Title: Efficient Algorithms for Matching
1Efficient Algorithms for Matching
- Pedro Felzenszwalb
- Trevor Darrell
- Yann LeCun
- Alex Berg
2Efficient Algorithms for Matching
- Pedro Felzenszwalb
- Trevor Darrell
- Yann LeCun
- Alex Berg
Polynomial exact
3Efficient Algorithms for Matching
- Pedro Felzenszwalb
- Trevor Darrell
- Yann LeCun
- Alex Berg
Polynomial exact
Multilinear approximate
4Efficient Algorithms for Matching
- Pedro Felzenszwalb
- Trevor Darrell
- Yann LeCun
- Alex Berg
Polynomial exact
Multilinear approximate
Fast? but very good
5Efficient Algorithms for Matching
- Pedro Felzenszwalb
- Trevor Darrell
- Yann LeCun
- Alex Berg
Polynomial exact
Multilinear approximate
Fast? but very good
Happy when things work
6First Criticism
- Efficiently computing the wrong solution is not
so useful
First Response
- Even if say, an algorithm does not solve object
recognition, it can still be a useful tool
7Why Matching?
- Ideas hatched before me
- Statistical Pattern Theory (Ulf Grenander)
- Deformable Templates
- Fischler Elshlager
- Etc. at least by the early 1970s
- transform and appearance parameters
- Matching to estimate transform
Used to be continuous, now often discrete Very
general, Translation / Diffeomorphism /
Assignment Image / Features / Parts / etc.
8Why Matching?
- Ideas hatched before me
- Statistical Pattern Theory (Ulf Grenander)
- Deformable Templates
- Fischler Elschlager
- Etc. at least by the early 1970s
- transform and appearance parameters
- Matching to estimate transform
Used to be continuous, now often discrete Very
general, Translation / Diffeomorphism /
Assignment Image / Features / Parts / etc.
9Why Matching?
- Ideas hatched before me
- Statistical Pattern Theory (Ulf Grenander)
- Deformable Templates
- Fischler Elschlager
- Etc. at least by the early 1970s
- transform and appearance parameters
- Matching to estimate transform
Used to be continuous, now often discrete Very
general, Translation / Diffeomorphism /
Assignment Image / Features / Parts / etc.
10Why Matching?
- Ideas hatched before me
- Statistical Pattern Theory (Ulf Grenander)
- Deformable Templates
- Fischler Elschlager
- Etc. at least by the early 1970s
- transform and appearance parameters
- Matching to estimate transform
- Searching over diffeomorphisms difficult
- Searching over discrete assignments easier?
Used to be continuous, now often discrete Very
general, Translation / Diffeomorphism /
Assignment Image / Features / Parts / etc.
11Search for a Transformation
Model of Car
12Find Transformation Using Correspondence
Model of Car
- Search through a discrete set of possible point
correspondences - Objective function should be close to cost of the
original model - Use the discrete correspondences to obtain a
continuous transformation if needed
13Find Transformation Using Correspondence
Model of Car
Why it works Sometimes we can measure
consistency of model appearance locally Inspired
by branch and bound If local appearance is
inconsistent, any alignment with that appearance
is bad.
My preferred way of motivating
local features
14Find Transformation Using Correspondence
Model of Car
Sometimes local appearance is not enough, so we
model some version of spatial constraints.
Do not make the problem harder than it was
15Linear Assignmente.g. Hungarian AlgorithmJust
Features, no Geometry
Individual feature matches provide most of the
16Quadratic Assignment(Adding Geometric
Individual feature matches provide most of the
solution. Geometric consistency only has to clean
things up a little.
In this case we formulate the matching as an
Integer Quadratic Programming problem and look
for an approximate solution
17Second Meta-Comment
- Even if a problem can have very difficult
instances, the effective complexity of certain
instances might be quite low. This can be quite
difficult to verify formally.
18Use Alignment to Compare
Back to the alignment
Model of Car
- Given alignment evaluate the model
- Note we might have been done already
- Grauman et al, Zhang et al
- Actually do some alignment and check
- the quality of the fit.
19Humans can be very efficient
Thats all fine, but
- Simon Thorpe animal or not in lt150 ms
- Feed forward process
- Difficult to retrain (familiarization does not
make a difference) - Salient parts of images are actually processed
more rapidly. - Support for some styles of current algorithms
- Neurophysiological evidence for some mid-level
vision (illusory contours, figure ground, etc.) - von der Heydt et al
20What is an Object?
- Apple yes, mist no
- A rule of thumb is that objects have some
definite spatial support - Image/Scene? Some context models treat scenes or
images as objects - Face, eyes, nose, eye-lashes
- We can build SPT models for all of these
- Take advantage of the data
- Sometimes a single feature is enough
- For efficiency need to weigh this against how
often that feature is found - Many (?) object recognition datasets allow easy
discrimination between categories with only very
simple features extracted from the whole image,
eg Pascal and Caltech 101. - Segmentation or Figure/Ground -- might as well
see if there is an object there before trying to
recognize it
22An Approach
- Extract features from an image
- Look features up in a large database
- Approximate Nearest Neighbor algorithms can make
this sub-linear. - Each entry tells us about which hypotheses
Object,position,pose,... might be present. - Use a short list of these to check in more
detail using a matching framework - Simple matching can actually be indexed. Indyk et
al, Grauman et al. - Finally use a matching to align models and apply
more expensive processing