Title: CHEE319
- Process Dynamics and Control
- J. McLellan
- Winter 2005
2Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
3Dynamics and Control
- dynamics - time varying behaviour of a process
vs. static, steady-state behaviour - control - maintain desired conditions in a system
by adjusting selected variables in the system
4Example - Shower
5Example - Shower
6Example - Shower
- controlled variables - variables to be regulated
- total flow, temperature
- manipulated variables - variables which are
adjusted - hot water tap
- cold water tap
7Example - Tank Lab Experiment
- controlled variables
- level
- concentration
- inferred by conductivity
- manipulated variables
- concentrated salt flowrate
- exit flowrate
- fractional pump rates
8Example - Tank Lab Experiment
brine soln
9Example - Tank Lab Experiment
brine soln
10Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
11Components of the shower example
- desired values - setpoints - target values for
flow, temperature - sensors - measure process conditions - e.g., hand
- control algorithm - determine corrective action
required - intuition ? - final control element - handles adjusted to
maintain values - taps
12Example - Shower
control algo.
I want a hot shower
hotter shower turn HW tap to right
final control elements
13Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
14Control is necessary in order to...
- reject disturbances protect against the flush
- adjust manipulated variables to restore and
maintain controlled variables at setpoint - if we know disturbance is coming, we can also act
in advance - feedforward control - also known as the load problem
15Control is necessary in order to ...
- follow changes in setpoint
- move to new target values - e.g., warmer
temperature - frequently for economic reasons
- also known as the servo problem
- important in mechanical systems - e.g., motor
control in printers
16Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
17The Systems Approach
- look at flow of information in process
- identify generic quantities - inputs/outputs/state
s - generic - common to all dynamic systems
18The Systems Approach
- inputs - variables in a process which cause
changes in other variables - e.g, manipulated variable, disturbance
- outputs - variables which respond to inputs and
are measured - states - internal states of the process -
complete picture
19Systems Approach
- key issue - causality - cause and effect
- outputs and states respond to changes in inputs
- manipulated variables are some of the inputs to a
process - controlled variables are some of the outputs in a
20Systems Approach - Tank Lab Example
- inputs - concentrated salt flow, exit flow
- outputs - level, salt concentration
- states - level, salt concentration, temperature,
pressure - note that input/output designation does not
always match physical direction of flow
21Systems Approach - Tank Lab Example
Salt Tank
brine flow
exit salt conc.
manipulated variable inputs
salt conc. level temperature pressure
exit flow
tap supply P
disturbance input
22Summarizing Information Flow - the Block Diagram
- Summarize the flow of information in the process
using schematics - - Example - how is exit brine concentration related
to the brine feed and exit flowrates?
salt concentration in effluent
brine feed flowrate
exit flowrate
23Block Diagrams
- each block represents a dynamic component
- each block has only one input and only one output
- signals can be summed together (summing
junction), or sent to several different blocks - the dynamic elements are typically summarized in
the Laplace transform domain, as transfer
functions - there is a block diagram algebra which can be
used to derive expressions describing process
24Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
25Feedback Control
- use process outputs to determine changes to
process inputs of same process - negative feedback - act to reduce differences
between setpoint and actual values
26Example - Shower
control algo.
I want a hot shower
hotter shower turn HW tap to right
final control elements
feedback loop
27Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
28A Tale of Two Processes
- Its time to wash your hands you want to
control - Flow
- Temperature
- Which process design is easier to use?
- ease ability to enforce and change targets -
29A Tale of Two Processes
- One of these faucets lets you set flow and
temperature independently - Changing temperature doesnt cause a change in
flow - Changing flow doesnt cause a change in
30Control Engineering addresses...
- Process Design
- controllability and operability
- how quickly do disturbances pass through
- responsiveness to changes
- Measurements
- selection and location of sensors
- accuracy and speed
- sufficient to characterize process status?
31Control Engineering addresses...
- Final Control Elements
- location, type and variable
- flexibility, speed of action
- Control Structure
- pairing of controlled and manipulated variables
- favourable response and reduced interaction
32Control Engineering addresses...
- Control Calculation
- algorithm to be used to determine changes in
manipulated variables required to remain on target
33Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
34Control Objectives
- Safety - paramount
- maintain proper operation
- emergency systems - e.g., interlocks, relief
valves - Environmental Protection
- via proper operation and containment
35Control Objectives
- Equipment Protection
- proper operation and shutdown at limiting
conditions - e.g., loss of pump suction
- Smooth Operation
- in inputs, outputs - be a good neighbour
- minimize disturbances to integrated units, avoid
stressing equipment
36Control Objectives
- Product Quality
- composition, physical properties, performance
propertiesOnce these objectives have been
satisfied, we can focus on...
- reduce costs - improve efficiency
- raw materials, energy
- models - profit centre vs. cost centre
- frequently involves optimization
38Monitoring and Diagnosis
- Immediate and short-term - assess process
operation - operators/supervisors/plant engineers
- identify potentially dangerous situations
- Longer-term - identify opportunities for
improvement - Total Quality Management - operators/supervisors/plant engineers/management
39Outline - Module 1
- definitions and examples
- components of a control system
- why is control required?
- the systems approach
- defn of feedback control
- control engineering
- control objectives
- improving operation - the operating window and
control benefits analysis
40Justifying Control Applications
- Operating Windows and Controller Benefits Analysis
41Operating Window
- region of feasible (allowable) process operation
- factors
- physical limitations
- e.g., mass fractions between 0 and 1
- safety/environmental/equipment limits
- e.g., maximum pressure, maximum temperature
42Operating Window
- factors (continued...)
- equipment capacity
- e.g., max. pump throughput, tank size
- product quality
- e.g., minimum octane, maximum vapour pressure,
maximum basis weight
43Operating Window - Exercise
- What is the operating window for your shower?
44Operating Window - Example
- reactor for producing octane components
- catalyst deactivates - higher temperature
required - metallurgical limits
Photo from www.grimmengineering.com
45Profitability is maximized by operating at the
point of highest profit within the operating
- - constrained optimization problem (CHEE422)
46In defining operating window, we encounter...
- Soft Constraints - limits which can occasionally
be violated - e.g., product quality
- e.g., small deviations over equipment guidelines
47In defining operating window, we encounter...
- Hard Constraints - limits which cannot be
exceeded under any circumstances - safety and environmental limits
- e.g., maximum pressure in a vessel
- extent to which process can be operated close to
these constraints depends on the degree of
variability in the process
48Process control reduces variabilityenablingopera
tion closer to operating limits
- - frequently a source of financial incentive to
implement control
49Assessing Benefits for Control
- given that primary objectives have been
satisfied, control benefits accrue from reduced
variation - compare operation before (new) control strategy
to operation with the (new) control strategy
50Control benefit analysis requires...
- performance function for process
- how does profitability vary with operating point?
- summary of process variability with and without
the (new) control strategy
operating conditions
operating conditions
51Control benefit analysis
- calculate average or expected performance
with/without control - Fj - frequency of occurrence of range
- process statistical distribution
- e.g., from histogram
- calculating Eprofit over process distribution
52Reduced variability can improve profitability
- allowing mean operation closer to constraints
- e.g., increased throughput, conversion
operating conditions
operating conditions
53Reduced variability can improve profitability
- reduced variation about fixed target
- e.g., excess O2 and heater efficiency
operating conditions
operating conditions
54How close can we move to constraints?
- think of statistical variation - 2 or 3limits
- soft constraints - mean can be 2
fromconstraint - hard constraints - mean must be greater than 3
from constraint
55Look ahead...
Controller Design Procedure
Process Characterization
Controller Design