Title: Quiz 2: ARTH 222
1Quiz 2 ARTH 222
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2Part I Essay (20 points)
- Please discuss Sweet Briar House as a conscious
reaction to the recommendations put forth by
Downing in The Architecture of Country Houses,
and evaluate it as an example of a Useful and
Beautiful home promoted by Downing as the ideal
American dwelling. - In your answer consider the following
- What style of house is it?
- Which house illustrated in Downings book served
as its model? - How did the Fletcher family match up with the
sort of people Downing stated should live in such
a house?
3Part IIStyle Identification (30 points)Please
identify the object, its style and approximate
4Please identify the object, its style and
approximate date
5Please identify the object, its style and
approximate date
6Please identify the object, its style and
approximate date
7Please identify the object, its style and
approximate date
8Part III Painting Id (30 points)Please give the
artist, title, date and one key piece of
information about each work of art
9Please give the artist, title, date and one key
piece of information about each work of art
10Please give the artist, title, date and one key
piece of information about each work of art
11Please give the artist, title, date and one key
piece of information about each work of art
12Please give the artist, title, date and one key
piece of information about each work of art