Title: Implications of CT on disinhibition among HIV negatives
1Implications of CT on disinhibition among HIV
- Dr Liz Corbett
- Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
- Reader, London Sch Hyg Trop Med
- Background
- Evidence for disinhibition following CT
- Limitations of what we know
- Implications and conclusions
- CT and HIV prevention
- Significant beneficial impact on behaviour /-
STIs - Following presentation with STI (RESPECT USA)
- For discordant couples
- If HIVves
- Only RESPECT has shown an impact in HIV-ves
- Subsequent suggestions of increased risk
behaviour or disinhibition
Weinhardt et al Am.J.Pub Hlth 1999891397
Denison et al AIDS Behav 2007 epub
4Why might disinhibition occur?
- Risk compensation
- Concern to biomedical HIV prevention
interventions - Microbicides / circumcision / vaccines
- Familiar to all car drivers
- Perceived safety tends to increase speed
- Could this apply to CT?
- Got away with own risky behaviour before
- Feel immune
- More willing to repeat those risks
- Less worried about partners status/behaviour
- Farquhar et al
5Evidence for disinhibition after CT
- Workplace CT intervention
- Harare, Zimbabwe
- Biological endpoint HIV incidence at 24mos
- Manicaland Project
- Eastern Zimbabwe
- Behavioural endpoint 24 mos after last
assessment - RESPECT-2 trial
- Behavioural biological outcome STI incidence
at 12 mos
6Workplace VCT trial, Harare
Corbett et al PLoS Med 2006 3 e238
7Corbett EL et al. AIDS 200721483-9
8HIV incidence in 2,996 participants 1.37 per 100
PY on-site VCT sites 0.95 per 100 PY off-site VCT
sites Relative risk 1.49 (0.79 to 2.80) 49
increased risk of becoming HIV infected under
high uptake VCT strategy, but not significant
Corbett EL et al. AIDS 200721483-9
9Reported change in risk behaviourHIV-ve
individuals beforeafter VCT compared to HIV-ve
individuals who did not have VCT5,775
individuals interviewed in both 1998 and 2000
Increased risk
Decreased risk
Sherr L et al AIDS 2007 21 851
10RESPECT-2 USA STI clinics
- Randomised trial comparing
- Rapid HIV tests with same day results
- versus lab ELISA with HIV results in 1 wk
- Both arms same counselling
- 3,298 HIV-ve participants 73 follow-up to 12
mos - Results
- Significantly higher receipt of results with
rapids - But higher incidence of repeat STIs with rapids
- Significantly so in men
- 47 and 34 increase over lab ELISA at 6 12 mos
- Rapid receipt of results less effective at
changing behaviour?
Metcalf et al Sex.Transm.Dis 200532130-8
11Meta-analysis of 7 VCT studies in developing
- VCT recipients (before after or compared to
non-recipients) - Less unprotected sex reported OR 1.69 95CI
1.252.31 - Number of sex partners similar OR 1.22 95CI
0.891.67 - Biggest effects in studies including discordant
couples or HIVve participants
Denison et al AIDS Behav 2007 epub ahead of print
12Summary and limitations
- 3 studies showing hints of behavioural
disinhibition - Rapid testing
- None conclusive
- Only significant results from subgroup analysis
- None the less
- Very worrying
- Effects not small!
13Summary and limitations
- 3 studies showing hints of behavioural
disinhibition - Rapid testing
- None conclusive
- Only significant results from subgroup analysis
- None the less
- Very worrying
- Effects not small!
- Implications?
- Formal studies needed
- Long term outcomes of different CT strategies
- In HIV-positives
- In HIV-negatives
- Is this something about same day results?
- If confirmed major public health significance
- Worrying, but inconclusive trail of evidence for
disinhibition following CT with same day results
in HIV-ves - All current studies point in the same direction
- Could be a major effect
- To maximise HIV prevention we need to know
- If disinhibition does occur then
- Who is most at risk?
- What CT factors contribute?
- What client beliefs contribute?
- How to pre-empt it with more effective
counselling - Meantime
- Be aware of potential risk of disinhibition
- Communicate this to clients
- Report outcomes post-VCT stratified by clients
HIV status
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