Title: Smart Cruise, an application of MINERVA and Hydra
1Smart Cruise, an application of MINERVA and Hydra
- Dr. William E. McUmber, Laura A. Campbell, and
Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng - This work is supported in part by National
Science Foundation grants EIA-0000433,
CDA-9700732, CDA-9617310, CCR-9633391,
CCR-9901017 and DARPA grant No.
F30602-96-1-0298, managed by Air Force's Rome
Laboratories, Eaton
Corporation, a Motorola doctoral fellowship, and
in cooperation with Siemens Automotive and
Detroit Diesel Corporation.
2Smart Cruise(An Application of MINERVA and Hydra)
- Dr. William E. McUmber, Laura A. Campbell
- Advisor Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng
- Software Engineering and Network Systems Lab
- Michigan State University
This work has been supported in part by NSF
grants EIA-0000433, CDA-9700732, CDA-9617310,
CCR-9633391, CCR-9901017, and DARPA grant No.
F30602-96-1-0298 managed by Air Forces Rome
Laboratories, Eaton Corporation, and a Motorola
doctoral fellowship.
3describe smartcruise
4errors found
5sample visualization1
6sample visualization2
8Smart Cruise Requirements
Achieve desired trail distance
Safety zone
Coast zone
Closing zone
About 400 ft - acquires target vehicle. Closing
speed low enough to control.
Starts coasting to match speed
Maintain proper trail distance - speeds match
Safe zone
This is what we want
Closing speed too high.
Issues warnings to avoid this condition
9Smart Cruise Class Model
target acquisition target loss distance
x1 integer x2 integer tinc integer vc
integer vtinteger vinteger tmin integer
2 z1 integer z2 integer xhit integer xcoast
integer setspd integer a integer 15 closing
v integer vc integer vt integer x
integer tmode booelan
carspeed throttle control
setv integer realv integer
10High Level Control Dynamic Model
Wait for set
Wait for target
Ack from car
too close too fast
Get speed and distance
Warning or Alarm
Check bounds
Maintain Trail position
11Using MINERVA and Hydra
Analysis results
Analysis tool
Diagram reports
Analysis reports
Hydra can automatically generate formal
specifications for a number of target languages,
including Promela, the input language for the
SPIN model checking analysis tool.
12Embedded Systems
- Software for embedded systems is in general
difficult to design and debug because it usually
involves time-dependent sections in difficult to
instrument situations. Methods for developing and
modeling embedded systems software and rigorously
verifying behavior before committing to code are
important because embedded systems frequently
control critical devices.