Title: South Carolina
1South Carolina Slavery(1670s-1740)
- Intro Background
- Labor
- Who?
- Why Slaves?
- Black Majority
- Slave Trade
- Uneven Negotiations
- Task System
- African Heritage
- Whites Fears
- Resistance Rebellion
- Conc.
- Key Terms
- Malaria/Yellow Fever
- Middle Passage
- Gullah
- Slave Resistance
- Stono Rebellion
- Jemmy
- Why/how did slavery develop?
- Life in a Black Majority
- Slave resistance
- South Carolinas settlement began about 1670
many came from the Caribbean.
- South Carolinas main crop
4Who Were Their First Choice As Laborers?
- Native Americans
- Indentured Servants
- African Slaves
- Cost (ca.1680)
- Indentured Servant 4 (480.00 US in 2002)
- African Slave 20 (2,400.00 US in 2002)
5Why Switch From Servants To Slaves..?
- Slaves were slaves for life.
- African slaves had more knowledge of rice
cultivation than their owners! - Health reasons-Malaria Yellow Fever were deadly
to Europeans.
Many Africans had natural immunities to these
6Black Majority
- By 1710, blacks outnumbered whites in South
7Slave Trade
- Largest forced migration in human history
involved about 10-12 million Africans. - Middle Passage The voyage from Africa to New
8Slave Ship Middle Passage
Trip to North America 6-12 weeks
9Tools For Middle Passage
10Uneven Negotiations(Between Whites Black
- Pace of work
- Owners-want a fast pace
- Slaves- want a slower pace
- Task System
- Slaves were given a task each day once
completed their work day was over. - On a daily basis, slaves often did not work with
11Holding Onto African Heritage
- Children were given African names.
- Music homes reflected African influence.
- Gullah
A language made up of English African words.
12Whites Fears
- Whites began to restrict behavior of slaves AND
themselves. - Slaves could not work as messengers, barbers,
loggers, etc. - Whites had to join slave patrols taxes were
increasedFear of major REBELLION!
13Slaves Reacted Resisted In Many Ways
Up to 5
Subtle Resistance
Completely Submissive Obedient
Completely Resistant
14Examples Of Subtle Resistance
- Breaking tools, faking illnesses, pretending not
to know English or how to use tools, etc. - Escape for short periods of time.
15Stono Rebellion(1739)
- In a town near Stono River, 20 slaves, led by a
slave named Jemmy, broke into a store. - They traveled South, stopping at plantations
along the way, involving between 60-100 slaves. - Rebels were surrounded by whites slaughtered.
- Largest slave rebellion until 1830s 20 whites
were killed over 100 slaves were killed.
16South Carolina Slavery(1670s-1740)
- Intro Background
- Labor
- Who?
- Why Slaves?
- Black Majority
- Slave Trade
- Uneven Negotiations
- Task System
- African Heritage
- Whites Fears
- Resistance Rebellion
- Conc.
- Key Terms
- Malaria/Yellow Fever
- Middle Passage
- Gullah
- Slave Resistance
- Stono Rebellion
- Jemmy