Title: Janet M' Wang
1Extended Krylov Subspace Method for Reduced Order
Analysis of Linear Circuits with Multiple Sources
- Janet M. Wang
- Tuyen V. Nguyen
University of California at Berkeley,
CA94706 IBM Austin Research Laboratory ,
Austin, TX 78758
- Introduction
- Power grid analysis
- Multiport reduced order modeling of the power
grid - Input dependent explicit moment matching
- Extended Krylov subspace method
- Incremetal orthogonalization algorithm
- mulpoint extension
- Practical considerations
- Scaling
- Error control
- Experimental results
- Conclusions
- Introduction
- Power grid analysis
- Multiport reduced order modeling of the power
grid - Input dependent explicit moment matching
- Extended Krylov subspace method
- Incremetal orthogonalization algorithm
- mulpoint extension
- Practical considerations
- Scaling
- Error control
- Experimental results
- Conclusions
6Power grid analysis
- Multiport reduced order modeling of the power
grid - Input dependent explicit moment matching
7Multiport reduced order modeling of the power
Krylov subspace
The longer the u vector, the bigger the reduced
order matrices
8Input dependent explicit moment matching
9Input dependent explicit moment matching
10Input dependent explicit moment matching
11Input dependent explicit moment matching
- Introduction
- Power grid analysis
- Multiport reduced order modeling of the power
grid - Input dependent explicit moment matching
- Extended Krylov subspace method
- Incremetal orthogonalization algorithm
- mulpoint extension
- Practical considerations
- Scaling
- Error control
- Experimental results
- Conclusions
13Extended Krylov Subspace method
Input source moments
Congruence transform matrix
14Incremental Orthogonalization algorithm
15Incremental Orthogonalization algorithm
16Incremental Orthogonalization algorithm
For j1k-1
17Incremental Orthogonalization algorithm
- Theorem 1 The orthonormal vectors generated
by the above algorithm span the same space as the
original moment vectors
18Multipoint Extension
In order to capture higher frequency content of
the input waveforms