Title: GRID Benchmarking
1GRID Benchmarking
- George Tsouloupas, Marios Dikaiakos, Pedro
Trancoso - georget,mdd,pedro_at_cs.ucy.ac.cy
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Cyprus
2Why GRID Benchmarking?
- Users
- Define Quality-of-Service to be expected
- Developers
- Develop and tune applications
- Compare job submission services, resource
allocation policies, scheduling algorithms - Architects
- Improve system design
- Compare implementations/systems
- GRID Architecture
- Traditional Benchmarks are not sufficient
- Benchmarks 101
- Difficulties with the GRID
- Benchmarking the GRID
- Current Efforts
- GridBench
- Conclusions
4Benchmarks 101
- Kernels
- Scientific
- SPEC (e.g. SPEC CPU)
- Parallel
- NAS, SPLASH, Perfect
- Commercial Applications
- TPC (e.g. TPC-C and TPC-H)
- Multimedia
- MediaBench
But the GRID Architecture is more complex
than traditional systems!
5Difficulties with GRID Benchmarking
- Architecture
- Heterogeneous system
- Non-exclusive use
- Dynamic environment resources added and deleted
online - Middleware extra overheads
- Metrics
- Quantitative and Qualitative
- Understanding results
6Difficulties with GRID Benchmarking
7Benchmarking the GRID
- Benchmark Hierarchy!
- Micro-benchmarks (or probes)
- Measure single performance aspect at different
levels - Micro-kernel benchmarks
- Performance stress-test with realistic workloads
- Application benchmarks
- Derived from real-world applications
8Current Efforts
- Probes
- Benchmark Probes for Grid Assessment Chun et
al. 2003 - Grid Benchmarking Research Group (Global Grid
Forum) NAS Grid Benchmarks (NGB) - Specification Version 1.0 Wijngaart and Frumkin
- Benchmarks for Grid Computing Snavely et al.
2003 - GridBench (CrossGRID WP2)
- Prototype Documentation for GridBench version
1.0, 2003. - Design Document for GridBench, version 1.0, 2002.
- Software Requirements Specification, version 1.1
for GridBench , 2002. - GridBench A Tool for Benchmarking the Grid
Tsouloupas and Dikaiakos 2003 - Performance Evaluation
- Performance evaluation on Grid Z. NĂ©meth
- Data intensive
- Exercise basic Grid operations
- 3-Node Probe (DB ? Comp ? Res)
- Circle Probe (A ? B ? ? A)
- Gather Probe (DB0, DBn ? Comp ? Res)
- Evaluated on the GrADS testbed (UCSD, UTK, UIUC,
and UH) Site level - Diagnostic tool
- Unpredictability, expired keys
10NAS Grid Benchmarks
- Based on NAS Parallel Benchmarks
- Four families of problems
- Embarrassingly Distributed (ED)
- Helical Chain (HC)
- Visualization Pipeline (VP)
- Mixed Bag (MB)
- Different problem sizes
- Framework for Grid benchmarks
- Conduct experiments
- Measure performance
- Interpret results
- Performance at different levels
- Resources (e.g. cluster node, storage element)
- Site (e.g. cluster, SMP)
- Grid Constellation (e.g. Virtual Organization)
- Middleware
12Grid Model Architecture
CrossGrid Testbed
13GridBench Benchmark Categories
- Micro-benchmark
- Micro-kernel benchmark
- Application benchmarks
14GridBench Components
- RSL/JDL Compiler
- XML benchmark description (GBDL) to job
description language - Orchestrator
- Manager of execution and result collection
- Benchmark Components
- Benchmark executable code
- Monitoring Component
- Collects information using e.g. R-GMA or OCM-G
15GridBench Components (2)
- Archive Database
- Benchmark definition, monitor, and results
- Information Provider
- Publishes results
- Benchmark Definition UI
- GUI for defining and executing benchmarks
- Benchmark Browser
- GUI for browsing and analyzing results
16GridBench Software Architecture
17GridBench Definition Lang (GBDL)
- platform-independent XML benchmark specification
- Benchmark Components
- Parameters
- Location
- Co-requisites
- Prerequisites
- Constraints
- Metrics
- Metrics
- Monitors
- Archive
18Metrics Representation
- Benchmark-level metrics Vs component-level
metrics (e.g. benchmark completion time Vs
component completion time) - Single-value metrics
- ltmetric name"epwhetstone_IPS type"value"gt
- ltvector unit"MIPS"gt53lt/vectorgt
- lt/metricgt
- Multi-value metrics
- ltmetric name"xfer-rate" type"list"gt
- ltvector unit"bps"gt
- 2039430,2083930,1909830,2184750,...lt/vectorgt
- ltvector unit"second" toffset"1055327287"gt
- 0,10,20,30,...lt/vectorgt
- lt/metricgt
- GBDL can contain monitoring definitions.
