Title: Office of University Programs
1Office of University Programs NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 Irina Nelson,
Ph.D. Special Assistant for Research and
Outreach Academic Dean, NASA Academy inelson_at_pop10
Mid-Atlantic Regional Space Grant
October 1-2, 2003
Wheeling, VW
Position Name
- oversees activities and programs at GSFC
designed to maintain - and broaden the Centers interaction with the
university community - Manages NASA-wide fellowships and grant
programs at GSFC - Provides programmatic support for other
university-related programs - within various laboratories at GSFC
- Develops new programs to enhance the GSFC RD
missions through - increased contact with the university
community - Programs involve - Undergraduate and Graduate
students - - Faculty
- - Researchers
- - Teachers
- - Teachers of teachers
5Undergraduate Student Research Program
Program - Piloted in 2001, NASA Headquarters
initiative - Research experience at a
participating NASA Center under supervision
of NASA technical mentors - Seminars,
colloquia, poster session Eligibility -
Junior and Senior Undergraduate students -
Majors engineering, mathematics, computer
science physical sciences, life sciences -
GPA 3.0/4.0 - US citizenship Duration -
15 weeks, Fall Session (early September to
mid-December) Award - 7,500 stipend -
Round-trip airfare or ground transportation to
and from GSFC
6Student Internship Program (SIP)http//university
Program - For students interested in space
research - Active participation in DDF and
other projects - Site visits to other NASA
Centers and space-related industries
Publications - Brochure - Web
Site Eligibility - Undergraduate and
Graduate students - Majors engineering,
science, mathematics, computer science - GPA
3.0/4.0 - US citizenship Duration -
Usually 10 weeks, May through September Award -
Varies usually 10/hr for Undergraduate
students 12/hr for Graduate students -
Funds provided by Space Grants Consortia and
7NASA Goddard Academyhttp//www.nasa-academy.nasa.
Program - Summer program for students
interested in leadership careers in the
space program - Individual and group research
at GSFC, lectures, site visits to NASA
Centers and space-related industries, meetings
with space program experts and
administrators - Written
reports, poster session, oral presentations,
multi-media education modules - 3 college
credits (Pass/Fail) granted through the
University of Maryland at College Park -
Collaboration with the International Space
University (ISU), Strasbourg, France
Academy students receive ISU lectures via
satellite, Academy graduates attend ISU, ISU
graduates serve as Academy support staff,
Academy Dean lectures at ISU - NASA Academy
Alumni Association
8NASA Goddard Academy (cont.)
Publications - Brochure - Web Site
- Student Handbook - Mentor
Handbook - Proceedings (Book of
Abstracts) - Book of GSFC Space and Earth
Missions - Education Module Template -
Profile Book - Yearbook - NASA
Academy 10th Anniversary Album Eligibility -
Undergraduate and first or second year Graduate
students in areas relevant to the space
program - GPA 3.0/4.0 (equivalent
B-average for foreign students) -
demonstrated leadership qualities - US
citizenship or US permanent residence -
Citizenship of European Union countries or
Canada, under special
agreements with ESA or CSA
9NASA Goddard Academy (cont.)
Selection Pre-selection by State or Regional
Space Grant Consortia Duration 10 weeks (early
June to mid-August) Award - Roundtrip airfare
or ground transportation to and from GSFC,
from State or Regional Space Grant Consortia
- stipend (typically 3,000-5,000) from
State or Regional Space Grant Consortia -
Lodging, some meals, site visits travel, other
costs, from GSFC (DDF funds) -
Publication costs, from GSFC (DDF funds)
10National Space Grant College and Fellowship
Program (NSGCFP)http//www.hq.nasa.gov/spacegrant
Program - Space Grant Consortia initiative to
establish a national network of universities
with interest and capabilities in
space-related areas - Encourages
cooperative programs among universities,
aerospace industry, Federal/State/local
governments - Provides specialized training
and education to help maintain the United
States capabilities in aerospace science and
technology, and education - Special focus on
under-represented populations, women, and
persons with disabilities
11National Space Grant College and Fellowship
Program (NSGCFP) (cont.)
Eligibility - Undergraduate and Graduate
students - Majors aerospace-related
fields - Selection criteria at the discretion
of State or Regional Space Grant
Consortia - US citizenship Duration Varies
(at the discretion of State or Regional Space
Grant Consortia) Award Varies (at the
discretion of State or Regional Space Grant
Consortia) Additional Managed by NASA
12Graduate Student Researchers Program
Program - Supports Graduate students performing
research in residence at accredited,
degree-granting US universities, on research
projects of mutual interest to students and GSFC
mentors - Cultivates NASA research ties with
academic communities - Special support to High
Performance Computing and Communications
(HPCC) projects to support Grand Challenge
applications in a broad range of scientific
disciplines Eligibility US Citizenship Duration
1-year, renewable up to 3 years
13Graduate Student Researchers Program (GSRP)
Award 24,000/yr Additional - Students are
expected to spend time at GSFC utilizing lab
facilities or consulting with mentors -
Students are encouraged to apply for National
Research Council Resident Research
Associateship (NRC-RRA) grants after
completion of their Ph.D programs
14National Research Council Resident Research
Associateship Program (NRC-RRAP)http//univerist
Program - Full-time independent research in
collaboration with GSFC scientists and/or
engineers contributing to the overall
efforts of the Goddard Center Eligibility -
Recent Ph.D, Sc.D., or other doctoral degree
scientists and engineers of unusual
promise and ability - Senior scientists -
US Citizenship, US permanent residence, or
citizenship of any friendly
country Duration - Typically 2 years -
Year-round entry and exit
15National Research Council Resident Research
Associateship Program (NRC-RRAP) (cont.)
Award - Recent doctoral scientists 48,500/yr
(46,500 2,000
geographic adjustment for GSFC) - Senior
scientists appropriately higher Additional -
Administered for NASA by the National Research
Council of the National Academy of
Sciences - Associates must devote full-time
effort to the research proposed - No
additional monetary aid or remuneration may be
accepted from other appointments,
fellowships, or similar grants, except for
sabbatical leave
16NASA Faculty Fellowship Program
Program - NASA-university cooperative
program - Research, seminars, colloquia,
workshops, poster session Eligibility -
College and university faculty in science,
engineering, and some non-science
disciplines - Teaching or research faculty
with a minimum of 2 years experience -
US citizenship - May reapply for a second
year Duration 10 weeks (late May to early
August) Award 1000/week and 1000 relocation
allowance, where applicable Additional Encourages
participation of faculty from educationally and
culturally diverse population and/or
- Diversity
- The pipeline concept
Alumni Associations
- NASA Academy Alumni Association (NAAA)
- http//www.nasa-academy.org/
- NASA Goddard Student Alumni Association (NGSAA)
- (currently being organized)
18ContactUniversity Programs OfficeNASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, Code 603.1Greenbelt, MD
Telephone 301-286-9690 FAX 301-286-1610 Web
Site http//university.gsfc.nasa.gov/
19Directors Discretionary Fund (DDF)http//ddf.gsf
Program - Supports promising RD projects in
space sciences, earth sciences, technology,
and education - Emphasizes innovative and seed
efforts - Funds high-risk/high potential
ideas Eligibility - NASA Civil Servants
(Principal Investigators) - Co-Investigators
are accepted from universities, other
Agencies, or the private sector Duration 1
year, renewable for a second year Award Varies,
at the discretion of the Center Director