Title: SUper Nemo Apparatus MImic V.Vasiliev
- Digitize MC true hits, produced by SNOVA
3Library structure
Algorithm classes. bool execute (bhepevent evt)
Mimicator classes
ggdigi, abstract interface void storetruehit
(bhepPoint3D , vectorlt double gt , vectorlt
double gt, double ) double getdist
() double getatime () double getttime
() double getbtime () bool isfired ()
nemo3gg class
pmdigi, abstract interface void storetruehit
(bhepPoint3D, double, double) double getenergy
() double gettime () bool isfired ()
simplepm class
4simple_algo class
- Work with SNOVAv1 geometry
- Create bhep DIGI particle of type void
- For each trk and cal true hit put digi hit
into this particle (if isfired()) - Each digi hit has mother particle property true
particle it came from.
5digi trk hit properties
- string BLK block of GGs as in SNOVA1
- string CELL cell number as in SNOVA1
- double DIST detected anodic distance for fast
hits. 0 if anodic time gt maximum drift time - double ATIME anodic time for delayed hits.
0 if anodic time lt maximum drift time - double TTIME top cathode time. 0 if no signal
- double BTIME bottom cathode time. 0 if no
signal - vectorltdoublegt CELL_POS cell position X,Y,Z
6digi cal hit properties
- string BLK calo block as in SNOVA1
- vectorltdoublegt BLK_POS impact point X,Y,Z
- double E measured energy
- double TIME measured time
- SUNAMI uses CLHEP system of units
- All parameters dimensionless in DST, need to use
CLHEP to convert them back - E.g.
- distance dist CLHEPmm// dist in mm
- energy e CLHEPMeV// energy in MeV
- Use NEMO 3 data for cell performance (see
- Energy resolution 1/Sqrt(E)
- Time resolution tscint/Sqrt(Nph_electrons)
10Future plans
- Many thanks to everybody who tried sunami. Got a
lot of feedback. - Save important digi parameters inside event 0 of
DST (agreed to be service storage). - Multiple hit at the same detector (new algo)
- Algo for SNOVA2
- Algo for multi-flavour calorimeter