Title: NCATE Professional Development Web Conference Series
1NCATE Professional DevelopmentWeb Conference
- NCATE Standards 1 and 2 for Arts and Science
Faculty, - Part I Highly Qualified Teachers in the Content
Area - September 12, 2007
- Arts and Sciences Faculty
3- Please remember to set-up your audio
- 145 p.m. - First audio sound check
- 155 p.m. - Final audio sound check
- 200 p.m. - Session will begin.
4Becoming an Active Participant at Todays
- Welcome to our virtual classroom!
- Before we begin, we will go over-
- The set up of our classroom
- User icons in the classroom
We invite and encourage you to participate with
us and each other !
5(No Transcript)
6Elluminate Icon Review
- Remember these icons, too
- Clapping Happy face Sad face
7Elluminate Icon Review
- To use this web conference tool, remember these
icons - Raise hand Yes, No Mic
- Accept, Reject
8More instructions!
- Click in the rectangular box to key in a text
message. - Text message us if you experience technical
difficulties. - All messages and NCATE responses can be viewed by
all participants.
9NCATE Web Conference Highly Qualified Teachers
- 145 1st Audio Check
- 155 Final Audio Check
- 200 210 Welcome, Introductions, Purpose,
Overview - 210 220 Accreditation and Programs
- 220 245 Role of AS Faculty in Program
Development and Review - 245 300 Summary, Questions, and Next Steps
10Up Front Questions
- What questions do you have?
- Please post your questions on the message board.
The NCATE staff will bring them into the
discussion at the end of the presentation. - Throughout the presentation, if you have
questions, - Post questions on the message board.
11NCATE Staff on the Web Conference
- Boyce C. Williams, Vice President
- Jeri A. Carroll, WSU Faculty, NCATE BOE Chair
- Donna Gollnick, Senior Vice President
- Deidre Alves, Accreditation Associate, Program
Review - Khadija Jordan, Assistant to Donna Gollnick
- Julien Goichot, Webmaster
12Purpose and Overview
- Examine the role of the AS faculty in program
review and unit accreditation - Institutional Program Development, Review, and
Accreditation - Teacher Education Program Development, Review,
Accreditation - Role of AS Faculty/Teacher Education
13NCATE Vocabulary
- Candidates--university/college students
- Students--the children in P-12 classrooms
- Unit--body with the responsibility for managing
or coordinating all programs offered for the
initial (1st license) and continuing preparation
(after 1st license) of teachers and other school
14NCATE Vocabulary
- Faculty--full and part-time university faculty
- School Faculty--teachers in P-12 classrooms
- Clinical Faculty--those supervising candidates in
P-12 classrooms - Dispositions--professional behaviors demonstrated
as educators interact with others in support of
student learning and development. - SPAs--Specialized Professional Associations--those
organizations responsible for standards for
students and for teachers. Key to the external
review of programs.
- Purpose primary means of assuring and improving
the quality of higher education institutions and
programs in the United States. - Regional Accreditation for Colleges and
Universities - Faith-based Accrediting Organizations,
- Private Career Accrediting Organizations,
- Specialized and Professional Accrediting
Organizations (NCATE)
- College/University Accreditation
- Business (The Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business-International
AACSB-International) - Fine Arts (National Association of Schools of
Music NASM) - Education (National Council for the Accreditation
of Teacher Education NCATE)
17Purpose of NCATE Accreditation
- Improvement
- of teacher performance through quality teacher
preparation - Accountability
- to children, their parents, and the public
at-large for quality teacher preparation
18NCATE 101
- Programs are created and reviewed by institutions
and then implemented. Candidate and program data
are collected. - External review of programs by SPAs or state
agencies (5-7 years) - Decisions
- Nationally Recognized
- Nationally Recognized with Conditions
- Not Nationally Recognized
19NCATE Review
- Institutional Self Study
- Writing of an Institutional Report
- 1 year after program review
- External Review
- Board of Examiners team comes to campus to
- review facilities,
- interview faculty, staff, students, partners, and
- examine documents,
- write a report.
20Content Knowledge for Teacher Candidates
Candidates preparing to work in schools as
teachers or other professional school personnel
know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical,
and professional knowledge, skills, and
dispositions necessary to help all students
learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet
professional, state, and institutional standards.
