The Revolt of the Iceni - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Revolt of the Iceni


Black-clad females, long-haired and brandishing torches, stood on the beach with the men ... Iceni had drawn up their wagons (with their women on) behind them ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Revolt of the Iceni

The Revolt of the Iceni
  • Queen Boudiccas revenge

60 CE. Success for the Romans
  • C Suetonius Paullinus, governor of Rome was in
    Anglesey, an important Druidical centre
  • If he was victorious here he would have stamped
    out most of those who rebelled against Rome
  • The Romans disliked the human sacrifice practised
    by the Druids

  • Black-clad females, long-haired and brandishing
    torches, stood on the beach with the men
  • Behind stood the Druids calling down magic upon
    the approaching Roman army
  • The Romans cut them down
  • They destroyed the sacred groves (which were red
    with the blood of Roman prisoners)
  • They began to construct a fort

  • News was brought of a rebellion by Boudicca,
    queen of the Iceni
  • Prasutagus, the king, had died
  • The Romans intended to take over his territory
  • Slaves and soldiers arrived to take over the
  • They were not supervised as the governor was far
    away in Wales

Would you put up with this?
  • Boudicca, the queen, was flogged (whipped)
  • Her daughters were attacked and abused
  • The important people in the tribe were badly
    treated and arrested

And yet more ill-treatment!
  • The colonists at Camulodunum took the Icenis
    land for themselves
  • The military ignored this so the Iceni got no
  • Taxes imposed on the tribes by the Romans were
    high and the other tribes sympathised with the
    Iceni and supported them

  • The Iceni gathered together, with Boudicca as
    their leader
  • They headed for Colchester, which was undefended
    and full of retired soldiers
  • The town was burnt and the people retreated to
    the temple where they withstood the rebels for
    two days

  • Petillius Cerialis, legate of the 9th Legion
    rushed south to the rescue
  • The legion was ambushed
  • His infantry was massacred
  • He had to retreat with his cavalry to his fort
  • The deputy governor of Britannia retreated to Gaul

Paullinus to the rescue!
  • If Paullinus brought all of his soldiers down
    from Wales it would have taken two weeks
  • He came ahead with the cavalry
  • In three days he covered 400 km
  • The 2nd Legion refused to come up from Exeter to

Londinium turns to ashes
  • When Suetonius Paullinus reached London he
    realised that he did not have enough troops to
    defend it
  • He left it to defend itself
  • Those who could march went with him
  • The rest remained behind to die
  • The same happened at Verulamium (St Albans)

Boudicca, who?
  • Cassius Dio, a Roman, described Boudicca
  • She was very tall. Her eyes seemed to stab you,
    her voice was harsh and loud. Her thick,
    reddish-brown hair hung down below her waist. She
    always wore a great golden torc around her neck,
    and a flowing tartan cloak, fastened with a

Boudicca, victorious
  • Boudicca fell on Londinium and reduced it to
  • Today archaeologists find the thick layer of
    ashes when they dig in London
  • Boudicca advanced on Verulamium and reduced that
    to ashes
  • A Roman, Tacitus, writes that 70 000 died in the
    three towns (Camulodunum, Londinium, Verulamium)

Disaster or success?
  • The rest of Paullinus army arrived
  • He had 10 000 men
  • The Iceni, with the support of other tribes had
    230 000 men!
  • Paullinus turned to fight
  • He chose a site surrounded by woods and hills
    with an open plain in front

Boudiccas speech (1)
  • We British are used to women commanders in war
  • I am descended from mighty men
  • But now I am not fighting for my kingdom and
  • I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost
    freedom, my bruised body, and my abused daughters
  • The Roman division which dared to fight is
  • The others cower in their camps, or watch for a
    chance to escape

Boudiccas speech (2)
  • They will never face even the din and roar of all
    our thousands
  • Let alone the shock of our onslaught
  • Consider how many of you are fighting and why
  • You will win this battle, or perish
  • That is what I, a woman, plan to do
  • Let the men live in slavery if they will

  • The Romans won! (10 000 against 230 000)
  • They had better weapons
  • They were better disciplined (advancing in
    ranks), using military tactics (testudo)
  • The Iceni had drawn up their wagons (with their
    women on) behind them and were trapped when the
    Romans advanced
  • 80 000 Britons died, only 400 Romans

The aftermath
  • Boudicca killed herself, rather than surrender to
    the Romans
  • The commander of the 2nd Legion (that refused to
    come) fell on his sword
  • The army laid waste to the territory of the Iceni
  • Forts were built in their territory and extra
    soldiers were drafted in
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