Title: Available Data on African American Health Disparities
1Available Data on African American Health
- In this section we will
- Define what is a health disparity, a health
inequality and health equity - Briefly explore San Francisco Data with respect
to population and mortality - Look at what are some of the causes of
disparities - Examples of health disparities in San Francisco
- The Case for the African American Health
Disparity Project
2San Francisco California Ethnic populations,
Jan 1, 2006
Source California Department of Finance
Demographic Research Unit
3Where You Live Can Impact Your Life
- As important as it is, most experts agree that
health care contributes only about 10-15 to
health outcomes and life span. Where you live is
probably a bigger determinant of your health than
whether you have health insurance. - People who live in Bayview/Hunters Point can
expect to live on average 14 years less than
their counterparts on Russian Hill
Source http//www.barhii.org/press/download/barhi
4SF Leading causes of premature death among men,
- Violence/assault, all mechanisms
- Drug overdose, unintentional
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV/AIDS)
- Self-inflicted injuries, all mechanisms
- Alcohol use disorders
Among the top ten leading causes of death by
expected years of life lost (YLLs), which deaths
were the most premature? (i.e., had the highest
average years of life lost)
5Burden of premature death, San Francisco,
6Leading Causes of Death Among Men Using
Age-adjusted YLLs, San Francisco, 2003-2004
Afr. Amer. O Latino ? Asian/PI
X White
7Leading Causes of Death Among Women Using
Age-adjusted YLLs, San Francisco, 2003-2004
Afr. Amer. O Latino ? Asian/PI
X White
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
- Former Surgeon General David Satcher and his
colleagues calculated that during 1991-2000,
nearly 177,000 deaths were averted because of
advances in medical technology, but if we were to
eliminate the disparity between African Americans
and whites, we would have avoided over 886,000
deaths. -
Source http//www.barhii.org/press/download/barhi
12African American Health Disparity Project Past
- What Have We Done for you Lately
- Prostate Health Initiative
- Â Project has provided Education and information
to 4408 men about the benefits of early detection
and available treatment for prostate cancer by
our member hospitals for African American men in
San Francisco. - Project has provided 423 PSA /DRE screening
tests - to African American men.
13African American Health Disparity Project Past
- What Have We Done for you Lately
- Prostate Health Initiative
- Â The San Francisco hospitals have committed 1
million dollars to provide prostate cancer
treatment to ensure that no African American man
is denied medical care based on his ability to
14African American Health Disparity Project Past
- What Have We Done for you Lately
- Advertorials
- The Program has produced 79 targeted
informational articles for, by, and about African
Americans educating the community about their
health and the resources provided by our member
hospitals in San Francisco.
15African American Health Disparity Project Past
- What Have We Done for you Lately
- Ambassador / Navigator Program
- The Program has helped African Americans address
issues and concerns that arise from their
negative experiences at our member hospitals
16African American Health Disparity Project
- So now what?
- A Look at the Strategic Plan for January 2009 to
December 31st 2009
17African American Health Disparity Project
Objectives 2009
- The Project will align its efforts with the
community health efforts put forward by the San
Francisco Department of Public Health. - The Project will focus its programs and outreach
efforts in the areas of - Access
- Communicable Disease
- Chronic Disease
- Violence
18African American Health Disparity Project
Objectives 2009
- The Project will focus and align its objectives
to support existing community projects. - The Project will increase the visibility of the
Hospital Council serving as the coordinating body
for all community outreach and health education
efforts for the African American communities of
San Francisco.
19African American Health Disparity Project
Objectives 2009
- The Project will focus and align its objectives
to support existing community projects. - The Project will increase the visibility of the
Hospital Council serving as the coordinating body
for all community outreach and health education
efforts for the African American communities of
San Francisco.
20African American Health Disparity Project
Programs 2009
- The Project will seek to partner with SFDPH and
our member hospitals to provide education and
outreach to the African American communities with
respect to the Healthy San Francisco Initiative - Currently 9 of eligible enrollees are African
American - In 2009, the Project will seek to increase this
number by 10 or up to 500 new enrollees.
21African American Health Disparity Project
Programs 2009
- The Project will use social marketing strategies
to increase awareness and leverage community
based resources to address Diabetes as a chronic
disease in the African American communities in
San Francisco. - The Project will leverage existing hospital
resources with respect to diabetes education and
treatment to address issues in the African
American Communities with respect to diabetes.
22 African American Health Disparity Project African American Health Disparity Project African American Health Disparity Project
August 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009 - 17 month budget August 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009 - 17 month budget August 1, 2008 to December 31, 2009 - 17 month budget
Expenses  Remarks
Expenses Budget Remarks
Personnel  Â
Project Director 125,000 88,235 annual
Benefits (Standard Hospital Council Policy) 42,500 Â
Total Personnel 167,500 Â
Administrative / Overhead  Â
Rent In-Kind 1209/month (14,508/year), CPMC provided In-Kind Service
Utilities In Kind In-Kind Service Included in the rent
Office Supplies (printing, copying, etc.) 7,500 Â
Communications (Telephone, internet, etc.) 9,000 Â
Travel ( Mileage, etc.) 5,000 Â
Conference/Meetings (Room rentals, food, etc.) 6,000 Â
Training (Conference registration, etc.) 2,000 Â
Insurance (Property, vehicle, etc.) 1,500 Â
Capital (Furniture) 2,000 Â
Equipment Maintenance, Software Update 3,000 Â
Administrative / Overhead Total 36,000 Â
Program Costs  Â
Cultural Sensitivity Project 5,000 Â
Chronic Disease Project 29,500 Â
Community Based Events 13,000 Â
Program Costs Total 47,500 Â
Total Costs  Â
Total budget 2008 - 2009 251,000 Â
Previously funded 35,000 35K Paid by Hospital Council for period 8/08 to 12/08
Remaining total 2008 - 2009 cost of program 216,000 Â