Title: Creating a Web page Using Basic HTML
1Creating a Web page Using Basic HTML
By Magdalena Martinez CIEP 491 (W
600) Assessment 12
2A Web page is a simple text file a set of HTML
The tags are simple instructions that tell the
Web browser how the page should look. The tags
tell the browser to do things like change the
font size or color, or arrange things in columns.
Most tags come in matched "beginning" and
"ending" pairs, but this is not an absolute rule.
Ex lthtmlgt beginning tag lt/htmlgt ending tag
4The Web browser interprets these tags to decide
how to format the text onto the screen.
Hey! Those are Web browsers!
5You can look "behind the scenes" of almost any
page on the Internet this way.
Right Click on any blank portion of a web page
and select View Source
6Lets begin constructing our
First Webpage
Open Notepad or SimpleText depending on
which platform you are using
7lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegtMy First Pagelt/titlegt
lt/headgt ltbodygt Hello there. This is my first
page! lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Type in the text as displayed.
Save this file as first.html on your desktop.
8We created the Title of the web page AND the
body of the web page!
9Got Tags??Basic HTML Tags
ltbgt.....lt/bgt to Bold
ltigt.....lt/igt to Italicize
ltugt.....lt/ugt to Underline
ltbrgt creates a break between one line and another.
ltpgt creates an extra space between two lines of
ltfont color"color"gt...lt/fontgt to change font
ltfont facetype"gt...lt/fontgt to change font type
ltbody bgcolorcolor"gt body background color
lthrgtcreates a horizontal rule, or horizontal line.
10Getting your page on the World Wide Web
Many institutions with Web servers offer free
space to post your pages As Loyola students we
can have access to Orion.
There are also many commercial sites that offer
free space.
Loyolas Unix Computing System http//orion.it.luc
A Beginners Guide to HTML http//www.ncsa.uiuc.ed
How Stuff Works http//www.howstuffworks.com/categ
Yahoo Directory on HTML http//dir.yahoo.com/Compu
The Webs Largest Hosting Directory http//www.hos