Title: Web Enabled Land Management System
1Web Enabled Land Management System for Tuticorin
2Location of Tuticorin Port
Located in the Gulf of Mannar Latitude
8 45 North Longitude 78 13 East
3Water Spread - ZONE A
Land area 2150 acres
4Water Spread - Zone B
36.31 acres
Land Area 365.88 acres
5Harbour Estate Lands
6Land Usage
In (Acres)
7Land Usage
In (Acres)
8Land Allotment Process
e-booking with justification
Receive letter of allotment request from users
Place before Land Allotment committee which
scrutinizes and gives recommendation
- Committee
- Deputy Chairman(Chairman of the committee)
- Chief Engineer
- Traffic Manager
Recommendation submission for Chairmans approval
for Short term (Boards Approval for long term)
Issue allotment order with Terms and Conditions
On receipt of payment through EDI/Cheque,
allotment order generated and issued through ICS
9Land Renewal Process
Receive letter of Renewal request from users
e-booking with justification
Place before Land Allotment committee which
scrutinizes and gives recommendation
- Committee
- Deputy Chairman(Chairman of the committee)
- Chief Engineer
- Traffic Manager
Recommendation submission for Chairmans approval
for Short term (Boards Approval for long term)
Issue Renewal order with Terms and Conditions
On receipt of payment through EDI/Cheque,
allotment order generated and issued through ICS
10Existing System
Proposed by the Management to develop an
exclusive Web Enabled Land Management System
- Transparency
- Paperless transactions
- Visual Navigation of Port area
- Downloadable Reports
12Core Components of System
- Digitization of all plots of land, its status
and classification - Automatic generation of alert / messages /
notices - Online request for processing
13Advantages of the System
- Smooth loading of images
- Mouse scroll Zoom-in / Zoom-out
- Tabbed menu with Ajax for different pages
- Display of various zones like Coal, Timber,
Container, Construction material etc. - Separate login of Administrators and users
- Incorporation of scale of rates
- Spontaneous generation of receipts
- E-booking receipt through auto email
14Tools Used
15Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
Log on the Tuticorin Ports website
http//tuticorinport.gov.in and click the link GIS
16Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
Displays the map of Zone A Port
Displays the map of Zone B Port
Displays the E-booking tab
Displays the Land use image of Port
Zoom Control for the map
Main Menu
17Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
18Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
19Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
- On Mouse forward scroll, users can zoom into the
map - On Mouse reverse scroll, users can zoom out from
the map - Users can move through the map by Left click
drag the mouse - The Centre button of the zoom bar is used to
display the map in full extent (Zoom bar tool can
also be used to zoom in / Zoom out etc.)
On clicking the map, users can get the details of
the area clicked such as Party name, area and
purpose of allotment , allotment period etc.,
20Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
Users can get their ebooking receipt in PDF
format instantaneously on submitting the
application along with an auto generated e-mail.
21Sample Reports
Occupancy List
Vacant Due Long Term
22Procedure for using the Web Enabled Land
Management System
User Registration
User account is activated only on submission of
downloadable activation format as hard copy
23Thank You