Title: HAZUS MH Earthquake, Wind, Flood
1 2HAZUS MH Features
3HAZUS Multi-Hazards Models
Hurricane Pressure Missiles Rain
Flood Frequency Depth Discharge Velocity
Earthquake Ground Motion Ground Failure
- Earthquake model was first released in 1997
- Flood, wind and improved earthquake models are
scheduled for release in February 2004
4HAZUS MH Features
ALOHA / Dispersion
ALOHA / Dispersion
Locations of
Hazardous Atmospheres)
FLDWAV / Dam Breach
FLDWAV / Dam Breach
FLDWAV is a real
time flood forecasting model
for dam
break floods and dam
breach flood
analyses (NOAA)
5Nationwide Databases
- Demographics Population, Employment, Housing
- Building Stock Residential, Commercial,
Industrial - Essential Facilities Hospitals, Schools, Police
Stations, Fire Stations - Transportation Highways, Bridges, Railways,
Tunnels, Airports, Ports and Harbors, Ferry
Facilities - Utilities Waste Water, Potable Water, Oil, Gas,
Electric Power, Communication Facilities - High Potential Loss Facilities Dams and Levees,
Nuclear Facilities, Hazardous Material Sites,
Military Installations
6HAZUS Analysis Levels
Parameter Modification
InCAST Inventory Collection And Survey Tool BIT
Building data Import Tool FIT Flood
Information Tool
Level 1 and 2 analyses can usually be performed
by emergency services or planning staff
Level 3 analysis typically requires technical
7Project Setup Validation
Flood Surface Tab
- Identify the flood elevation map layer
- Display metadata
- Collect descriptive information
8Depth Grid Wizard
Centerline Buffer
- Define the width of the analysis area
- Adjust size to balance inclusion of flooded areas
and processing time
9Backwater Analysis
- Show areas along the outer buffer where the flood
depth exceeds zero - Potential backwater areas
10Backwater Analysis
- Draw backwater area
- Enter backwater elevation
- Save
11HAZUS is for any size of study region
- Region
- Community
- Neighborhood
- Individual Site
12HAZUS and Disaster Management
16FEMA 366-Annualized Losses
17Planning Exposure Estimates
18Scenarios Shelter Needs
- Shelter needs assessment
- New Madrid Scenario
19Mitigation URM Retrofit
Performance Goal
20The End