Title: INF5120 Modellbasert systemutvikling
1INF5120Modellbasert systemutvikling
- Web Services
- XML Schema
- Forelesning 26.03.2007
- Roy Grønmo
- roy.gronmo_at_sintef.no
- Web Services Infrastructure and Architecture
- XML Introduction
- XML Schema
- Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
- Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
3Web Services Infrastructure and Architecture
4What is a Web service?
- The term Web services is confusing.
- There are many things that are referred to as
Web services. - Adding to the confusion is the term services
which is interpreted differently by different
5What is a Web service?
6Definition (W3C) Web service
- A Web service is a software system designed to
support interoperable machine-to-machine
interaction over a network. It has an interface
described in a machine-processable format
(specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with
the Web service in a manner prescribed by its
description using SOAP-messages, typically
conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in
conjunction with other Web-related standards. - - W3C Web Services Glossary, http//www.w3.org/TR/
7Characteristics of a basic Web service
- Fundamental requirements
- It receives service requests and sends service
replies over HTTP - Service requests input data/parameters
- Service responses output data/parameters
- Data is normally formatted as an XML document
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Interface w/ operations and associated bindings
and protocols are described using WSDL - Additionally, a Web service may
- Be registered with a discovery agent through
which it can be located, typically UDDI.
8Web services stack
9Web services a conceptual view
10Web Services Architecture
11Relationship between Architecture model and Web
UML Activity
UML Interface
UML Class
XML Schema
12Model-driven Web Services Two alternatives
PIM (COMET models)
PSM (WS UML Profile)
- Transformation choices
- fixed
- config file
- user is prompted
Web Service (XML, Textual)
1. Transformation in two steps via UML profile
2. Transformation in one step
13XML Introduction
14XML - a Metameta Language
Metameta/How to define schema
15XML Schema to represent the DTD in XML syntax and
express additional constraints
RDF Resource Description Framework - to add
XSL(T) to rearrange/restructure an XML
document and to prepare a document for
rendering based on an XSL document
Document Type Definition (DTD)
XML Document
XML Query to query sets of XML documents
XPointer to position a cursor in an XML document
XLink to create complex links
16Example XML Document
- lt?XML version"1.0"?gt
- ltmemo clearance-level 0 status draftgt
- ltmemo-headergt
- ltfromgtBrian Smithlt/fromgt
- lttogtMary Brownlt/togt
- ltdategtMarch 3, 1998lt/dategt
- ltsubjectgtexcessive overtimelt/subjectgtlt/memo-header
gt - ltmemo-bodygtltparagtThe Flame Project team has been
working overtime for weeks and weeks. Lets take
the group to lunch on Friday. lt/paragtlt/memo-bodygt - lt/memogt
17Example XML Document
- lt?XML version"1.0"?gt
- ltmemo clearance-level 0 status draftgt
- ltmemo-headergt
- ltfromgtBrian Smithlt/fromgt
- lttogtMary Brownlt/togt
- ltdategtMarch 3, 1998lt/dategt
- ltsubjectgtexcessive overtimelt/subjectgtlt/memo-header
gt - ltmemo-bodygtltparagtThe Flame Project team has been
working overtime for weeks and weeks. Lets take
the group to lunch on Friday. lt/paragtlt/memo-bodygt - lt/memogt
Start- and end-tags come in pairs
18the content of simple elementsappears between
start tag and end tag
- lt?XML version"1.0"?gt
- ltmemo clearance-level 0 status draftgt
- ltmemo-headergt Text content
- ltfromgtBrian Smithlt/fromgt
- lttogtMary Brownlt/togt
- ltdategtMarch 3, 1998lt/dategt
- ltsubjectgtexcessive overtimelt/subjectgtlt/memo-header
gt - ltmemo-bodygtltparagtThe Flame Project team has been
working overtime for weeks and weeks. Lets buy
pizza for the group on Friday. lt/paragtlt/memo-bodygt
- lt/memogt
19the content of compound elementsappears between
start tag and end tag
- lt?XML version"1.0"?gt
- ltmemo clearance-level 0 status draftgt
- ltmemo-headergt
- ltfromgtBrian Smithlt/fromgt
- lttogtMary Brownlt/togt
- ltdategtMarch 3, 1998lt/dategt
- ltsubjectgtexcessive overtimelt/subjectgtlt/memo-header
gt - ltmemo-bodygtltparagtThe Flame Project team has been
working overtime for weeks and weeks. Lets buy
pizza for the group on Friday. lt/paragtlt/memo-bodygt
- lt/memogt
a compound element includes all of the
complete subelements the tags and content of the
20Attributes in XML
- In the document, we see
- ltmemo clearance-level 0 status draftgt
- Attributes are associated with elements.and the
assignment of values to attributes always appear
in the start tag for the element.