Element 1a. Content
21NCATE 101
- Both reports (with errata and rejoinders) sent to
the NCATE Unit Accreditation Board for a
decision. - Accredited
- Provisional
- Written Documentation
- Focused Visit
- Denial or Revocation
22The NCATE Unit Standards
- Conceptual Framework
- vision and mission of the institution and unit
- philosophy, purposes, goals, and institutional
standards of the unit - knowledge bases, including theories, research,
the wisdom of practice, and educational policies
that drive the work of the unit - candidate proficiencies related to expected
knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions,
including proficiencies associated with diversity
and technology, that are aligned with the
expectations in professional, state, and
institutional standards and a - summarized description of the units assessment
23NCATE Unit Standards
- Standard 1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and
Professional Dispositions - Standard 2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
- Standard 3 Field Experiences and Clinical
Practice - Standard 4 Diversity
- Standard 5 Faculty Qualifications, Performance,
and Development - Standard 6 Unit Governance and Resources
24Structure of NCATE Standards
- Standard
- Elements
- Rubric descriptions of unacceptable, acceptable,
target proficiencies - Supporting Explanation
25No Child Left Behind
- Qualified Staff
- NCATE qualifications for candidates include
knowledge, skills, and dispositions---- - Content
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills
- Dispositions
- Impact on Student Learning
26Focus of AS Faculty Web Conferences
- Standard 1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and
Professional Dispositions - Element 1a Content knowledge for teacher
candidates - Standard 2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
- Element 2a. Assessment System
- Element 2b. Data Collection, Analysis, and
Evaluation - Element 2c. Use of Data for Program Improvement
27Standard 1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and
- Element 1a. Content knowledge for teacher
candidates - know the content that they plan to teach
- can explain important principles and concepts
delineated in professional, state, and
institutional standards. - 80 or more of the units program completers pass
the content examinations in states that require
examinations for licensure.
28Standard 2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
- Element 2a. Assessment System
- Tied to institution mission, vision..
- Tied to units conceptual framework
- Tied to professional, state, and institutional
standards - Comprehensive set of assessments and evaluative
measures to assess candidate performance - Monitored at transition points (entrance to
program, before student teaching, after student
teaching, end of program)
29Standard 2 Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
- Element 2b. Data Collection, Analysis, and
Evaluation - Provides information on candidate qualifications,
proficiencies and competence - Internal and external evaluations--collected,
compiled, aggregated, summarized, and analyzed - Used to focus on candidate performance, program
quality, and unit operations. - Element 2c. Use of Data for Program Improvement
30NCATE Web Conference 1
- Element 1a. Content knowledge for teacher
candidates - know the content that they plan to teach
- can explain important principles and concepts
delineated in professional, state, and
institutional standards. - 80 or more of the units program completers pass
the content examinations in states that require
examinations for licensure.
31National Content Standards NCATE/Specialized
Professional Associations (SPAs) Partnerships
- Twenty Program Areas
- NCTE (English/Language Arts Education)
- ACTFL (Foreign Language Education)
- NCTM (Mathematics Education)
- NSTA (Science Education)
- NCSS (Social Studies Education)
- ISTE (Ed. Computing and Technology)
- AECT (Ed. Communications and Technology)
- NASPE (Physical Education)
32Other Licensure Areas
- Agriculture
- Art
- Business
- Family Consumer Science
- Speech
- Theatre
- Instrumental Music
- Vocal Music
- Dance
33To Establish a New Program (1)
- Establish a need.
- Gather the professional community (AS and
Education faculty, practicing professionals,
students, and graduates). - Examine the content standards.
- Know, understand, use, dispositions.
- Determine the courses where each standard is
addressed. - Know and understand AS
- Use and dispositions Education
34To Establish a New Program (2)
- Determine the curriculum (set of courses for
program or major). - Determine the assessments (within courses and
across courses program). - Set the criteria for passing the assessments.
35Determining Coursework
- AS Faculty /or Chairs, Education Faculty /or
Chairs, Others - Examine each standard, one by one.
- Connect standard to course, assessment, and
conceptual framework.
36Review and Approval Processes
- Internal/Institution
- SPA Program Review (SPA Template)
- Context
- Eight Assessments
- Assessments Aligned to the Standards
- NCATE Unit Accreditation
37Program Review For Each Best Assessment (1)
- Brief description
- Aligned of the assessment to the standards
- An analysis of the data
- How data provide evidence of meeting the
standards - Documents to be included
- the assessment tool or description of the
assignment - the scoring guide for the assessment and
- candidate data derived from the assessment.
