Title: Housing for
1Planning Zoning
Housing for Older Persons Initiative
New York State Office for the Aging ??? New York
State Department of State
NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal NYS
Energy Research and Development Authority USDA
Rural Development State Office NYS Office of
Mental Retardation Developmental
Disabilities Dormitory Authority of the State of
New York
September 4, 2008 The
Desmond Albany, New
Public Policies
Preferences Expectations
Young educated workers
New York State
Young healthy retirees
4 New York State
. . .
A good place
to live
grow up
and grow old
6This Initiative
- Housing
- Universal design
- Planning
- Zoning
- Land use
- Energy efficiency
- Energy alternatives
- Green-building
7N. Y and U.S.A.
Different options Innovative strategies Successful
approaches Practical community tools
Here and there Lack of awareness Need help Face
but . . .
8This Initiative
- Raise awareness understanding
- Educate successful options and strategies
- Provide technical assistance
- Stimulate local action
9This Initiative
101. Tool kit
- Manual -- guidelines resources
11- Recommendations
- for demonstrations
12- Publicize and
- stimulate discussion
13- Regional and community forums
- Educate heighten awareness
14This Initiative
- Begins today ...
- ... with your input
- Afternoon break-out work sessions
- 130 300 pm
15Break-out Work Sessions -- packets
16 Packets
Manuals topics
Alternatives under each topic
Manuals format
Volunteer sheet
17How about a better name ?
New York by design
Livable New York
18Why do this now ?
Why ...
critical and timely ?
19- Whats
- happening
- in
- New York ?
20Demographic Social Trends
Robert Scardamalia
Director Center for Research Information
Analysis NYS Department of
Economic Development
21Housing Long-Term Care Policy Trends
Greg Olsen
Deputy Director Policy, Research, Legislative
Affairs Division NYS Office for
the Aging
22Smart Growth Livable Communities
Paul Beyer
Director Smart Growth NYS
Department of State
23Planning and Zoning Issues
Linda King
Land Use Training Manager Division of Local
Government NYS Department of State
24Questions and Comments from you ..... then lunch