Title: Soil Nutrients
1Soil Nutrients
- Original by Casey Osksa
- Modified by Georgia Agricultural Education
Curriculum Office - July, 2002
2What nutrients do plants get from the air and
3What are the Primary Nutrients?
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorous
- Potassium
4What are the Secondary Nutrients?
5What are the Micronutrients?
- Iron
- Boron
- Zinc
- Manganese
- Copper
- Molybdenum
- Chlorine
6What are the 16 essential nutrients?
- C HOPKNS Ca Fe Mg B Mn Cu Zn Cl Mo
7 Functions of Primary Nutrients and the
deficiency symptoms?
- Nitrogen other than water, most important,
determines rate of growth - deficiency yellowing of leaves
- Phosphorous needed most during germination and
during fruit/seed formation - deficiency stunted growth, purple color in
leaves - Potassium mostly regulatory
- deficiency stunted growth, mottled leaves
8Are there non-essential plant nutrients that need
to be considered?
- Yes, iodine and cobalt are essential in animals
but found in plants
9Why is a knowledge of soil nutrients necessary?
- maximize yield
- maximize profit
- maintain soil fertility
10How do you determine soil fertility?
- soil testing
- manage organic matter
- fertilize
11 What is Fertilizer Analysis?
- it is the amount of the different nutrients found
in a fertilizer - the amount is listed as a percent
- it is ALWAYS listed Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium
(N-P-K) - a fertilizer labeled 10-15-10 is 10 Nitrogen,
15 Phosphorous, and 10 Potassium - if there is a fourth letter it is for Sulfur
12How many pounds of Nitrogen are in a 50 bag of
13 Pounds of Actual Nutrients in a 50 bag of
- add up 101510 35 nutrients or 17.5
14What is the other 65 of this bag?
- A hobby gardener buys a bag of "Scott's
Turfbuilder" uptown for 31.95. The bag weighs
62 and has an analysis of 22-3-3-10. - How many pounds of actual nutrients?
- 17.2
- What is the cost per pound of actual nutrients?
- 1.86
- A similar analysis of "Farmers Grade Fertilizer"
runs about 0.40 per pound of actual nutrient.