38Program Review For Each Best Assessment (2)
- Criteria for passing through the transition point
to the next part of the program. - Admission
- Entrance to student teaching
- Exit from student teaching
- Exit from the program
- Licensure
39Sample Assessments by Transition Point (1)
- Admission
- Content
- New York Regents Exam (http//www.nysedregents.org
/) (Used as a basis for identifying potential
areas of concern.) - GPA (clearly tied to standards grading criteria
defined) - Basic Skills
- PRAXIS I (Reading, Writing, Mathematics)
- CollegeBase (CBASE)
- Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency
(CAAP) - Essays and Interviews (writing and reading
skills, dispositions) - Professionalism
- Letters of reference
- Hours and types of work with children
40Sample Assessments by Transition Point (2)
- Entrance to student teaching
- 80 of coursework for content area is completed
Specific GPA required - Successful rating on dispositions rubrics
- PRAXIS II Content Exam
- Key assessments to this point
- Exit from student teaching
- PRAXIS II Principles of Learning and Teaching
(PLT) - Student teaching evaluation form
- PRAXIS II Content Exam
41Sample Assessments by Transition Point (3)
- Exit from the program and/or licensure
- Completion of all coursework
- Overall GPA (specific)
- Content GPA (specific)
- All key assessments
- State licensure test
- PRAXIS II Content Exam
- PRAXIS II Principles of Learning and Teaching
42How do we know candidates know and understand the
- Grades
- Traditional tests (t/f, multiple choice, short
answer, essay, annotated timelines) - Performance Assessment
- measure of assessment based on authentic tasks
such as activities, exercises, or problems that
require students to show what they can do. - Tasks
- designed to have students demonstrate their
understanding by applying their knowledge to a
particular situation. - ASCD Education Topics
43Example Performance Assessment
- Given a current political map of Africa showing
the names and locations of countries and a
similar map from 1945-- - Traditional assessment Identify and explain
differences and similarities. - Performance assessment Prepare a newspaper
article explaining the changes. - ASCD Education Topics
44Assessments for Program Review
- Six to eight key assessments to assess the
program, each clearly tied to the content
standards. - Content (Licensure Tests--aligned to standards)
- Content
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Professional and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
and Skills - Student Learning
- Three Others
- Things to consider
- How many standards? (English 4, Biology 12,
Social Studies 10 Thematic Standards, 5
Disciplinary Standards) - How many assessments? (maximum of 8)
45Rubrics for Program Review
- performance-based assessments
- evaluate student performance on any given task or
a final product, or learning outcome - use specific criteria as a basis for evaluating
or assessing student performances - in narrative descriptions
- separated into levels of possible performance to
assess tasks as they relate to a final product or
behavior - related to a given task.
- levels of performance.
- describes degrees of proficiency and
- each level is assigned a value that rates the
degree of proficiency or student performance. - numerical and/or qualitative rating scales are
46Standards to Performance
- Each standard is aligned to
- Courses on Program Check Sheet
- Syllabus
- Goals/Outcomes/Objectives
- Assessments
- Rubrics
- Data--by standard
- How well did the student do?
- How well did the class do?
- How well does the program do?
- How well does the unit do?
47How does this collaboration happen?
- Scenarios
- Foreign Language
- Biology
- Sociology/Anthropology
- Integrated Social Studies
- Whats a Rubric Anyway?
48What next?
- At your site, visit with those who have attended
this web conference with you for a couple of
minutes. - What idea from this session makes the most sense
to you? How might you act upon that idea
relatively soon? - Post your responses on the messaging board (IM).
49Resources (1)
- Accreditation
- http//www.teac.org/CHEA_Talking_Points.pdf
- Accreditors
- http//www.chea.org/pdf/CHEA_USDE_AllAccred.pdf
- NCATE Glossary of Terms
- http//www.ncate.org/public/glossary.asp?ch143U
- NCATE 101
- http//www.ncate.org/public/publicationsbooks.asp?
ch49bookSTD123 - http//www.ncate.org/documents/clinics/2007/NCATE1
50Resources (2)
- NCATE Unit Standards
- http//www.ncate.org/documents/standards/UnitStand
ardsMay07.pdf - Performance Assessment
- http//www.ascd.org/portal/site/ascd/menuitem.4427
471c9d076deddeb3ffdb62108a0c/ - Rubrics
- http//www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teaching/rub
rics/print.htm - Qualified Staff
- http//www.ed.gov/nclb/methods/teachers/edpicks.jh
tml?srcaz - Content Standards (20 Program Areas)
- http//www.ncate.org/institutions/programStandards
51Next Steps
- Webcast Two - Developing Assessments and
Designing Rubrics - Webcast Three - Using Data to Inform Practice,
Change and Modify Programs
52Its your turn
We are now going to turn the conference over to
you and ask for your feedback on the following
questions located on the next slide. Please
briefly answer these questions in the text
message window and include the number of the
question you are referring to, we will compile
them as part of our internal assessment of the
53- After attending the session
- 1. What might be one main idea that you will take
away from this conference and put into use at
your institution? - 2. Do you understand the key role Arts and
Sciences plays in NCATE Program Review and Unit
Accreditation? - 3. Do you have a better understanding of Program
54Thank You for Your Participation
- Questions?
- Please feel free to send questions about this
session and the next two scheduled the - Arts Sciences Web conference Series to
- Dr. Boyce Williams (boyce_at_ncate.org)