- ltcomponent name"data-transfer"
ID"xfer01"gt...lt/componentgt - ltmonitor type"RGMA" source"ccwp71.in2p3.fr3306
" - query"select from NetworkTCPThroughput
- where NMIdSource'adc0003.cern.ch'
- and NMIdDestination'ccwp7.in2p3.fr'
- ltparameter name"begin"gtcomp-begin"xfer01"lt/p
arametergt - ltparameter name"end"gtcomp-end"xfer01"lt/param
etergt - lt/monitorgt
- Implies that one or more monitoring client/s must
be available
20GDBL Compilation
- XML-based GBDL to Job Description
- Support for simple jobs can be through the use of
simple templates. (executable, parameters and
locations are transformed to simple RSL/JDL
scripts) - Most benchmarks need special command-line
parameter formatting, or parameter files.
21Compilation Example GBDL to RSL
GBDL ltbenchmark date name"nbody"gt ltcomponent
id"A" name"nbody type"mpi"gt
ltlocation type"single"gt ltresource
cpucount"2 name"ce1.grid.ucy"/gt
ltresource cpucount"2
name"ce2.grid.ucy"/gt lt/locationgt
ltparameter name"executable"
type"attribute"gt /bin/nbody.exec
lt/parametergt ltparameter name"nparticles"
1000 lt/parametergt lt/componentgt
- ((resourceManagerContact
- ce1.grid.ucy")
- (label"subjob 0")
- (environment
- (count2)
- (arguments"-n 1000")
- (executable"/bin/nbody.exec" ))
- ((resourceManagerContact
- "ce2.grid.ucy ")
- (label"subjob 1")
- (environment
- (count2)
- (arguments"-n 1000")
- (executable"/bin/nbody.exec" ))
22Archival and Publication of Results
- Benchmark results are archived in a native XML
database (Apache Xindice) - The Benchmark results are stored together with
- GBDL definition.
- Results are meaningless without the specific
parameters - Monitoring data
- Comprehension/Analysis of results is enhanced
when combined with monitoring data. - Benchmark results related to a Site are published
to the local MDS - easy access by users and schedulers
23GridBench Micro-benchmarks
- _at_ Worker node level
- EPWhetstone embarrassingly parallel adaptation
of the serial whetstone benchmark (MIPS) - BlasBench evaluate serial performance of the
BLAS routines (FLOPS and MB/s) - _at_ Site level
- Bonnie Storage I/O performance (read and write
MB/s) - MPPtest MPI performance measurements (MPI
Performance) - _at_ VO level
- MPPtest MPI performance measurements (spanning
sites) - gb_ftp File Transfer Benchmark (transfer rate)
24GridBench Micro-kernels
- _at_ Site level
- High Performance Linpack
- kernels from NAS Parallel benchmarks (NPB)
- _at_ VO level
- computational intensive Grid Benchmarks (e.g.
User Interface
Archiver SE
26GridBench UI
27GridBench UI
28GridBench UI
29GridBench Browser
30Experimental Results
- Micro-benchmark _at_ Worker node level
- EPWhetstone
- Micro-benchmark _at_ VO level
- gb_ftp
31Experimental Results
- Micro-kernel benchmark _at_ Site level
- High Performance Linpack
- Benchmarking the GRID is different from
traditional benchmarking - GridBench Complete framework
- Define Benchmark
- Platform-independent GDBL
- Execute benchmarks
- Hierarchical benchmarks
- Archive and Publish results
- Graphical User Interface
33Future Work
- Work-In-Progress
- Complete GBDL specification
- Implementation of more benchmarks
- Monitoring
- Interpret results