers to do some
completely new stuff! - As the individual pieces become easy to use,
researchers can bring them together in new ways
and ask new questions - The next level
Standing on theshoulders of giants
(Everyday researchers are giants too)
- Absolutely key role in future research. So think
of a better word! - Think of a park / reserve / gardens / zoo
- Visitors, rangers, wardens, gardeners, experts,
security, volunteers, ... - Actively curation
- Dancing bears
- Datacentre might be better ?
Tim Minchin and Dancing Bear photo on
Those 8 Repository points
- Not just a specialist few doing heroic science
with heroic infrastructure repositories for
all! - There is new value in data, through new digital
artefacts and through metadata e.g. context,
provenance, workflows - e-Science now focuses on publishing as well as
consuming - Usage informing recommendation
- Researchers work with collections - Object Reuse
Exchange - They are easy to use
- Anything that takes away autonomy will be
resisted - e-Science is about the intersection of the
digital and physical worlds (not 1970s library
catalogue interfaces)
25Curation of process
And we need to curate processes too!
- Find a process based on what it and find copies
or similar services usable as alternates. - Understand how and when it works, how to operate
it correctly and predict its performance. - Know the conditions for use permissions,
licenses, platforms, and costs. - Judge the benefits of adoption based on its
reputation, provenance and validation by peers. - Estimate the risk of adoption based on its
reliability and stability. - Get assistance for its incorporation into
applications and workflows.
Goble De Roure Educause Review Sep/Oct 2008
26Transformation is already underway
- To understand where were going, look at
communities which have been early to embrace new
technology. - e-Science is one. What can we learn?
- Incidentally, so is music and broadcast!
- Vinyl was like books
- Now the process is digital from the studio
through to playback on an iPod - People create content
- People publish content
- Has the business adapted?
27Note to Reader. The next slides are not intended
to be anti-grid. Everyone working on Grid is
doing great work.
28- Dont think rollout of technologies...
Think roll-in of researchers...
Mass Use by Researchers
Knowledge co-production vs Service Delivery!
Without middleware we need lots of bits of
software to join things together
One Middleware
With middleware there are fewer arrows!
Polynomial involving N1,N2 and M
But this is what happened. Now the picture with
lots of thin arrows isnt quite so scary!
32use Web 2.0 here
Web is being embraced for usability and
programmability e.g. mashups
33And Grid is trying to come to terms with
multicore and clouds!
34A Thought Experiment
Imagine EPrints isnt something you download and
run on a local server
Imagine instead that you just go to the cloud and
make one
How would this repository ecosystemself-organise
to support Research 2.0?
Would there be institutional repositories?
(Actually you can!)
35How Repositories can avoid Failing like the Grid
- Understand what the users will need by going on
the journey together - Be open-minded are we solving the right problem?
(Dont forget curation of process!) - Dont create artificial distinctions from Web
- Beware standards as a barrier to adoption
- Think cloud, outside the institutional box
imagine the repository factory - Think of a new name for repositories!
36- Contact
- David De Roure
- dder_at_ecs.soton.ac.uk
- Thanks
- Carole Goble
- Jeremy Frey
- Simon Coles
- Peter Murray-Rust
37Principles for adoption
- Fit in, Dont Force Change
- Jam today and more jam tomorrow
- Just in Time and Just Enough
- Act Local, think Global
- Enable Users to Add Value
- Design for Network Effects
- Keep your Friends Close
- Embed
- Keep Sight of the Bigger Picture
- Favours will be in your Favour
- Know your users
- Expect and Anticipate Change
Six Principles of Software Design to Empower
Scientists http//eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/15032/