tag name
attribute name
attribute value
attribute name
attribute value
21Namespaces Example
- Slightly modified listings document
- lt?xml version"1.0"gt
- ltRecent-Listings Area"Raleigh Hills" Date"March
97 - xmlnshttp//www.century21.com/listings.dtd
- xmlnsmls"urnuuidC2F41010-65B3-11d1-A29F-00AA
00C14882" gt - ltFor-Salegt
- ltHome id"h1"gt
- ltAddressgt8225 SW Canyon Lanelt/Addressgt
- ltmlsStructuregt
- ltNum-Bedsgt3lt/Num-Bedsgt
- ltNum-Bathsgt2lt/Num-Bathsgt...
Default Namespace
Named Namespace
22XML is extensively used Examples
- XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
- XSLT programming language for transformation
- Web Services XML Schemas, WSDL, SOAP, BPEL
- Storage/Exchange formats
- Configuration files
- Advantage Tool support for parsing, validation,
editing, visualization, ease of debugging etc. - Disadvantage Poor readability, efficiency
(compared to binary)
23XML Schema
24XML Schema Definition (XSD)
- Define the legal building blocks of an XML
document - Defines elements that can appear in a document.
- Defines attributes that can appear in a document.
- Defines which elements are child elements.
- Defines the order of child elements.
- Defines the number of child elements.
- Defines whether an element is empty or can
include text. - Defines data types for elements and attributes.
- Defines default and fixed values for elements and
25Simple types
- Simple types are defined by restricting a
built-in-type or another simple type - ltsimpleType nameagegt
- ltrestriction baseintegergt
- ltminInclusive value0/gt
- ltmaxInclusive value130/gt
- lt/restrictiongt
- lt/simpleTypegt
- fourteen facets to restrict including pattern,
enumeration, length(3), period and duration
26Another Example
ltsimpleType name"US-Flag-Colors"gt
ltrestriction base"string"gt
ltenumeration value"red"/gt
ltenumeration value"white"/gt
ltenumeration value"blue"/gt
lt/restrictiongt lt/simpleTypegt
27Defining complex types
- ltxsdcomplexType name"Address" gt
- ltxsdsequencegt
- ltxsdelement name"name"
typexsdstring" /gt - ltxsdelement name"street"
typexsdstring" /gt - ltxsdelement name"zip"
typexsddecimal" /gt - lt/xsdsequencegt
- ltattribute namecountry" typexsdstring"
/gt - lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
- ltxsdcomplexType name"PurchaseOrderType"gt
- ltxsdsequencegt
- ltxsdelement name"shipTo" type"Address" /gt
- ...
- lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
28Document instance of purchase order
- ltPurchaseOrder orderDate"1999-05-20"gt
- ltshipTo country"US"gt
- ltnamegtAlice Smithlt/namegt
- ltstreetgt123 Maple Streetlt/streetgt
- ltcitygtMill Valleylt/citygt
- ltstategtCAlt/stategt
- ltzipgt90952lt/zipgt
- lt/shipTogt
- ...
- lt/PurchaseOrdergt
29ltcomplexTypegt or ltsimpleTypegt?
