Title: Lilburn Elementary Media Center
1Lilburn ElementaryMedia Center
- Learn the Sections of the Library
- By Lisa Campbell, Media Specialist
2Sections of the Media Center
3The 5 Main Sections
- The Media Center is arranged in five sections
- Easy (Picture Books) Fiction
- Fiction (Chapter Books)
- Non-fiction (Information Books)
- Biography
- Reference Books
4Examples of Books from Each Section
Easy Book
5The Easy Section
- This is sometimes called the Everybody section,
because everybody loves these books. - They are also called picture books.
6 Fiction Section
The fiction section is filled with chapter books.
Chapter books are longer than picture books and
have chapters! The word Fiction means that the
author made up the story and it never actually
happened, though it can be based on something
7The Non-Fiction Section
Non-Fiction books are filled with true
information based on real things. Non-Fiction
can be about, places, history, geography, crafts
or hobbies, sports, and science, among many other
8The Biography Section
Biographies are true stories about real people.
Biographies can be about people who lived
thousands of years ago, or about people in the
news today.
9The Reference Section
- Reference books are filled with facts and
information to be used for research. - The five most common reference books are the
Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, Almanac, and
Atlas. -
10Examples of Reference Books