Title: Financial Reporting for the Medical Practice
1Financial Reporting for the Medical Practice
- Medical Group Management Association
- Healthcare Financial Managers Association
2Your Presenters
- Chris Keefe
- Metro Imaging
- Sharon Sagarra
- Controller
- Radiologic Imaging Consultants
- Volume
- Collection/reimbursement
- A/R
- Productivity
- Financial statements
4Who is your audience?
- Doctor/CEO
- Doctors/owners
- Doctors/non-owners
- Management
- Staff
- Bank
- Outside accountant
5What are the Hot Buttons?
- Volume
- Collection
- Physician productivity
- Billing expense
- Staffing expense
- Others?
6Volume Reporting
7Volume by Type of Service
8Exam Comparison
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Monitoring Collections, Reimbursement, Billing
14Receipts by DOS
15GHP Collections by Site
17Collection Rates
19A/R Trends
20Accounts Receivable Reconciliation
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23Productivity Monitoring-Physicians
24CPT by Physician
25Volumes for Key Indicators
26 Exams Read per FTE
27Work RVUs per FTE Radiologist by Site
28Productivity Monitoring-Staff
29Staff Productivity
30Overtime Monitoring
31Tardy Monitoring
32Biller Productivity
33Financial Statements
34Chart of Accounts
- MGMA Chart of Accounts
- MGMA Cost Survey
- Outside Accountants Chart of Accounts
35Cash vs Accrual
- Cash is easy
- Tax basis
- Docs understand it
- Expenses fluctuate
- Impact of docs vacation
- Accrual is more work
- Must estimate net revenue
- Rev Expenses matched to proper period
- Malpractice spread out
36Modified Cash
- Best of both worlds
- Spread large expenses
- Book depreciation
- Flexible
- Easy
37Contractual Allowance
- Can be difficult to estimate
- How do you know when it is right?
- How long does it take to collect every penny?
- Changes every year
38Timing of Financial Statements
- When should your F/S be ready?
- On the first?
- 10 days after month-end
- 15 days after month-end
- 25 days after month-end
39Impact of Physician Comp
- Your physician compensation formula can drive
your F/S format - Expenses by doctor
- Car, CME, travel, Dues, Licenses
- Their nurse, their staff, their space..
- Separate cost centers for each doctor?
- How far do you go?
40Financial Statements Samples
41Basic Income Statement
42Income Statement to Budget
43Trend Report 12 rolling months
44Trend Report Income Stmt
45Net Profit per FTE
46Balance Sheet
- How do you use it?
- Balance sheet ratios
- Debt to equityTotal debt/equity
- What equity?????
- Current ratioCurrent assets/current liab
4712 Month Trend Report Balance Sheet
48General Ledger Analysis
49RVU Report
50Cash Flow
51Sample Reporting for Physician Compensation
52Direct expenses
- Phys comp benefit
- Prof liab ins
- Employee salaries
- Dues, memberships
- CME, travel
- Meals, entertainment
- Rent
- Marketing
- Retirement plan
- Health insurance
- Auto
53Variable expenses
- Employee salaries
- Employee benefits
- Medical supplies
- Drugs
- Physician services
- Transcription
- Data processing
- Billing/collection
- Telephone
- Postage
54Fixed expenses
- Employee salaries
- Employee benefits
- Rent
- Equipment leases
- Building maint
- Property taxes
- Interest
- Equipment maint
- Legal and acctg
- Utilities
- Telephone
- Depreciation
55In conclusion
- They are your reports they should help you do
your job - For doctors no errors allowed
- Use graphs you can skew them anyway you want