- When do you use the complexType element and when
do you use the simpleType element? - Use the complexType element when you want to
define child elements and/or attributes of an
element - Use the simpleType element when you want to
create a new type that is a refinement of a
built-in type (string, integer, etc)
30Defining attributes
- ltattribute name"Category" use"required"gt
- ltsimpleTypegt
- ltrestriction base"string"gt
- ltenumeration
value"autobiography"/gt - ltenumeration
value"non-fiction"/gt - ltenumeration value"fiction"/gt
- lt/restrictiongt
- lt/simpleTypegt
- lt/attributegt
- Note attributes can only have simpleTypes
(i.e., attributes cannot have child elements).
Anonomous type
31Notes about Attributes
- The attribute declarations always come last,
after the element declarations. - The attributes are always with respect to the
element that they are defined (nested) within.
ltelement name"foo"gt ltcomplexTypegt
ltsequencegt lt/sequencegt
ltattribute name"bar" /gt ltattribute
name"boo" /gt lt/complexTypegt lt/elementgt
"bar and boo are attributes of foo"
32Inheritance Extending complex types
- ltcomplexType name"USAddress"gt
- ltextension base"Address"gt
- ltsequencegt
- ltelement name"zip"
- type"xsdstring"/gt
- lt/sequencegt
- lt/extensiongt
- lt/complexTypegt
- ltelement name"zip type"xsdstring"/gt
tag name in instance document
type is either built-in types, simpleTypes or
XML instance
34XSD XML text editor
ltxsschema xmlnsxs"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSch
ema"gt lt/xsschemagt
- Inside here goes
- elements
- complexTypes
- simpleTypes
- Can also be built using simple text editors
- XML editors gives contextual support, e.g. like
auto-completion, suggestions for elements, etc.,
as well as validation of the XML document.
35XSD UML profile for XSD
- UML representation of XML schema.
- Useful in a UML-centric development method if the
modelling environment supports generation/import
of XSD documents.
36PIM4SOA main mappings to XSD
37Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
38Making a SOAP function call over HTTP
HTTP Request
XML Data
HTTP Response
XML Data
39The SOAP Envelope
- ltSOAPEnvelopegt
- ltSOAPHeadergtlt/SOAPHeadergt
- ltSOAPBodygt
- ltmFunctionNamegt
ltparamName1gtparamValue1lt/paramName1gt - ltparamName2gtparamValue2lt/paramName2
gt - lt/mFunctionNamegt
- lt/SOAPBodygt
- lt/SOAPEnvelopegt
40Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
- Purpose
- Web services need to be defined in a consistent
manner so that they can be discovered by and
interfaced with other services and applications. - The Web Services Description Language is a W3C
specification providing the foremost language for
the description of Web service definitions. - W3C, "Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
Version 2.0 Part 1 Core Language", World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C), W3C Working Draft, 3 August
2004. http//www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-wsdl20-20040803
41WSDL Conceptual view
42WSDL Conceptual model
WS Client
WS Interface
WS Provider
Operations Invoked through Ports
Concrete Endpoint Address
Name,Abstract Message Parts Schema Message
Exchange Pattern
(Reusable) Binding
Concrete Message Encoding Concrete Messaging
43WSDL Message exchange patterns
WS Provider
WS Client
44WSDL 1.1 metamodel
45UML profile for WSDL
UML representation
Text representation
46 lttypesgt ltschemagt
ltcomplexType name"CreditCard"gt... ltelement
name"number" type"string"/gt ltelement
name"expires" type"date"/gt... lt/typesgt
ltmessage name"validateRequest"gt
ltpart name"card" type"CreditCard"/gtlt/messagegt
... ltportType name"Payment"gt
ltoperation name"validate"gt ltinput
message"validateRequest"/gt ltoutput
lt/operationgtlt/portTypegt ltportType
ltoperation name"getCapabilities"gt...
ltoperation name"describeFeatureType"gt...
ltoperation name"getFeature"gt...
ltoperation name"lockFeature"gt...
ltoperation name"transaction"gt...
