Title: man, manu hand
1man, manu hand
2man, manu hand
- manacle v., n.
- man a cle
- to put handcuffs on, to restrain (v.)handcuff
(n.) - The police officer manacled the criminal and put
him in the squad car.
3man, manu hand
manicure n. man i cure cosmetic care of
the hands and fingernails After scrubbing the
floor, my hands were a mess, so I decided to
treat myself to a manicure.
4man, manu hand
manipulate v. ma nip u late to control
or move with the hands to handle skillfully The
sculptor was able to manipulate the marble slab
into a work of art.
5man, manu hand
I love to work with my hands!
manual adj.,n. man u al done by hand
(adj.) a handbook providing information or
instruction (n.) A carpenter performs manual
labor. I will need to look at the manual to reset
the clock on my VCR.
Ive got the manual in front of me!
6man, manu hand
manufacture v. man u fac ture to make a
product by hand or by machinery They manufacture
automobiles at that factory.
7man, manu hand
manuscript n. man u script a handwritten
or typed copy of an article, book, or report
before it is printed. The editor reviewed the
writers manuscript.