Title: What is the TeachStar Online Academy
1(No Transcript)
2What is the TeachStar Online Academy?
- Online professional development for middle school
mathematics teachers and K-8 Reading/Language
Arts/ELD teachers - Instructor-led online courses offered fall,
winter, spring, and summer. - Optional CEU credit through the University of
Southern California
4-8 Language Arts/Reading
- Getting acquainted
- Informal Communication areas
- Introductions/Bios
- Getting comfortable w/ environment
- Skills and navigation
- Technical Requirements
- WebCT tools
- Discussion board skills
- Introduction to content
53 Levels of Interaction
- Instructor Interaction
- Content interaction
- Participant interaction
6Instructor Interaction
- Content Teacher Leaders
- Trained in facilitating online learning
- Moderate discussions
- Weekly Communications
- Weekly letter
- Emails
- Online journal Feedback
- Motivate students
7Content InteractionMultimedia
- Expert/Teacher Interviews
8Content Interactions Active Learning
9Content Interaction Active Learning
10Content Interaction/Peer Interaction
11Peer InteractionLearning Community
12Clearly Defined Objectives
13Multiple Self-Assessment Strategies
14Reflection on Practice
- Initial Benchmarks
- Weekly Reflections
- Final Reflection
- Final benchmarks
15Project-based Learning
- Lesson Plan
- Analysis of learning and classroom applications
16Clear Evaluation Criteria
- Regular login
- Completion of all assignments
- Discussion board participation
- Weekly Reflections
- Final project
17Technical Help
18Incentives Optional Continuing Education Units
- Transcript
- CDOL Certificate of Completion
19Incentives Graduate Credit
- Drury University, State of Missouri
- New Mexico State University
20Challenges to Online Professional Development
- Instructor training
- Participant interactivity
- Benefits / Incentives
- Multimedia production costs