Title: Situation Analysis: Tires
1Situation Analysis Tires
- My 1985 F250 has four independent and identical
tires. If any tire fails, the vehicle cannot be
driven. Assume the reliability of an individual
tire is 0.9. - What is the reliability of the F250 with respect
to tires?
4WD, 460 V8, 375,000 miles
2Situation Analysis Tires
- Framing the question The truck works if
- tire1 works AND/OR
- tire2 works AND/OR
- tire3 works AND/OR
- tire4 works
- Is it AND or is it OR?
3Situation Analysis Tires
- The truck works if
- tire1 works AND
- tire2 works AND
- tire3 works AND
- tire4 works
- AND ? series equation
- Rs R1R2Rn (0.9)(0.9)(0.9)(0.9) 0.65
4Situation Analysis More Tires
- What is the reliability of an eighteen wheeler
with tires of reliability equal to 0.9? Ignore
dualies effect, assume if one tire fails, the
truck fails.
5Situation Analysis More Tires
- What is the reliability of an eighteen wheeler
with tires of reliability equal to 0.9? Ignore
dualies effect, assume if one tire fails, the
truck fails. - Rs R1R2Rn (0.9)18 0.15
6Situation Analysis Flying
- You are flying on a Boeing 747 with four engines.
The reliability of each engine is 0.9. The
plane can fly with as few as one engine working. - What is the probability of a failed flight?
7Situation Analysis Flying
- Framing the question The plane works if
- engine1 works AND/OR
- engine2 works AND/OR
- engine3 works AND/OR
- engine4 works
- Is it AND or is it OR?
8Situation Analysis Flying
- The plane works if
- engine1 works OR
- engine2 works OR
- engine3 works OR
- engine4 works
- OR ? parallel
- Reliability 1 (0.1)4 0.9999
- Probability of failure 1 - R .0001
9Reliability Situation Analysis
- Your favorite uncle has offered you two free
tickets to the Hoobastank concert Saturday night
in Salt Lake City. - You have three choices for travelfly, drive, or
train. - Which one will get you there most reliably???
10Reliability getting to the Hoobastank concert
- Fly two serial flights, each with a reliability
of 90 of getting you to each destination - Drive Your car is 80 reliable, so your friend
Megan offers to drive side-by-side with her car
(to get the free ticket). Her car has a
reliability of 80. - Train Reliability of arrival on time of 80.
11Reliability getting to the Hoobastank concert
- Fly R (0.9)(0.9) 0.81 ? 81
- Drive R 1 (1-0.8)(1-0.8) 0.96 ? 96
- Train R 0.80 ? 80
- Drive, baby, drive!
12Situation Analysis Rock climbing
- Youve climbed up the backside of a cliff, 3,000
feet off the valley floor. You and your partner
each have one rope, each 1,800 feet long, and
each with a reliability of not-breaking of 0.95.
Theres a ledge halfway down, at 1,500 feet. You
can get extra help at the top, but not at the
ledge. - What is the most reliable way to descend by rope,
and what is the probability of a fall due to rope
13Rock climbing Solution one
- Tie ropes together, drop them down, climb down
all the way. - You live if rope1 works AND rope2 works .series
equation - Reliability (0.95)2 0.90
- Probability of death 1 0.9 0.1 ? 10
14Rock climbing Solution two
- Drop two ropes down, climb half-way down drop
ropes again, climb rest of way. - Segment one You live if rope1 works OR rope2
works . parallel equation - RS1 1 (1-0.95)(1-0.95) 0.9975
- RS2 1 (1-0.95)(1-0.95) 0.9975
- You live if S1 AND S2 work
- R (0.9975)(0.9975) 0.995
- Probability of death 1 0.995 0.005 ? 0.5
15Situation Analysis Snowballs
- My two sons have a snowball hit-the-target
- reliability of 75, my two daughters 50.
- What is the reliability of one of them hitting me
with a snowball, given that all four throw?
I get hit if Sue OR Greg OR Kim OR Sue hit
me. Reliability 1 (1-0.75)(1-0.75)(1-0.5)(1-0
.5) 1 - (0.25)(0.25)(0.5)(0.5)
0.984375 98
16Reliability Examples
- Item MTBF
- wood pencil 30 minutes
- PC (hardware) 10,000 hours 1 year
- Disk drive 150,000 hours 15 years
- Windows 98 8 hours
- Windows XP gt 40 hours (est.)
- Linux gt 1000 hours (est.)
- Automobile 500 hours (est.)
17Reliability Examples
- Item MTTR
- wood pencil 30 seconds (sharpen)
- PC (hardware) hours
- Disk drive hour or N/A
- Windows 98 minutes (reboot)
- Windows XP minutes (reboot)
- Linux minutes (reboot)
- Automobile hours