ltbinding name"PaymentSOAPBinding"
type"Payment"gt ltsoapbinding
...gt ltoperation name"validate"gt...lt/bindinggt
ltbinding name"TransactionWFSSOAPBinding"
type"Payment"gt ltoperation
ltoperation name"describeFeatureType"gt...
ltoperation name"getFeature"gt...
ltoperation name"lockFeature"gt...
ltoperation name"transaction"gt...lt/bind
inggt ltservice name"myWebService"gt
ltport name"Payment_Port
binding"PaymentSOAPBinding"gt ltsoapaddress
ltport name"TransactionWFS_Port
Copy-down Inheritance
47Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)
BPEL is a Web service composition language. It
defines how to compose other Web services so to
accomplish a more complex task. A BPEL engine is
capable of executing the composite service
described by BPEL. The outcome will be a
composite BPEL-defined Web service which itself
can be regarded as a Web service.
49BPEL language
- XML notation
- Interaction with other Web services
- ltreceivegt. Wait for an incoming message.
Typically at the process start - ltinvokegt. Call another Web service
- ltreplygt. Send a response message from the entire
BPEL service - Control flow
- ltsequencegt. Sequential control flow
- ltflowgt. Parallel control flow
- ltswitchgt. Conditional branching
- ltwhilegt. Loop
- Data flow
- ltvariablegt. Defines the data objects involved
- ltassigngt. Copy a data object from one variable to
another possibly w/ data transformation
50BPEL Simplified view
A BPEL process is a composite Web service with a
WSDL description.
51BPEL Foundations
52BPEL Details
- Two Uses
- Executable process descriptions
- Business protocol descriptions Abstract
processes - Partner links
- Paired WSDL interfaces
- Correlation setsBind messages to
process/activity instances. - Endpoint references
- Partner
- Grouping constraint on partner links to a single
business partner. - Process Activities
- Basic - assign, throw, terminate, wait, empty,
compensate - Partner interaction - receive, reply, invoke
- Structured - sequence, switch, while, pick, flow,
53BPEL example
54BPEL Process
ltprocess name"purchaseOrderProcess" xmlns"http
"gt ltpartnerLinksgt ltpartnerLink
name"purchasing" partnerLinkType"lnspurchasin
gLT" myRole"purchaseService"/gt ltpartnerLink
name"invoicing" partnerLinkType"lnsinvoicingL
T" myRole"invoiceRequester" partnerRole"invo
iceService"/gt ltpartnerLink name"shipping" part
nerLinkType"lnsshippingLT" myRole"shippingReq
uester" partnerRole"shippingService"/gt ltpartne
rLink name"scheduling" partnerLinkType"lnssch
edulingLT" partnerRole"schedulingService"/gt lt/p
55BPEL process
ltsequencegt ltreceive partnerLink"purchasing"
variable"PO"/gt ltflowgt ltlinksgt ltlink
name"ship-to-invoice"/gt ltlink
name"ship-to-scheduling"/gt lt/linksgt ltsequence
gt ltassigngt ltcopygt ltfrom variable"PO"
part"customerInfo"/gt ltto variable"shippingR
equest" part"customerInfo"/gt lt/copygt lt/ass
igngt ...
56BPEL process
ltinvoke partnerLink"shipping" portType"lnss
hippingPT" operation"requestShipping"
outputVariable"shippingInfo"gt ltsource
linkName"ship-to-invoice"/gt lt/invokegt ltreceiv
e partnerLink"shipping"
variable"shippingSchedule"gt ltsource
linkName"ship-to-scheduling"/gt lt/receivegt ...
57UML profile for BPEL
58PIM4SOA main mappings to BPEL
59RSM and UML profile for Web services
60Referanser, neste forelesning...
- XML, XML Schema, WSDL www.w3c.org
- BPEL http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BPEL
- www.oasis-open.org
- NB! Utskrift av foilene fra denne forelesningen
blir lagt ut på neste forelesning. - Neste forelesning 16.april, Interoperability and
MDI EIF and EIM (Brian)